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...............guns............... (1 Viewer)

Food for thought.


Cars: Made for driving
Alcohol: Made for drinking
Hands/Feet/Fists: Made for grabbing
Hammer: Made for hammering nails
Knives: Made for cutting food
Guns: Made for shooting,

See the difference?
Cars: Made for driving
Alcohol: Made for drinking
Hands/Feet/Fists: Made for grabbing
Hammer: Made for hammering nails
Knives: Made for cutting food
Guns: Made for shooting,

See the difference?

Lawn darts were made as a game, until some fools decided to throw them at each other and people got killed.

Trying to assign purpose values to inanimate objects is stupid - humans have great skills at adapting anything they can place in their hands into a weapon, if they so desire.
Lawn darts were made as a game, until some fools decided to throw them at each other and people got killed.

Trying to assign purpose values to inanimate objects is stupid - humans have great skills at adapting anything they can place in their hands into a weapon, if they so desire.

You're right, that doesn't mean we should turn a blind eye to guns though.
Cars: Made for driving
Alcohol: Made for drinking
Hands/Feet/Fists: Made for grabbing
Hammer: Made for hammering nails
Knives: Made for cutting food
Guns: Made for shooting,

See the difference?

Yes: only one of those things is SPECIFICALLY protected in the Bill of Rights... guess which...
You're right, that doesn't mean we should turn a blind eye to guns though.

That may be true, but in a country that was built on the gun, that developed with the gun and that has more guns in circulation than people, I'm pretty sure nobody in America is blind to guns. You're getting to the point where half the population is legally armed to protect themselves from the other half of the population that's illegally armed. Come up with a way to disarm the criminal elements, and you might get someone to listen.
And only one of those things is SPECIFICALLY protected in the Bill of Rights... guess which...

Is it hands/feet/fists? The right to bear arms?

On a more serious note, I agree, but you know what else there is in the constitution? Limits on every right :lol:
That may be true, but in a country that was built on the gun, that developed with the gun and that has more guns in circulation than people, I'm pretty sure nobody in America is blind to guns. You're getting to the point where half the population is legally armed to protect themselves from the other half of the population that's illegally armed. Come up with a way to disarm the criminal elements, and you might get someone to listen.

Frankly, I'm ashamed of my country and their guns.
Frankly, I'm ashamed of my country and their guns.

In my view, people taking their own protection into their own hands is an admirable quality. You need not be ashamed of your country and guns but there is a level of shame that can be associated with the lawlessness of a large part of your population that has guns illegally, uses guns illegally, and no more considers the life of a human being than they consider the life of a fly.
Is it hands/feet/fists? The right to bear arms?

On a more serious note, I agree, but you know what else there is in the constitution? Limits on every right :lol:

Yes. My right to shoot a gun stops where your head begins. :)

My right to freedom of religion is not subject to only government-approved religions.
My right to free speech is not limited to spoken or printed material only, but also to all modern means of communication.
My right to be secure in my papers and person is supposed to extend to my electronic files and computers as well, thanks NSA.

Limitations placed on fundamental rights have to meet a strict standard of necessity, narrow construction, and least-restrictive-means.

Strongly implied in "necessity" is that the restrictions will ACTUALLY accomplish something rather than just being feel-good measures with no measureable effect.

Most gun control fails to meet this standard.
In my view, people taking their own protection into their own hands is an admirable quality. You need not be ashamed of your country and guns but there is a level of shame that can be associated with the lawlessness of a large part of your population that has guns illegally, uses guns illegally, and no more considers the life of a human being than they consider the life of a fly.

What I find a shame more than anything is that people are so close-minded that they won't even allow basic reforms like universal background checks to get passed.
Frankly, I'm ashamed of my country and their guns.

I'm ashamed that you don't understand liberty, and why it is necessary for The People to retain a strong right of force rather than allowing it to be monopolized by government.
Yes. My right to shoot a gun stops where your head begins. :)

My right to freedom of religion is not subject to only government-approved religions.
My right to free speech is not limited to spoken or printed material only, but also to all modern means of communication.
My right to be secure in my papers and person is supposed to extend to my electronic files and computers as well, thanks NSA.

Limitations placed on fundamental rights have to meet a strict standard of necessity, narrow construction, and least-restrictive-means.

Strongly implied in "necessity" is that the restrictions will ACTUALLY accomplish something rather than just being feel-good measures with no measureable effect.

Most gun control fails to meet this standard.

Like universal background checks?
What I find a shame more than anything is that people are so close-minded that they won't even allow basic reforms like universal background checks to get passed.

There are some people, and rightly so, who are leery of a government that wishes to infringe upon a constitutional right by dribs and drabs. What may be seen as basic reforms by some may be seen as a foot in the door towards breaking down that door and then clearing the room. Some people who don't trust government, and who can really blame them, aren't willing to let government get that foot in the door.
I'm ashamed that you don't understand liberty, and why it is necessary for The People to retain a strong right of force rather than allowing it to be monopolized by government.

I'm not saying I support the government monopolizing it. I just don't feel the need for a person to protect themselves with an assault rifle. I do understand liberty, what I don't understand is how you can talk of liberty when we lose 31,076 lives in a year (2010) to gun related violence. Who is advocating their lack of liberties?
There are some people, and rightly so, who are leery of a government that wishes to infringe upon a constitutional right by dribs and drabs. What may be seen as basic reforms by some may be seen as a foot in the door towards breaking down that door and then clearing the room. Some people who don't trust government, and who can really blame them, aren't willing to let government get that foot in the door.

Well i can agree with you partly. Really, who trusts the US gov't any more :2razz:
Like universal background checks?

Under certain circumstances I'd be okay with universal background checks. I am leery of giving the government ANY more gun laws because of their track record with what they've got (see Fast and Furious, Eric Holder) and because I know that will NOT be the end, merely the beginning... which is why I opposed the latest round of knee-jerk gun legislation.

I am also leery because universal background checks ultimately means the guns of the law abiding will be de-facto "registered" some day (unlike criminal's guns), and we have many examples of how registration or lists of who owns what is later used to ban and confiscate firearms types that have been selected to be outlawed (seen this in Australia, UK, Canada to some degree, and California).

The thing is the Anti side NEVER STOPS pushing for MORE.... so why give an inch when it just means we'll be fighting against the next mile? Like Pelosi's abomination of a so called AWB....
Cars: Made for driving
Alcohol: Made for drinking
Hands/Feet/Fists: Made for grabbing
Hammer: Made for hammering nails
Knives: Made for cutting food
Guns: Made for shooting,

See the difference?
Yes they are made for shooting but not just shooting people there are other applications as well just like the rest of that list.
I'm not saying I support the government monopolizing it. I just don't feel the need for a person to protect themselves with an assault rifle. I do understand liberty, what I don't understand is how you can talk of liberty when we lose 31,076 lives in a year (2010) to gun related violence. Who is advocating their lack of liberties?

Over half of those are suicides; some are justifiable homicides by police or citizens; others are accidents. Violent crime has been trending downward for around 40 years. Why are you determined to infringe on my liberties to solve an overdramatized problem that is already solving itself?

if you don't like "assault" rifles, don't own one.
Yes they are made for shooting but not just shooting people there are other applications as well just like the rest of that list.

Guns were made for the sole purpose of killing others.
Well i can agree with you partly. Really, who trusts the US gov't any more :2razz:

Even in the best of times, gov't functions better without our trust. That is, nonpartisan vigilance and skepticism of all things gov't. The question for me is... why did we ever have the illusion that we should trust them (edit) in the first place?
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