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Health premiums could rise 17 pct for young adults (2 Viewers)

I am telling you people Obama is a liar.......He is a leftist who wants to make this a socialist country....He ran as a moderate but is the most liberal president ever elected.......He has done more damage to this country in 14 months that Bush did in 8 years.......Thanks to him and his insane socialist health care program China owns us........He is unqualified to be president.......Without his teleprompter he is a mental midget........

I know another 3 years of this country will destroy it.......

Wake up my friends before its to late.....Kick all the left wingers out of congress in November........
I'm thinking that since so many young people think this is a great idea, they should consider it a priviledge to pay more for it.;) In fact, they should be elated.

Lets hope so...because the ones that actually have a JOB WILL be paying more for it...and paying more for the interest on the deficits.
I am telling you people Obama is a liar.......He is a leftist who wants to make this a socialist country....He ran as a moderate but is the most liberal president ever elected.......He has done more damage to this country in 14 months that Bush did in 8 years.......Thanks to him and his insane socialist health care program China owns us........He is unqualified to be president.......Without his teleprompter he is a mental midget........

I know another 3 years of this country will destroy it.......

Wake up my friends before its to late.....Kick all the left wingers out of congress in November........

I'm sorry, maybe I should say this again:

A 17% increase over the next 4 years is a MASSIVE improvement over the rate increases we have seen year after year over the last decade. This is proof that the Healthcare bill is HELPING, not hurting us.

Also, relearn what Socialism is, because if you are calling Obama's healthcare plan socialist, then you have NO idea what the word even means. And saying that it gives China ownership of the US is COMPLETELY unfounded.
I'm thinking that since so many young people think this is a great idea, they should consider it a priviledge to pay more for it.;) In fact, they should be elated.

Considering they would easily be seeing a 47% increase (given a best case scenario of 10% each year, based on the last decade) WITHOUT this bill, I would say they are paying MUCH LESS under Obama's plan then they would be otherwise.
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Considering they would easily be seeing a 47% increase (given a best case scenario of 10% each year, based on the last decade) WITHOUT this bill, I would say they are paying MUCH LESS under Obama's plan then they would be otherwise*.

*Unless they had the choice to not pay for any plan.......;)
There, fixed it for you.....;)
*Unless they had the choice to not pay for any plan.......;)
There, fixed it for you.....;)

** Unless they got sick without insurance and went bankrupt

Fixed yours!
*Unless they had the choice to not pay for any plan.......;)**
There, fixed it for you.....;)

**And either get caught in enormous debt themselves or cause a burden on the taxpayer if health complications did arise, and then never have the chance to buy health insurance for yourself again because you now have a pre-existing condition.

There, ftfy.

Not buying health insurance is the DUMBEST thing you could do with your life. It puts yourself and the taxpayer in risk, because when something happens, someone has to pay the bill.
How about the young ones who CAN afford insurance, but refuse to buy it?
I know too many people who spend their money on toys and gadgets and then say they can't afford medical insurance....

SO what? If someone doesn't want to by insurance, then they shouldn't have to. It's their money, let them spend how they see fit.

That is really none of your business is it?
He never said that. He said that the goal was to curb healthcare inflation. For example, if the healthcare bill results in healthcare costs only growing by 10% over the next 5 years rather than 30%, that is a good thing.

He damn well did say costs for healthcare would go down. He only had 6,656,345,323 healthcare speeches b/w the campaign and passage saying this.

Where have you been?:doh
I'm sorry, maybe I should say this again:

A 17% increase over the next 4 years is a MASSIVE improvement over the rate increases we have seen year after year over the last decade. This is proof that the Healthcare bill is HELPING, not hurting us.

Also, relearn what Socialism is, because if you are calling Obama's healthcare plan socialist, then you have NO idea what the word even means. And saying that it gives China ownership of the US is COMPLETELY unfounded.

Again, your not seeing the big picture here.

Someone who doesn't want to buy it, sees no increase.

Also, your taking money out of the private sector and placing it out of the market, so less money is exchanging hands.

It is not unfounded, b/c we are going to have to call China to take on more of our debt, b/c we can't afford the spending that this is gonna cost.
I am telling you people Obama is a liar.......He is a leftist who wants to make this a socialist country....He ran as a moderate but is the most liberal president ever elected.......He has done more damage to this country in 14 months that Bush did in 8 years.......Thanks to him and his insane socialist health care program China owns us........He is unqualified to be president.......Without his teleprompter he is a mental midget........

I know another 3 years of this country will destroy it.......

Wake up my friends before its to late.....Kick all the left wingers out of congress in November........

:rofl :damn:2rofll::2rofll::2rofll:
SO what? If someone doesn't want to by insurance, then they shouldn't have to. It's their money, let them spend how they see fit.

That is really none of your business is it?

Its outrageous that you should be forced to buy something you don't want.......This is the USA not Cuba or China.!!!!
He damn well did say costs for healthcare would go down. He only had 6,656,345,323 healthcare speeches b/w the campaign and passage saying this.

Where have you been?:doh

He has selective hearing...........;)
** Unless they got sick without insurance and went bankrupt
Fixed yours!

Conjecture on your part......;)
Many people rarely go to the doctor, because they don't need to.....
I never went to the doctor, even when I was covered 100% by my union....
If I were to have an accident, I would be covered by my homeowners, auto or workmans comp......
Just how much insurance do I have to buy?......:roll:
Thankfully, I was able to ditch mortgage insurance recently.....
How long is the American public going to let BIG INSURANCE scam us?....
How much are you forced to pay in mandated insurance right now, without health care?.....:roll:

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