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Hamas wins majority in parliamentary elections (1 Viewer)


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May 21, 2005
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This could be bad.

RAMALLAH, West Bank - Hamas won a huge majority in parliamentary elections as Palestinian voters rejected the longtime rule of the Fatah Party, throwing the future of Mideast peacemaking into question, officials from both major parties said Thursday.

Palestinian leaders huddled to determine what role the Islamic militant group will play in governing the territories. Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas will ask Hamas to form the next government, with his defeated Fatah Party weighing whether to form a partnership or serve in the opposition.

A Hamas government, without Fatah as a moderating force, would greatly complicate Abbas' efforts to restart peace talks. The Islamic militants, who carried out dozens of suicide bombings and seek Israel's destruction, have said they oppose peace talks and will not disarm. Israel and the United States refuse to deal with Hamas.

Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Just goes to prove what the Israelis have been saying all along, the Palestinians do not want peace they want conflict.
It could mean that, but then this was mentioned further down the page:

Hamas capitalized on widespread discontent with years of Fatah corruption and ineffectiveness. Much of its campaign focused on internal Palestinian issues, while playing down the conflict with Israel.
We'll see. It could also turn out to be the best thing to happen for the peace process. Hamas might well moderate some of its views on the destruction of Israel, now that it's been democratically elected. Furthermore, Hamas at least provides someone to negotiate with; Mahmoud Abbas is incompetent.

But I think Kadima's unilateral peace plan is working great. Since the Palestinians haven't been able to behave themselves, Israel has set the terms for peace whether the Palestinians like it or not.
Kandahar said:
We'll see. It could also turn out to be the best thing to happen for the peace process. Hamas might well moderate some of its views on the destruction of Israel, now that it's been democratically elected. Furthermore, Hamas at least provides someone to negotiate with; Mahmoud Abbas is incompetent.

But I think Kadima's unilateral peace plan is working great. Since the Palestinians haven't been able to behave themselves, Israel has set the terms for peace whether the Palestinians like it or not.

I say the Israelis build the wall and say to hell with the Palestinians considering they just elected a terrorist organization who's stated aim is the total destruction of Israel, Bush made it clear today that unless Hamas takes that out of their platform that the U.S. will cut off all Palestinian aid and cease negotiations. What a bunch of fuc/king morons the Palestinians are they had a chance at a state of their own and they elect Hamas who has not only stated their intent to destroy Israel but have rejected the foad map to peace in its entirety including the formation of a Palestinian state, I mean for for Christ's sake!... these people really need to catch a fuc/king clue.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
I say the Israelis build the wall and say to hell with the Palestinians

I agree 100%. Israel should build the wall with whatever borders it damn well pleases, keep the Palestinians out, establish that as the official boundary of Israel, and let Palestine descend into anarchy. Palestinians shouldn't have any say in this because they've misbehaved, and since when was it reasonable to expect the WINNERS of wars to capitulate to the demands of the LOSERS anyway?
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
I say the Israelis build the wall and say to hell with the Palestinians considering they just elected a terrorist organization who's stated aim is the total destruction of Israel, Bush made it clear today that unless Hamas takes that out of their platform that the U.S. will cut off all Palestinian aid and cease negotiations. What a bunch of fuc/king morons the Palestinians are they had a chance at a state of their own and they elect Hamas who has not only stated their intent to destroy Israel but have rejected the foad map to peace in its entirety including the formation of a Palestinian state, I mean for for Christ's sake!... these people really need to catch a fuc/king clue.

The Israelis have already built the wall, thats part of the problem. The road map is obsolete and has been rejected by both sides - Israel won't give up Jerusalem, has 'land grabbed' areas of Palestine with their wall (areas supposed to be part of Palestine under the road map) and won't allow the millions of refugees to return to their homes. Undoubtedly it would be great for the rest of the world if the Palestines would just stop the fight, give up their homeland to Israel and cramp into a small area in the Gaza strip - but I wouldn't accept that if I was a palestinian and nor would you.

