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Grieving daughter reminds America it didn't have to be this way (1 Viewer)

Rogue Valley

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Apr 18, 2013
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Grieving daughter reminds America it didn't have to be this way


Nothing felt more real, more searing, on the first night of the surreal 2020 Democratic National Convention than the words of a grieving daughter, Kristin Urquiza, laying the blame for her father's death from coronavirus at the feet of President Donald Trump. "My dad was a healthy 65-year-old," she said sharply, "his only pre-existing condition was trusting Donald Trump, and for that, he paid with his life." What could matter more when choosing a president in the middle of a pandemic than a candidate's ability -- his determination -- to do everything in his power to keep people from dying? Listening to her tell the story of her father, Mark Anthony Urquiza, made concrete the sorrow behind the Covid-19 death toll that keeps climbing, even as Trump relentlessly seeks to minimize the threat and undercut the measures that save lives. The story of this pandemic is one of the themes of the convention, as it should be. How many people did Urquiza touch on Monday night? At least 170,000 multiplied by children, spouses, siblings, friends and co-workers. In short, the millions of Americans who have lost loved ones. And why?

Her father voted for Trump, trusted him and took the President at his word. He "listened to him, believed him and his mouthpieces when they said coronavirus was under control and going to disappear; that it was OK to end social distancing rules..." When restrictions were lifted in Arizona, he went to a karaoke bar with his friends. We saw a picture of her father, beaming, microphone in hand. Before long, he fell ill. We saw the wrenching image of him, hospitalized, the end approaching. He was put on a ventilator. "After five agonizing days," Urquiza said, "he died alone, in the ICU, with a nurse holding his hand." That was it. Another tragic statistic. Urquiza's message was visceral. This is a convention like no other. When else have we seen an in memoriam scroll of people lost only recently to such a terrible disease? More than anything, Americans are united today in grief, in suffering, in the strangeness of daily lives that would have been inconceivable until the virus struck, and made deadlier, costlier, by the current President's twisted priorities. It didn't have to be this way. Like Urquiza's dad, millions of Americans voted for Trump, trusted him to make America great. It turned to disaster. It didn't have to be this way.

Donald Trumps handling of the coronavirus pandemic is nothing short of criminal negligence.

How many terrified Americans have died alone in a hospital of COVID while Trump was having a grand time golfing at one of his luxury resorts?

Another ~25,000 Americans will die of COVID by Election Day on November 3rd. It didn't have to be this way.
Grieving daughter reminds America it didn't have to be this way


Donald Trumps handling of the coronavirus pandemic is nothing short of criminal negligence.

If Democrats hadn’t done everything possible to block physicians from prescribing HCQ, this man could have been alive today.

Trump did everything he could to try to help, liberals blocked it because they couldn’t bear to see Trump help people.

Which is why they censured Whitsett for crediting Trump with saving her life.
Trump doesn't give a damn if people live or die. They're not him, and he is the main character.
Trump did everything he could to try to help, liberals blocked it because they couldn’t bear to see Trump help people.

Grieving daughter reminds America it didn't have to be this way


Donald Trumps handling of the coronavirus pandemic is nothing short of criminal negligence.

How many terrified Americans have died alone in a hospital of COVID while Trump was having a grand time golfing at one of his luxury resorts?

Another ~25,000 Americans will die of COVID by Election Day on November 3rd. It didn't have to be this way.

She’s right. It didn’t have to be this way. We could have shut the entire nation down in January and then, in May or June, sent out a couple of test subjects to see if the virus was still around.

We could have followed the Democrat plan of “criticize everything Trump does” because nothing says “fix the problem” quite like blaming everyone else.

We could have abandoned the Constitution and had the federal government take over the entire health care system thus providing a clear, consolidated and politically managed response to the virus.

