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Harris is the VP pick for Biden (1 Viewer)

Are you glossing over the fact the US was created with slavery in place, was essential for the South, and KH would have, more than likely, been a slave?

Yes, you are. Which is no surprise. Keep on showing YOUR ignorance about the history of the US.

Are you glossing over the fact that the Constitution was amended and Lincoln wiped out slavery? You keep living the that liberal dream world of yours but your hatred for Trump is unhealthy
I know, look how she destroyed the SF region, Silicon Valley is the poorest region of the US!

LOL, you think Harris had anything to do with Silicon Valley? It is amazing what a bubble you live in, oblivious to realty around you, California leads the nation in poverty, homeless, worst quality of life, highest cost of living, most people fleeing the state because of taxes, illegals, a true liberal utopia where the liberal elites keep the poor dependent and enslaved

Oh by the way

Polls are wrong, Trump will beat Biden: Billionaire fund manager Gundlach | Fox Business
Are you glossing over the fact that the Constitution was amended and Lincoln wiped out slavery? You keep living the that liberal dream world of yours but your hatred for Trump is unhealthy
Moving the goalpost, you were talking about the "founding" of the US. The US was founded on slave labor. Learn something sometime.
Moving the goalpost, you were talking about the "founding" of the US. The US was founded on slave labor. Learn something sometime.

Yes we are, our Founders created a small central gov't locating power in the states, they were part time legislators who had to live under the laws they created. Slavery wasn't even in that Constitution created. Read the Preamble and learn to admit when wrong, PROVIDE for the Common defense and PROMOTE Domestic Welfare, says nothing about slavery, 13th Amendment to the Constitution, 1865

13th amendment
Passed by Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified on December 6, 1865, the 13th amendment abolished slavery in the United States. The 13th amendment, which formally abolished slavery in the United States, passed the Senate on April 8, 1864, and the House on January 31, 1865.
Your post is a joke! Choosing a female running mate at all, and then one of color is what this country needs to change politics in this country. The same old white man rule sh** has not moved us forward as a nation and has excluded people forever. People like you are the reason it is so important to change it up. You're so entrenched in your racist attitudes that you do what Trump does which is to deflect the truth by blaming the accuser of the same thing they're accused of. Calling Dems racists and sexists is just another fine example of who you are and how clueless you are about the world and reality.

Black females have done so well in places like Chicago, Los Angeles and DC, haven't they?
The ones in this forum who are repeatedly calling her a "Bitch", "Nasty", "Not African American", etc. are losing their sh** over her gender and race for sure.

I don't know that that's true, but having to rely on gender-based attacks is, well, base. There is plenty to criticize about Harris without even thinking about race or gender.
LOL, you think Harris had anything to do with Silicon Valley?
Apparently, she hasn't destroyed it, or the economic engine that it remains.

It is amazing what a bubble you live in, oblivious to realty around you, California leads the nation in poverty, homeless, worst quality of life, highest cost of living, most people fleeing the state because of taxes, illegals, a true liberal utopia where the liberal elites keep the poor dependent and enslaved
We had that argument before, its all false.

Then slow down, stop hyperventilating, read some history about the founding of the US and the horrible legacy of slavery.
Are you glossing over the fact the US was created with slavery in place, was essential for the South, and KH would have, more than likely, been a slave?

Yes, you are. Which is no surprise. Keep on showing YOUR ignorance about the history of the US.

The Right always whine when you remind them that the Founders were greedy louts who built this country on the backs of Blacks and over the top of the bodies of millions of dead Indians.
They don't have to "promise" because 99% of the time (Palin, LOL, is the only exception) the GOP only nominate white men. DUH!

Trumps White House press secretary is............................?
Apparently, she hasn't destroyed it, or the economic engine that it remains.

We had that argument before, its all false.

Then slow down, stop hyperventilating, read some history about the founding of the US and the horrible legacy of slavery.

Right, the economic engine of liberalism is alive and well, the rich succeed while keeping the rest dependent and poor. The 5th largest economy in the world generating these kind of results is a disaster for liberalism and ignored by people like you who live in a bubble, oblivious to reality and actual results
The Right always whine when you remind them that the Founders were greedy louts who built this country on the backs of Blacks and over the top of the bodies of millions of dead Indians.