The ruling Fatah party was highly corrupt and seriously incompetent - it was an easy target for change. Unfortunately, the only other real choice in the election was Hamas. But if you want to spread democracy across the middle east..don't be surprised when Islamic party's come to power.
G-Man said:
The Israelis have already built the wall, thats part of the problem. The road map is obsolete and has been rejected by both sides - Israel won't give up Jerusalem, has 'land grabbed' areas of Palestine with their wall (areas supposed to be part of Palestine under the road map) and won't allow the millions of refugees to return to their homes. Undoubtedly it would be great for the rest of the world if the Palestines would just stop the fight, give up their homeland to Israel and cramp into a small area in the Gaza strip - but I wouldn't accept that if I was a palestinian and nor would you.

The ruling Fatah party was highly corrupt and seriously incompetent - it was an easy target for change. Unfortunately, the only other real choice in the election was Hamas. But if you want to spread democracy across the middle east..don't be surprised when Islamic party's come to power.

Ya the wall is part of the problem. :roll: No the problem is lunatics who think they can gain a political advantage by blowing up themselves along with innocent men, women, and children.

And news flash the Israelis did pull out of the Palestinian territories.

The fact that the Palestinians voted for Hamas has only gone to prove what I have suspected all along that they're all a bunch of terrorists, you know what? Fuc/k the Palestinians, to hell with 'em, if they want to support terrorists and throw a monkey wrench in the peace process well then fine, America should wash our hands of them and let the Israelis do as they wish.
Most authorities, not the least being Benjamin Netanyahu, former prime minister of Isaral, think peace lost big time in this election.

Time will tell, but those who have experienced the Hamas do not trust anything they say except that they want Israel and Chrsitians exterminated.

This is the group from which women proudly send one, two, or three sons to be suicide bombers with instructions to ‘never come back’. Then they turn their homes into monuments of the mother’s sacrifice and people come to praise her.

In the face of that, we should be hopeful?

Excerpted from today’s NY Daily News
Final results of yesterday's Palestinian legislative elections are still trickling in. But one thing is sure: Yasser Arafat's chickens have come home to roost. After decades of dictatorial and corrupt control by the late Fatah leader and his cohorts, vast numbers of voters in both the West Bank and Gaza have angrily turned their backs on Arafat's heirs and given their support to rival Hamas, the radical Islamic party.

The prime result: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas may feel obliged to let Hamas join a coalition government.
Trouble is, Hamas remains the same terrorist party it's always been, a heavily armed, blood-drenched gang that boasts of suicide bombings and doesn't even pretend to want peace with Israel. Its goals are crystal clear: the total annihilation of the Jewish state in favor of an Islamic state throughout the entire Holy Land. Its presence in a Palestinian government is hardly incentive for Israel to follow up on its recent withdrawal from Gaza and move ahead on the U.S.-sponsored road map to Mideast peace. . . .

. . . . The U.S., the European Union, Russia and the United Nations have all declared that "a future Palestinian Authority cabinet should include no member who has not committed to the principles of Israel's right to exist in peace and security and an unequivocal end to violence and terrorism." And two weeks ago, Secretary of State Rice said that "armed groups have no place in the democratic process."

Let's hope they hold firm. Granting any legitimacy to Hamas unless it seriously disarms and changes policy would be total disaster. At the very least it would undermine Palestinian moderates who preach that violence will distance Palestinian statehood, not bring it closer. It could also produce a defeat for Israeli moderates in Israel's upcoming March elections. Then back to square one-minus.
History has taught us that once started, religious strife has a tendency to go on and on, to become permanent feuds. Today we see such intractable inter-religious wars between Jews and Muslims in the Middle East, Muslims and Christians in Indonesia, Hindus and Muslims in South Asia, Catholics in northern Ireland, and in many other places. Attempts to bring about peace have failed again and again. Always the extremist elements invoking past injustices, imagined or real, will succeed in torpedoing the peace efforts and bringing about another bout of hostility.

