• This is a political forum that is non-biased/non-partisan and treats every person's position on topics equally. This debate forum is not aligned to any political party. In today's politics, many ideas are split between and even within all the political parties. Often we find ourselves agreeing on one platform but some topics break our mold. We are here to discuss them in a civil political debate. If this is your first visit to our political forums, be sure to check out the RULES. Registering for debate politics is necessary before posting. Register today to participate - it's free!

Happy 20th Birthday Debatepolitics! (1 Viewer)

Now, about that raise….
You're on the @Bum 'potato' salad compensation plan. If you're a good little DM you get a Tupperware container of it. If you're bad you have to eat it.

Congratulations to everyone who keeps the place running and all the members who contribute to the informative and entertaining discussions.
You're on the @Bum 'potato' salad compensation plan. If you're a good little DM you get a Tupperware container of it. If you're bad you have to eat it.

Congratulations to everyone who keeps the place running and all the members who contribute to the informative and entertaining discussions.
I would disclose where I harvest the 'secret sauce" for the potato salad, but if I did, @AtlantaAdonis would never be able to keep anyone out of his underwear drawer.
Super brief history of the "old days":

22.8 Million posts and still going strong!

We are still here because of our stellar moderators, amazing bartenders, questionable dungeon masters and your donations.

Thank you!


Here is to 20 more! 🥳
Thank you @Schweddy for giving so many dysfunctional a place to call home!
Two friggen decades?!
How many political forums can claim that kind of perseverance and poster support?
Props to the dedicated posters....DP would not exist without you.
You're on the @Bum 'potato' salad compensation plan. If you're a good little DM you get a Tupperware container of it. If you're bad you have to eat it.

Congratulations to everyone who keeps the place running and all the members who contribute to the informative and entertaining discussions.
I have one of those containers in the trunk of my car @Bum gave me two years ago. Still better than cole slaw, though.
Congratulations and thank you to Schweddy and all of the members here. So many of you have had such a positive impact on my life.

DP has been the one constant for me over the last 13 years. Through good times and bad. I've been a member here for almost all of the significant moments that have happened in my life and I couldn't be more grateful to be part of our Community.
I've only been a member for a little over a year, thanks to a long-standing member on another site that recommended DP, and I'm addicted. Thank you so much @Schweddy for creating this forum, and Happy 20th!
Two friggen decades?!
How many political forums can claim that kind of perseverance and poster support?
Props to the dedicated posters....DP would not exist without you.
Ain’t that the truth! Longevity and success requires non-stop daily diligence, team effort, technical skills, personal dedication and a commitment to excellence.

Thank you and the entire DP staff for your dedicated service! Also, thanks to all the DP members, including those before us no longer here and those who continue to pour their hearts into DP. In short, DP ROCKS!

About the time @Schweddy started this forum, I joined one for about five years attached to the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. Woke up one morning to find it gone! What a disappointment!
About the time @Schweddy started this forum, I joined one for about five years attached to the Sarasota Herald-Tribune. Woke up one morning to find it gone! What a disappointment!
My first political message board was on the Indy Star website. I found DP when it shut down.
Super brief history of the "old days":

22.8 Million posts and still going strong!

We are still here because of our stellar moderators, amazing bartenders, questionable dungeon masters and your donations.

Thank you!


Here is to 20 more! 🥳
Contratulations to Debate Politics and the moderating team. Political chat is devisive and can be a bloodbath, however it is very fairly and professionally moderated here. Thats why I have been a member for ten years, eight years longer then anywhere else.
My first political message board was on the Indy Star website. I found DP when it shut down.
My first was Prodigy Internet, followed by Compuserve, in the 1980s. Many of the younger members may have no memory of them.
My first was Prodigy Internet, followed by Compuserve, in the 1980s. Many of the younger members may have no memory of them.

Oh you were on compuserve. My first was compuserve, I say mid 90s. It was a blast. I signed up sometime after the OJ Simpson Trial started. Compuserve had two forums dedicated to the trial. One heavily for his guilt , that stance referred to be members as OJG or OJ Guilty; the other towards his innocence or OJI. The traffic was heavy. Chatrooms were full.
Oh you were on compuserve. My first was compuserve, I say mid 90s. It was a blast. I signed up sometime after the OJ Simpson Trial started. Compuserve had two forums dedicated to the trial. One heavily for his guilt , that stance referred to be members as OJG or OJ Guilty; the other towards his innocence or OJI. The traffic was heavy. Chatrooms were full.
Those days were a blast. I participated using a Commodore 64 computer with 5 and 1/4 inch floppy disks and no hard drive. It would take as much as 6 hours to download Internet Explorer.
Those days were a blast. I participated using a Commodore 64 computer with 5 and 1/4 inch floppy disks and no hard drive. It would take as much as 6 hours to download Internet Explorer.

Such memories. I think my first computer had like a 32 meg hard drive. Can you believe the size of that hard drive! 32 big megs! There was that big DOS book that was always next to a computer. Then next to it a container of 5 and 1/4 inch floppies. You pop in the floppy, then Cd\intended drive, ....always consulting DOS manual for commands.

And that dial up ring to log into internet

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