And the left ignores the fact that Republicans outlawed slavery and some of the biggest racists in the country were liberal democrats!! The left also ignores the civil rights legislation was passed with massive Republican support.

You ever going to answer a direct question, what exactly does Biden and Harris bring to the table that will make this country better, stronger and the individual in less need of gov't help?
Bloodlust? LOL! She supports the right of women to make their own decision which is her choice to do so and is the law in all 50 states. By your convoluted "logic" the Supreme Court bloodlust for abortion rights.

No, sir, she supports late-term abortion, which a majority of Americans oppose.
Yes we are, our Founders created a small central gov't locating power in the states, they were part time legislators who had to live under the laws they created. Slavery wasn't even in that Constitution created. Read the Preamble and learn to admit when wrong, PROVIDE for the Common defense and PROMOTE Domestic Welfare, says nothing about slavery, 13th Amendment to the Constitution, 1865
Uh, con, slavery was NOT prohibited at the federal level when the nation was "founded", allowing it to thrive at state levels. Again, if Harris was alive then, she would have been a slave.
Right, the economic engine of liberalism is alive and well, the rich succeed while keeping the rest dependent and poor. The 5th largest economy in the world generating these kind of results is a disaster for liberalism and ignored by people like you who live in a bubble, oblivious to reality and actual results
Are you now castigating the macro scheme that allows massive wealth gains and inequality in CA.....and the US in general? LOL....you almost sound like a MARXIST!

Good grief, yer losing it this morning!
Radical Kamala Harris will be next in line to try and destroy the private sector in this country and implement that liberal utopia that previous groups of liberals haven't been able to. Further her radical SF background is polar opposite of what our founders created, a small central gov't with power at the state and local levels.

Fun that someone would literally break down in tears about Harris being 'radical' and yet be utterly unable to site any 'radical' position she supports.

Must suck to be a conservative and live a life based solely on fear and jealousy.
Uh, con, slavery was NOT prohibited at the federal level when the nation was "founded", allowing it to thrive at state levels. Again, if Harris was alive then, she would have been a slave.

And neither she or you were alive then and you cannot change history but you try and distort it as if it matters today, Keep ignoring the 13th Amendment Passed under a Republican Administration and the civil rights legislation passed in the 1960's with massive Republican support, this thread is about Harris so why don't you tell us what she brings to the table that you support and will make this country stronger?
Are you now castigating the macro scheme that allows massive wealth gains and inequality in CA.....and the US in general? LOL....you almost sound like a MARXIST!

Good grief, yer losing it this morning!

And you are a liberal buying rhetoric and ignoring results, when was the last time California had a GOP Legislature? Most of the problems in this country were created by liberals and their entitlement mentality, a mentality that you display daily. Waiting for you to tell us what Biden/Harris are going to do to make this country stronger and your life better because obviously the pre pandemic results didn't do it
LOL! Remember when your parents told you "If Donald jumps off the bridge would you too?" If you want to leave here because Biden wins, that's your choice. Your machismo over this is hilarious! A game of chicken in a debating forum? Try it on someone else - you're macho man act is intensely laughable.

See^ All bull**** just like I said. Suddenly you arent so yacky confident about Biden winning. lol. That feeling you have is you not actually believing your own yapper. You were correct in backing down. Otherwise you would be packing up in November.
There's no delusion quite as delicious as self-delusion.

Some people know all about those sorts of things. :mrgreen:

Have a lovely day...
Fun to watch you crumble in pathological fear of a successful black woman.

Show me where you think I fear anything or anyone.

I don't care what color her skin is or what she has between her legs. She kept innocent people in prison to protect her winning record.

If that can't be considered a piece of ****, then nothing can.
You get real! No one has a worse record on race than Trump who is in a position where it matters. Trump has BS positions on everything - always based on his lies...then he moves on to other lies...He took a full-page ad in the NYT asking for the CP5 to be executed!

When you respond to somebody, try to focus on what the topic of discussion is, rather than going off on a tangent to scream RACIST again.

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