Hamas is a militant Islamic group. Israel has stated that it would not negotiate with a Palestinian government that includes members of Hamas. History repeats.....
GySgt said:
History has taught us that once started, religious strife has a tendency to go on and on, to become permanent feuds. Today we see such intractable inter-religious wars between Jews and Muslims in the Middle East, Muslims and Christians in Indonesia, Hindus and Muslims in South Asia and in many other places. Attempts to bring about peace have failed again and again. Always the extremist elements invoking past injustices, imagined or real, will succeed in torpedoing the peace efforts and bringing about another bout of hostility.

Hamas is a militant Islamic group. Israel has stated that it would not negotiate with a Palestinian government that includes members of Hamas. History repeats.....

Notice the one constant in all those equations?
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Notice the one constant in all those equations?

It's hard to miss. This is why 90% of the world's current conflicts involve Muslim countries. Islam is at war with itself and with everyone else. Pull out a map. The Arab disease of Radical Islam has spread well beyond the "holy land."
Hahaha... this is depressing and enlightening all at once.

The Israelis were "nice" enough to give these people some land. For them, this should mean: wow! We have a chance to finance hospitals, schools, sanitation, industry. But wait! Before we do this, we should elect a Parliament. Then, in their first real election, when the gov't will have a chance to do something on their own, undisputed land, they elect a bunch of raving lunatics that don't give a damn about the people. They are only interested in recruiting kids to go blow themselves up in Israeli territory.

On the other, slightly demented hand, I'm glad this all happened through a democracy. :doh:
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Ya the wall is part of the problem. :roll: No the problem is lunatics who think they can gain a political advantage by blowing up themselves along with innocent men, women, and children.

And news flash the Israelis did pull out of the Palestinian territories.

The fact that the Palestinians voted for Hamas has only gone to prove what I have suspected all along that they're all a bunch of terrorists, you know what? Fuc/k the Palestinians, to hell with 'em, if they want to support terrorists and throw a monkey wrench in the peace process well then fine, America should wash our hands of them and let the Israelis do as they wish.

News flash - Israel hasn't pulled out of the Palestine territories - thats why its called the occupied territory. Sure, they gave up a small bit of the Gaza strip but have they recently given up the west bank and Jerusalem? Certainly news to me. This matter has already been covered by world agreement and UN mandates instructing Israel to move back to the 1967 borders - this it refuses to do.

Re: gaining a political advantage by blowing up innocent men,women and children this again looks like history repeating itself. I refer you to the following link :-


When the land was first being carved up between the Israelis and Arabs the Israel's engaged in terrorism to try and enlarge the area they would receive.

Hamas certainly ain't the ideal choice for a Palestine leadership but Fatah got them no-where and they have decided to vote elsewhere.
G-Man said:
News flash - Israel hasn't pulled out of the Palestine territories - thats why its called the occupied territory. Sure, they gave up a small bit of the Gaza strip but have they recently given up the west bank and Jerusalem? Certainly news to me. This matter has already been covered by world agreement and UN mandates instructing Israel to move back to the 1967 borders - this it refuses to do.

Re: gaining a political advantage by blowing up innocent men,women and children this again looks like history repeating itself. I refer you to the following link :-


When the land was first being carved up between the Israelis and Arabs the Israel's engaged in terrorism to try and enlarge the area they would receive.

Hamas certainly ain't the ideal choice for a Palestine leadership but Fatah got them no-where and they have decided to vote elsewhere.

Israel engaged in terrorism? What sort of terrorism did you have in mind? That they kicked the rest of the Arab world's butt the last time the intention was to remove Israel from the face of the earth? Gaza, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights were the spoils of war taken in that conflict and held to increase Israel's security against a lot of neighbors who wanted all Jews to be dead.

Even now, the expanded area occupied by Israel wouldn't fill an average New Mexico county, and very few of anybody occupied it until the Jews moved in. Suddenly it was the most desirable piece of real estate in the Middle East.

It doesn't take much dedicated research to find hundreds of incidents in which terrorists have bombed, shot, blown up, or otherwise killed or maimed innocent Israeli men, women, and children. Children seem to be a particularly attractive target to the terrorists. You will find plenty of evidence that Israel has fought back and tightened security, perhaps appropriately, perhaps not, but you won't find any incidents of Israeli's going out to murder innocents just because you want them dead.

