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Harris is the VP pick for Biden (2 Viewers)

What is sad is the drivel from your post. Why is Kamala Harris responsible for the economic well being of the citizens of San Francisco any more than we should hold you accountable for the unrest in Oregon?

She is from there, yes. She served in the district attorney's office there, yes. But she was never in a position to affect a change in the overall economic welfare of its residents. You do realize that San Francisco's issues are largely rooted in wealth inequality. As a Democratic Vice President and President of the US Senate, she may well be in position to help influence that issue with the logical consequence to the benefit of the poor throughout the US, including San Francisco.

I am not surprised when you see Trump virtues in a lousy light but man can you spin a yarn over Harris. Clearly you do not know about her.

Picking her is just one more sign that Biden is in early Alzheimer's. He forgot why she lost in early Dec 2019.
Da Mole said:
I don't understand your position. Trump works 24 hours a day and is always available especially to the leftist press, answering all their attack directed questions, unlike your choice who is still hiding in the basement.
The only clear evidence of 45 working, is him working on his back swing. They guy spent more time golfing at his own resorts than any other former president has done ever. Oh, he does spend lots of time at rallies and Tweeting.

He spends no time reading intelligence reports. He spent no time trying to work out Corona negotiations between the House and Senate. He doesn't talk to medical experts about the virus.
I am not surprised when you see Trump virtues in a lousy light but man can you spin a yarn over Harris. Clearly you do not know about her.

Picking her is just one more sign that Biden is in early Alzheimer's. He forgot why she lost in early Dec 2019.

You tell me what groups support Biden/Harris, are you really this naive? You really are indoctrinated into the leftwing ideology, wish I could figure you out, it isn't compassion to make people dependent and that is what liberalism does. You claim to be for the poor and yet they become enslaved to liberal elites who become multi millionaires while they become dependent. Cannot understand how you can not see that.

Crimes handled by liberals, how about Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, Detroit, Austin all liberal cities with liberal mayors. I see your liberal compassion and Biden/Harris will be beholden to them. Interesting how that liberal compassion of Harris was shown by her staff in providing bail money and support for liberal shoppers in the pictures below

riot pictures 2020 - Google Search

This election is Trump vs. Not Trump. For all intents and purposes, neither Biden nor Harris are even on the ballot. They are placeholders of the Not Trump vote. So spare us your complaints about them, they mean little to anyone.

What is on the ballot is the day of reckoning for one Donald Trump. His negligence and abdication of responsibility has led to the deaths of more than 100,000 Americans and 30 million unemployed with an economy that will take 18 months plus to recover. As he cowers in the corner, afraid of his own shadow on this subject, he has produced 55% job disapproval. That is not a winning number for Trump. Are you really that naive to think the kind of performance Trump has delivered is going to get him votes, except from the Cult?

I am starting to wonder about the right AG to sort through all of Trump's malfeasance and assorted crimes to deliver compassionate justice so this never happens again. What do you think of Katie Porter?
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A comment like that makes me think you were never a lawyer. Unbelievable.

Diseases can develop anywhere...and most countries keep outbreaks quiet or minimize them for economic reasons as long as possible. Btw, ours tried to do the same thing when we became aware of CV19. :roll:

yeah...some of us have perspective on epidemics (and the politics of epidemics as well as the science) based on years of personal study and can see more than just what 'affects' us on a daily basis or works for our personal political agendas.

are you denying that china covered up what happened in Wuhan?

Do you deny that China was not forthcoming about what it knew about this virus
She never called him a racist. You should go back and watch that debate and hear her say "while I don't think you're a racist..."
But you won't because this isn't about the truth, it's a smear campaign.

see post 1057 for edification
2nd rate? Never lost an election (did come in 2nd in a Dem primary in 2003 but won the runoff to become SF DA). Do 2nd rate politician's win every election, especially ones that are statewide, especially in the largest state in the union?

