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Hawaii becomes first state to put gun owners in federal database (1 Viewer)


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Hawaii becomes first state to put gun owners in federal database | Fox News

Hawaii signed a bill Thursday to become the first state to enter gun owners into an FBI database that will automatically notify police if an island resident is arrested anywhere else in the country.
Gov. David Ige said in a statement that the legislation is about community safety and responsible gun ownership. He said it will help law enforcement agencies protect Hawaii residents and visitors.
State Sen. Will Espero, who introduced the bill, and the Honolulu Police Department said the measure could serve as a model for other states. However, critics believe gun owners shouldn’t have to be entered in a database to practice a constitutional right.
What FBI database?

This is a dangerous precedent. A secret List of people with firearms in the hands of the government. These will be the first people to be 'visited' by the Leftist Federal Police State LEOs for confiscation of those firearms. The temptation that this list exists will be too compelling for the leftists to ignore. You can see the abuse of this coming from a mile off.

Same one with Eric Holder and Hillary's emails?
Private servers, right?
Sorry, that information is classified.
What are you afraid of if you have nothing to hide?

Decided to try on conservatism today, see how it fits. How do I look?

Your question is irrelevant, the state doesn't have the right to know all of my business. Ever heard of the 4th Amendment? You should look into it.
Your question is irrelevant, the state doesn't have the right to know all of my business. Ever heard of the 4th Amendment? You should look into it.

Hey, cool! I'm being conservative today and you're being liberal. Should we trade shoes?
Hey, cool! I'm being conservative today and you're being liberal. Should we trade shoes?

Define the word liberal for us, then retype this comment. We'll give you a second crack at this one...
Define the word liberal for us, then retype this comment. We'll give you a second crack at this one...

Not happening.
Like I said elsewhere, everyone in the English-speaking world knows what I mean when I say I'm liberal, except American conservatives.
Not happening.
Like I said elsewhere, everyone in the English-speaking world knows what I mean when I say I'm liberal, except American conservatives.

huh? I just want you to back up your accusation you made. Obviously you cannot. Troll on my friend.
Yep, the tide is certainly turning and Hawaii is jumping into a leadership role with both feet. California has legislation on the Nov ballot that will require a background check for ammunition: that's the real ticket and there's some other stuff on there as well.

Yep! Things are lookin up!

this is what I love about Jet. he pretends that he supports people being able to own firearms (a lie), he pretends that giving up some rights (such as the right to own firearms that cause people who think like Jet to soil themselves) will help "preserve" the second amendment. What we really have is a guy who lives in a nanny state that has all sorts of idiotic gun control laws and he suffers a "Stockholm syndrome" and now wants to afflict the rest of the country with the idiocy that he lives under.
Grand Mal

So we talking an aluminum boat with ten-horse kicker or a mythical Nordic monster who lives under a bridge?
Yep, the tide is certainly turning and Hawaii is jumping into a leadership role with both feet. California has legislation on the Nov ballot that will require a background check for ammunition: that's the real ticket and there's some other stuff on there as well.

Yep! Things are lookin up!


its fun watching the bangasms from the anti gun left. and then watching the same guy claim he's not a gun banner. I think the Bannerrhoids in Hawaii and California are trying to drive people who vote GOP out of their states. Its what some Democrap run cities have done and some Democrap bannerrhoids have essentially admitted to that strategy
its fun watching the bangasms from the anti gun left. and then watching the same guy claim he's not a gun banner. I think the Bannerrhoids in Hawaii and California are trying to drive people who vote GOP out of their states. Its what some Democrap run cities have done and some Democrap bannerrhoids have essentially admitted to that strategy

I never thought 57 was against gun bans.
I never thought 57 was against gun bans.

He has claimed he is a gun owner and thinks people ought to own some guns-just not any guns he cannot own in the peoples collective of Lunafornia

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