And the BBC piece posted reads like no other history of this area I've ever read. I sure wish he listed his sources. I bet they would be interesting.
Here's an angle!...

Has anyone thought that Hamas did NOT want to win the majority?...

Leaving them to be a minority would give them legitimacy within the borders but would also let them hide behing their veil of violence because any actions they do will not make the Palestinian government held responsible.

There is a difference between doing something on your own and doing something as a government official...

If a state cop was in his civies at a bar and punches someone, he is responsible for his actions...If he were to punch someone on duty in uniform, the STATE is responsible for his actions...At that moment, he is a representative of the state.

Same here...When Hamas wasn't in the majority, they took responsibility for suicide bombings...The government couldn't be blamed because they were not the government...

But now they ARE...

If a suicide bomb or other atrocity happens and either Hamas claims responsibility or Isreal finds out it was Hamas' doing, that WILL be considered an act of war...

Hamas will lose the "victim" role they so preciously play to the global community, and the nations that aid Palestine(US & Europe) will cease funding...

So Hamas winning the majority may not be what they originally wanted...Now they will be forced to either act like a legitimate government(which they never thought they were going to be) or face being exposed for the terrorists they are...
cnredd said:
So Hamas winning the majority may not be what they originally wanted...Now they will be forced to either act like a legitimate government(which they never thought they were going to be) or face being exposed for the terrorists they are...

Lordy, that would be good, seeing Hamas forced or shamed or however one would describe it, into being a non-terrorist government. Unfortunately, being that one of Hamas' principal goals is to establish an Islamic theocracy, I'm afraid that their definition of 'terrorists' is not the same as ours.
oldreliable67 said:
Lordy, that would be good, seeing Hamas forced or shamed or however one would describe it, into being a non-terrorist government. Unfortunately, being that one of Hamas' principal goals is to establish an Islamic theocracy, I'm afraid that their definition of 'terrorists' is not the same as ours.
There probably isn't one evil dictator on earth who actually believes they are an evil dictator either...

Doesn't make it correct though....

No terrorist calls themselves a terrorist...They say "freedom fighter" or "resistance" or some other frilly term to make themselves more appealing...

Nomatter how Hamas describes themselves, they will always be a "spade"...
cnredd said:
Hamas will lose the "victim" role they so preciously play to the global community, and the nations that aid Palestine(US & Europe) will cease funding...

Good angle, but I wonder about this one particular sentence. Considering this enormous Arab propaganda machine at work, and considering the way the EAD influences politics within the EU, do you really think there is anything they could do that would actually cost them European support? I would certainly hope that would be true, but I doubt whether it will.
cnredd said:
Hamas will lose the "victim" role they so preciously play to the global community, and the nations that aid Palestine(US & Europe) will cease funding...

Its incredible how much dough the US has given to the Palestinians. Bush's comments at todays news conference strongly suggest that unless Hamas changes its ways, those days are over. Unfortunately, I suspect some of our high priced crude oil dollars will be recycled into their coffers from some of the other ME Islamic countries to replace it. There is a certain irony in there somewhere.
Gardener said:
Good angle, but I wonder about this one particular sentence. Considering this enormous Arab propaganda machine at work, and considering the way the EAD influences politics within the EU, do you really think there is anything they could do that would actually cost them European support? I would certainly hope that would be true, but I doubt whether it will.
You may be correct about Europe...

Hamas has been on everyone's terrorist list(everyone except Iran, Napolean's Nightingale, robin and Noam Chomsky)...

If they don't understand what Hamas is by now, maybe you're right...they never will...
If Israel ever ends up in an all-out war with these wankstains, I'm definitely enlisting.
vergiss said:
If Israel ever ends up in an all-out war with these wankstains, I'm definitely enlisting.
On who's side?...:doh
cnredd said:
On who's side?...:doh

I'm a Jew with "Israel will always be worth it" in my signature. I'll let you figure it out.

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