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Has Al Quaida struck again? Explosion in London Underground (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
(5) different major explosions have just occured in the London Metro-system that somehow is related to a power outage. British officials are calling this a major event.
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Billo_Really said:
(5) different major explosions have just occured in the London Metro-system that somehow is related to a power outage. British officials are calling this a major event.

Someone is blowing something up.

Let's see which way the evidence points !
Apparently there are 6 now. Unknown if it's the IRA or Al Quaida.
vauge said:
Apparently there are 6 now. Unknown if it's the IRA or Al Quaida.

Doesn't look like IRA tactics. Just heard that some experts are convinced it's Al Quaida.
Naughty Nurse said:
Doesn't look like IRA tactics. Just heard that some experts are convinced it's Al Quaida.

How the tv and radio people know stuff before the investigation begins and before the smoke even clears is beyond me !

Must have something to do with ratings (read : money)
NoobieDoobieDo said:
How the tv and radio people know stuff before the investigation begins and before the smoke even clears is beyond me !

Must have something to do with ratings (read : money)

People have died, business as London knows it is for all practicle purposes is shutdown.

Naturally folks would change the station if the announcer just kept saying "I don't know" with nothing new - even speculation. Folks tune in for that speculation.

In between those ideas is when the facts come out slowly.
vauge said:
People have died, business as London knows it is for all practicle purposes is shutdown.

The entire Underground network has been shut down. The buses in zone 1 (central London) have all been stopped. London is a no-go area at the moment.

Difficult to find accurate info at the moment, but I have heard that my local train station (on a direct line to London) has been closed, and a number of other direct lines to London have been shut down - still trying to find out!

This does not feel like IRA, but who knows yet?
I just watched Blair - never seen him so - uncomposed.

Very passionate.
vauge said:
I just watched Blair - never seen him so - uncomposed.

Very passionate.

Yeah, I saw that too - he looks totally shocked.
Just heard on the radio that Al Quaida is indeed claiming it.
bad news. Blair seemed really shook up, like he was almost saying "come on guys, grow the **** up". another reason why i think we need to ease military power out of Iraq and concentrate on Al Quaida and other terror organizations again.
"A group calling itself the "Secret Organization group of al-Qaeda Organization in Europe" claimed responsibility in a Web site posting."

Eerily similar to the train bombings in Madrid? Weren't they a series of explosions detonated at different times, too?
I think it goes without saying, that our hearts and prayers go out to the people of London. And whom ever is found guilty of this atrocity, receives the full measure of the law.
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It is sad that people got killed again in Terrorist attacks. I will pray for them and their families.

We are very vulnerable to attack, our borders are not covered, Border patrol has been cut back, Federal law enforcement has been cut back, The Coast Guard has been cut back, We are vulnerable because Bush is wasting money on the pointless war in Iraq. We all know by now that Bush is a mad dog. Bush needs to get out of Iraq and fight the war on terrorism.
some of my friends are saying the attacks were ordered by Bush to try to keep and gain public support for the pointless war in Iraq.

I don't believe that Even Bush would go that far. If Cheney was in the top office, instead of Bush, I could believe it. It could even be corporate. who knows?

Bush needs to stop this corporate Greed thing, Get out of Iraq, and fight the war on terrorism.
lamaror said:
some of my friends are saying the attacks were ordered by Bush to try to keep and gain public support for the pointless war in Iraq.
that has to be the most retarded theory I've ever read.

lamaror said:
Bush needs to stop this corporate Greed thing, Get out of Iraq, and fight the war on terrorism.
That'd be hard to do since corporate greed built this country from the ground up and greed is the entire foundation of the capitalist economic structure.
galenrox said:
That isn't entirely accurate. Corporate greed played a role, but it was not corporate greed that built this country up, but moreso a combination of greed in general and idealism. It was a combination of people who thought they could start a new world free of all the bullshit in England (and plagues us now), and those who thought they could make a quick fortune. It's the combination of those two things that not only built this nation, but have been running this nation from the get go. And a balance between the two must be maintained, and there is no balance now, just plain old greed.

Not forgetting that some of that wealth was created by selling weapons to, erm, terrorists?
FiremanRyan said:
"A group calling itself the "Secret Organization group of al-Qaeda Organization in Europe" claimed responsibility in a Web site posting."


...and I heard that experts are questioning the validity of the claim because they found a glaring traslation error of a well known Quran passage in the website. Something any ligitimate group would never do.
JustineCredible said:
...and I heard that experts are questioning the validity of the claim because they found a glaring traslation error of a well known Quran passage in the website. Something any ligitimate group would never do.

Yeah, I heard that too. But guess what? My beloved Phoney Blair is already saying that these terrorists acted in the name of Islam, before we even know who they are.
Naughty Nurse said:
Yeah, I heard that too. But guess what? My beloved Phoney Blair is already saying that these terrorists acted in the name of Islam, before we even know who they are.

I see he's been taking lessons from Shrub! Well at least he's getting his money's worth. :cuckoo:
JustineCredible said:
I see he's been taking lessons from Shrub! Well at least he's getting his money's worth. :cuckoo:

Shrub? Hadn't heard that one before! :rofl :lamo
Bush needs to stop this corporate Greed thing,
Bush is the manifestation of corporate greed!
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My sincere condolences to the families, friends, and associates of the al-Qa'ida victims, and to all British citizens. Living in Tel Aviv, I know exactly what you are going through. All I can humbly suggest is to honor your dead, strengthen your resolve, and steel your courage.

Although this attack was directed against the UK, it is also another attack against everyone in the West. You can't bargain or negotiate with, appease, or hide from this menace. You either capitulate unequivocably, or confront it unceasingly. There is no middle ground in this.

Tashah said:
My sincere condolences to the families, friends, and associates of the al-Qa'ida victims, and to all British citizens.

And if it turns out to be a different group of terrorists?

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