Trump's never lost an election either-want to stick by your criteria? same with W IIRC.
Quota pick? Like the GOP always does? You know, white men over the age of 60??? I do understand that there isn't a bench for Black or Latino men or women on a GOP national ticket - why do you think that is?

So you want us to believe that the race of Pence or Trump is what got them picked-just like Harris?
are you denying that china covered up what happened in Wuhan?

Do you deny that China was not forthcoming about what it knew about this virus

I care more that Trump ignored the outbreak, pretended it was going away and convinced his idiot sycophants to run around like all was well, resulting in one dead Herman Cain, along with countless others. I am sure.

All is well though. Biden will be president and Harris will too.
It is rampant within the GOP

I don't know any Republican racists. I also don't know any progressives who think looting is "reparations." In other words, they're all sane.
are you denying that china covered up what happened in Wuhan?

Do you deny that China was not forthcoming about what it knew about this virus

'Not forthcoming' and 'cover up' are 2 different things.

I'll go with the former and not the latter. Now, how about addressing the validity of the rest of my post? My perspective goes alot deeper than just one epidemic.

This is the barely coherent and grammatically inept speech of a man who desperately wants to be able to claim that he "cured coronavirus."

That's it, in a nutshell. When we do get a handle on this crisis, he wants to be able to pull out footage and declare "I called it! I said use this! I said try this! I told them to do this, it was my idea!" He's just doing it with lots of stupid stuff because he doesnt want to miss an opportunity. He's afraid 'the big one' will be mentioned and he wont get credit for it.

It's all about declaring himself the savior of the cv crisis and we'll hear all about it, esp in his campaign. (Which is basically each of his press briefings these days) --- Lursa
All I know is that I get to watch Harris debate Pence this October.

Someone should call the police in advance. There's going to be a murder.
I don't know any Republican racists. I also don't know any progressives who think looting is "reparations." In other words, they're all sane.
Of course not.
Are you qualified & certified to determine sanity?
"They" know this? So in your unbiased, purely non-racist opinion all Black people vote and think the same AND the VEEP candidate means enough that when a black woman is chosen they will stop voting for Biden? Really? Again, I ask, "what flavor of Kool-Aid are you drinking?

You're mixing stuff up, jake. It was BIDEN who "You aint black if..........." Remember now?
All I know is that I get to watch Harris debate Pence this October.

Someone should call the police in advance. There's going to be a murder.

Will "Mother" even allow her fake Christian husband to debate another woman?
Of course not.
Are you qualified & certified to determine sanity?

Oh, just stop it. Are you able to post civilly and without snark?

And to borrow from Potter Stewart, I know crazy when I see it.
That's the best argument you have? Really? I thought that Biden is a "very stable genius"? Ooops...that moniker is reserved for Trump who everyone knows is very stable, a genius (why'd he pay someone to take his SATs?).

It's my argument, and I'm keeping it...

The rest of your post is purely a whataboutism fail.
They are already the female and black card, just like clock work.

Right wingers are losing their **** over the fact that she's a woman and a person of color.
So you want us to believe that the race of Pence or Trump is what got them picked-just like Harris?

A black National GOP candidate would probably do very badly.

So yeah- Trump and Pence were both clearly chosen for their race. And gender.
Right wingers are losing their **** over the fact that she's a woman and a person of color.

Oh, sure. It couldn't possibly be because of her history or stance on the issues. :roll:

Ya, anybody who doesn't support Harris is a misogynistic racist. Sure, that's the ticket.
Oh, sure. It couldn't possibly be because of her history or stance on the issues. :roll:

Ya, anybody who doesn't support Harris is a misogynistic racist. Sure, that's the ticket.

They aren't screeching about "her stance on issues." They're going on misogynistic and racist rants all over this message board. The only time they DO talk about her stance on issues they call her a "radical leftist" which is laughably untrue. Don't give me that "I just disagree with her on the issues" bull****, because not one conservative on this message board seems to be doing that

You know who opposes Harris based on her stance on issues? ****ing liberals, that's who. What did conservatives do? Start seven threads calling her a whore.

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