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Harris is the VP pick for Biden (1 Viewer)

LMAO. It is the left who are the racists and sexists. Biden MUST pick a black person and it MUST be a female. What a joke.

Your post is a joke! Choosing a female running mate at all, and then one of color is what this country needs to change politics in this country. The same old white man rule sh** has not moved us forward as a nation and has excluded people forever. People like you are the reason it is so important to change it up. You're so entrenched in your racist attitudes that you do what Trump does which is to deflect the truth by blaming the accuser of the same thing they're accused of. Calling Dems racists and sexists is just another fine example of who you are and how clueless you are about the world and reality.
And then there is her bloodlust for unrestricted abortion rights.

Bloodlust? LOL! She supports the right of women to make their own decision which is her choice to do so and is the law in all 50 states. By your convoluted "logic" the Supreme Court bloodlust for abortion rights.
No, he wasn't divorced.
He was estranged from his wife for a number of years, but still married.


I wouldn't be calling anyone a liar without backing your point with facts.

I got that fact wrong I admit it! BUT...separated for years is virtually the same - it means that they weren't together and dating someone else is not "cheating." It took me three years to finalize my divorce after I moved out - when I started dating was I cheating? Bottom line I was right when it comes to Brown and Harris dating.
Watch this everyone.

I stated I would resign from DP if Trump loses, thats how confident I am that America hates leftists.
You seem pretty confident above but lets see if you actually believe what you just wrote.
Do you actually believe in what you just wrote to make a resignation statement if Biden loses?
Its either yes you do
or no you dont actually think Biden will win. Your next post will give us a taste of what voters ACTUALLY believe.

LOL! Remember when your parents told you "If Donald jumps off the bridge would you too?" If you want to leave here because Biden wins, that's your choice. Your machismo over this is hilarious! A game of chicken in a debating forum? Try it on someone else - you're macho man act is intensely laughable.
He should have picked Klobuchar, imo… but Harris? Omg.. :gag:
Independents don't like Harris much so I think you're correct about where this is going.
Has anyone asked why she soared to the top in the presidential primaries, spring 2019 and by Dec. '19 she tanked?
I predict, and of course this is just my opinion, that she will sink Biden going toward Nov.

That reaffirms to me that Klobuchar would have been the wrong choice.
I can't believe you wrote this? Trump has nasty names for anyone who disagrees with him! How can you write this? Amazing! Your unabashed adoration for anything Trump has totally blinded you. Based on your post, therefore, Trump has no legitimate arguments! Thank you for stating the obvious!

It’s clearly an implied promise.
One black GOP Senator, soon to be zero black Representatives.

ummmmm, How many black people are Republicans tgo bgin with?

Your argument is like saying more blacks are arrested for crimes while ignoring the FACT that they commit more crimes.
Mostly because Trump is so toxic and self-destructive that a strategy of allowing Trump to dominate the news cycle is smart. Just let Trump "be" Trump and the world will be saved from his evil

That notion was on pathetic display yesterday.
He promised it. Can you just imagine a Republican promising to nominate a white male?

Ok, but you keep saying "MUST" like he had to. Who was forcing him?
What country do you live in, not mine!!
Are you glossing over the fact the US was created with slavery in place, was essential for the South, and KH would have, more than likely, been a slave?

Yes, you are. Which is no surprise. Keep on showing YOUR ignorance about the history of the US.
Bloodlust? LOL! She supports the right of women to make their own decision which is her choice to do so and is the law in all 50 states. By your convoluted "logic" the Supreme Court bloodlust for abortion rights.

Radical Kamala Harris will be next in line to try and destroy the private sector in this country and implement that liberal utopia that previous groups of liberals haven't been able to. Further her radical SF background is polar opposite of what our founders created, a small central gov't with power at the state and local levels.
Radical Kamala Harris will be next in line to try and destroy the private sector in this country and implement that liberal utopia that previous groups of liberals haven't been able to. Further her radical SF background is polar opposite of what our founders created, a small central gov't with power at the state and local levels.
I know, look how she destroyed the SF region, Silicon Valley is the poorest region of the US!
Lol....think Americans will buy that happy horse****? I dont.
Do you honestly think normal thinking Americans will put Biden and Harris in charge of their 401k futures? I dont. Dems only chance is to steal it by mail voter fraud. I'd carefully think about what millions of extremely angry well armed citizens would do in that situation before I tried that route. Yep....definitely.

The stock market went WAY UP yesterday so I guess traders don't buy your BS?
You really need to lay off the political porn, its needlessly raising your blood pressure. Neither Biden nor Harris are "left wing".... but, then again, you sit on the far right wing, the fuselage looks too far left for your taste.

You do realize that Harris is generally considered a winning pick by Democrats and most people that do not like Trump. She will drive votes to the polls, which is probably one of the reasons your blood pressure is up. But, it will make little difference, Biden would likely win with AoC as a running mate. (Interesting, perhaps Harris will run with her in 2024?)

Meanwhile, the next big thing to tackle will be the AG. Who will appropriately, yet compassionately handle the numerous crimes of the current administration in a way the brings justice and closure while minimizing division?

Reality doesn't exist in the liberal universe of yours as you need to get off the anti Trump bandwagon as it has consumed you with hatred, none of which is logical and none of which resonates with reality, You claimed 30 million unemployed, posted bls.gov data that disproves that, then there is this

Number of Americans filing for unemployment falls below 1M for first time since pandemic started | Fox Business

Stocks battle for record highs after coronavirus jobless claims fall below 1M | Fox Business

Polls are wrong, Trump will beat Biden: Billionaire fund manager Gundlach | Fox Business
Obama had 8 years to get the job done...he failed. The only thing he succeeded at was dividing the nation on racial lines. We are officially back at 1960 race relations. Thanks Obama! POS.

Obama didn't divide the nation racially the GOP did over and over again because they can't handle a Black man as President. Period!

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