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Gov. Newsom admits renewable energy failure. (1 Viewer)


Feb 26, 2020
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Sunny south
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California Facing Largest Power Outages In Its History This Week – Deadline

(Newsom pointed to California’s shift to renewable resources as part of the reason for the supply shortage. Shutting down polluting gas power plants has created gaps in the state’s energy supply, he said.

While the state remains committed to a greener future, Newsom said, “We cannot sacrifice reliability” and promised that officials would be “much more aggressive … in making sure that is the case.)

That quote is buried about half way down.

I sit in comfortably A/C and my food freezers are safe because my power company uses all available resources, and The politicians here aren’t fools in rose colored glasses.

AOC and the ridiculous Democrats want California like power blackouts nation wide.
California Facing Largest Power Outages In Its History This Week – Deadline

(Newsom pointed to California’s shift to renewable resources as part of the reason for the supply shortage. Shutting down polluting gas power plants has created gaps in the state’s energy supply, he said.

While the state remains committed to a greener future, Newsom said, “We cannot sacrifice reliability” and promised that officials would be “much more aggressive … in making sure that is the case.)

That quote is buried about half way down.

I sit in comfortably A/C and my food freezers are safe because my power company uses all available resources, and The politicians here aren’t fools in rose colored glasses.

AOC and the ridiculous Democrats want California like power blackouts nation wide.

Sounds to me the problem is not renewable energy but the lack of more renewable generating capacity which will increase as investments are made.
California is facing what we all said it would face. That Newsom claims he didnt see it is a lie. The leftists see it...they know it...they just arent honest enough to admit it. So they continue to push pipe dreams and lies without regard to consequence.

The sad reality is that there is literally no reason for disagreement over the need for green energy and emerging energy technologies. We just have to continue to proceed while we understand and accept the reality that until it can be reliably replaced, fossil fuels are not evil...they are necessary. There is no reason for us to not use them...responsibly...while we press for better and more efficient energy systems.
The idea that it's impossible to have sufficient capacity with renewable energy and nuclear power is absurd.
Sounds to me the problem is not renewable energy but the lack of more renewable generating capacity which will increase as investments are made.
No...the problem is reality. With current technology you CANNOT fuel a major metropolis like LA County reliably with green energy. Its simply not possible. There isnt a mechanism or green energy source currently in place that would provide the needed green energy, no matter how much they click their heels and really really really really wish it were so.
Sounds to me the problem is not renewable energy but the lack of more renewable generating capacity which will increase as investments are made.
It is not a capacity issues as much as a duty cycle issue.
For wind and solar to meet the demands, they must have sufficient backup capacity always at the ready to pick up the slack.
if they shut down that backup capacity, and the inevitable shortfall happens, the system cannot provide power to everyone it serves.
More people working from home because of the virus. They're using more electricity.
The idea that it's impossible to have sufficient capacity with renewable energy and nuclear power is absurd.
Only if you have enough nuclear power to hold up the grid, when the alternatives fall short.
The idea that it's impossible to have sufficient capacity with renewable energy and nuclear power is absurd.
Sure thing...as long as you are willing to accept rolling blackouts, shut off your AC, restrict the use of bulbed lighting from 7AM to 6PM, dont use any major appliances, shut down the compressors at every major industrial facility, etc...you should be able to EASILY nail your goals.
Sure thing...as long as you are willing to accept rolling blackouts, shut off your AC, restrict the use of bulbed lighting from 7AM to 6PM, dont use any major appliances, shut down the compressors at every major industrial facility, etc...you should be able to EASILY nail your goals.

Yes, notoriously unreliable, those nuclear power plants.
Much like our COVID problems it would appear that the problem California faces is a haphazard fits and starts approach to renewable energy.

In America you need a plan that will withstand the political sand shifting under your feet to actually do anything. But the truth is that since the political sand is always shifting under our feet here, government officials have to err on the side of caution. Sounds like they didn't do that in Cali with regard to renewables.

Just for the record for as long we continue without a National Plan and Strategy v COVID, we will suffer the most deaths, the most destruction, the most economic hardship possible. We can develop vaccines, treatments, rapid tests till hell freezes over. We will not get the full benefit of those developments, hardly. In fact we will simply suffer the most death and destruction possible WITH a vaccine, the most death and destruction possible WITH a treatment, the most death and destruction possible with rapid testing. All you have to do is look at our COVID response to pronounce Trump worst President all time.
Yes, notoriously unreliable, those nuclear power plants.
How many more are you willing to build to meet your energy needs, and BTW I applaud the lefts embrace of nuclear energy. Now if you guys can only get a little bit more realistic about radioactive waste matter storage and disposal, we'll really be on the way to embracing...wait...isnt Nuclear energy just another fossil fuel?
California Facing Largest Power Outages In Its History This Week – Deadline

(Newsom pointed to California’s shift to renewable resources as part of the reason for the supply shortage. Shutting down polluting gas power plants has created gaps in the state’s energy supply, he said.