We could have done a lot of things but the only real solution is to use every opportunity to bash Trump because that fixes everything...just like voting for Obama fixed racial injustice.
She’s right. It didn’t have to be this way. We could have shut the entire nation down in January and then, in May or June, sent out a couple of test subjects to see if the virus was still around.

We could have followed the Democrat plan of “criticize everything Trump does” because nothing says “fix the problem” quite like blaming everyone else.

We could have abandoned the Constitution and had the federal government take over the entire health care system thus providing a clear, consolidated and politically managed response to the virus.

We could have done a lot of things but the only real solution is to use every opportunity to bash Trump because that fixes everything...just like voting for Obama fixed racial injustice.

Hey, never miss an opportunity to act like a clown.
She’s right. It didn’t have to be this way. We could have shut the entire nation down in January and then, in May or June, sent out a couple of test subjects to see if the virus was still around.

We could have followed the Democrat plan of “criticize everything Trump does” because nothing says “fix the problem” quite like blaming everyone else.

We could have abandoned the Constitution and had the federal government take over the entire health care system thus providing a clear, consolidated and politically managed response to the virus.

We could have done a lot of things but the only real solution is to use every opportunity to bash Trump because that fixes everything...just like voting for Obama fixed racial injustice.

I have no doubt that if Trump hadn't closed down the pandemic response team and undermined the scientists and the science....we wouldn't be in this mess today.
If Democrats hadn’t done everything possible to block physicians from prescribing HCQ, this man could have been alive today.

Trump did everything he could to try to help, liberals blocked it because they couldn’t bear to see Trump help people.

Which is why they censured Whitsett for crediting Trump with saving her life.

And that’s not even taking into account the democrats’ vicious attacks on Lysol.
If Democrats hadn’t done everything possible to block physicians from prescribing HCQ, this man could have been alive today.

Trump did everything he could to try to help, liberals blocked it because they couldn’t bear to see Trump help people.

Which is why they censured Whitsett for crediting Trump with saving her life.

Grieving daughter reminds America it didn't have to be this way


Donald Trumps handling of the coronavirus pandemic is nothing short of criminal negligence.

How many terrified Americans have died alone in a hospital of COVID while Trump was having a grand time golfing at one of his luxury resorts?

Another ~25,000 Americans will die of COVID by Election Day on November 3rd. It didn't have to be this way.

What would Biden have done to keep kung flu deaths at zero. Can"t wait to hear it.
Blaming Trump for the Chinese virus that could have been contained by the communist government....


This stupid bit of talking point garbage makes the Dems look desperate. But when you have a sack of potatoes for a candidate, I guess it's to be expected.
Blaming Trump for the Chinese virus that could have been contained by the communist government....


This stupid bit of talking point garbage makes the Dems look desperate. But when you have a sack of potatoes for a candidate, I guess it's to be expected.

I don't think anyone is blaming Trump for the virus...but he is to blame for his failed response and lack of leadership that allowed the virus to spread and kill over 160,000 people. It didn't have to be that way.
I don't think anyone is blaming Trump for the virus...but he is to blame for his failed response and lack of leadership that allowed the virus to spread and kill over 160,000 people. It didn't have to be that way.

Ya, that's the stupid talking point. The "failed responses" thing and the "160,000" thing - strait from the DNC propaganda think tank. Heard it a bunch of times. Still stupid.
8 of the top 10 states with high COVID body counts are blue states. Those people didnt die due to lack of respirators or lack of hospital beds or lack of PPE. And while the idiot left loves to shriek and **** themselves over all things TRUUUUUMMMMPPPPP...they will NEVER escape the FACT that the people that died due to COVID died in blue states under rat party leadership with people following rat party agendas.
Ya, that's the stupid talking point. The "failed responses" thing and the "160,000" thing - strait from the DNC propaganda think tank. Heard it a bunch of times. Still stupid.

No, your denial is stupid. The virus spread and death rate and Trump's mishandling of the outbreak speaks for itself. The whole world was watching.

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