While the state remains committed to a greener future, Newsom said, “We cannot sacrifice reliability” and promised that officials would be “much more aggressive … in making sure that is the case.)

That quote is buried about half way down.

I sit in comfortably A/C and my food freezers are safe because my power company uses all available resources, and The politicians here aren’t fools in rose colored glasses.

AOC and the ridiculous Democrats want California like power blackouts nation wide.

Too bad they wont build a nuclear plant. One plant would solve all their problems, its renewable and no emissions. CA has one nuclear plant left which supplies 10% of the entire power in the state, alone.
Too bad they wont build a nuclear plant. One plant would solve all their problems, its renewable and no emissions. CA has one nuclear plant left which supplies 10% of the entire power in the state, alone.

They should build thirty nuclear plants, not one.
They should build thirty nuclear plants, not one.

America lost faith in Nuclear or maybe more accurately we lost faith in our willingness to manage Nuclear properly. The technology is sound....our ability to manage something that must be managed for centuries.....NOT SO MUCH I suspect.

France did it. Odd that they would be able to pull it off and we can't...but there you go.....It is what it is.
They should build thirty nuclear plants, not one.
You KNOW thats a cant win scenario...right? The Berkeley Liberals and leftists of the country HATE nuclear energy...spent most of their lives protesting nuclear energy, and if they allowed for nuclear energy to built, the first hint of trouble at a nuclear plant they would be shrieking to shut them all down.

Like I said...I applaud your support of nuclear energy. I'm sure you are equally reasonable about nuclear waste storage. But you have a lot of convincing to do within your own ideological set before your position could ever become mainstream.
California is facing what we all said it would face. That Newsom claims he didnt see it is a lie. The leftists see it...they know it...they just arent honest enough to admit it. So they continue to push pipe dreams and lies without regard to consequence.

The sad reality is that there is literally no reason for disagreement over the need for green energy and emerging energy technologies. We just have to continue to proceed while we understand and accept the reality that until it can be reliably replaced, fossil fuels are not evil...they are necessary. There is no reason for us to not use them...responsibly...while we press for better and more efficient energy systems.

Fossil fuels can never be replaced totally and probably not even significantly. Besides providing the most efficient energy, petroleum is also used in the production of thousands of products including pharmaceuticals, plastics, fertilizers, etc. The people breathlessly attacking fossil fuels are basically ignorant about why they are vital, as they are ignorant of so much else.
You KNOW thats a cant win scenario...right? The Berkeley Liberals and leftists of the country HATE nuclear energy...spent most of their lives protesting nuclear energy, and if they allowed for nuclear energy to built, the first hint of trouble at a nuclear plant they would be shrieking to shut them all down.

Like I said...I applaud your support of nuclear energy. I'm sure you are equally reasonable about nuclear waste storage. But you have a lot of convincing to do within your own ideological set before your position could ever become mainstream.

There's plenty of anti-nuclear sentiment on the right also.

Nuclear waste is far less of a problem than people think it is, as much of it can be recycled. We just... don't.
Sounds to me the problem is not renewable energy but the lack of more renewable generating capacity which will increase as investments are made.

Socialist/communist keyword: “investments” = raise taxes on everything!
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How many more are you willing to build to meet your energy needs, and BTW I applaud the lefts embrace of nuclear energy. Now if you guys can only get a little bit more realistic about radioactive waste matter storage and disposal, we'll really be on the way to embracing...wait...isnt Nuclear energy just another fossil fuel?

SpaceX has the solution to radioactive waste disposal.
If there is one place o Earth that should be able to get renewable energy right, its California. How did they mess this up?
If there is one place o Earth that should be able to get renewable energy right, its California. How did they mess this up?

Socials/communist/democrats mess up anything they touch.
Ask Venezuela.
California is facing what we all said it would face. That Newsom claims he didnt see it is a lie. The leftists see it...they know it...they just arent honest enough to admit it. So they continue to push pipe dreams and lies without regard to consequence.

The sad reality is that there is literally no reason for disagreement over the need for green energy and emerging energy technologies. We just have to continue to proceed while we understand and accept the reality that until it can be reliably replaced, fossil fuels are not evil...they are necessary. There is no reason for us to not use them...responsibly...while we press for better and more efficient energy systems.

Can agree with everything you said in your second para and disagree with blaming leftists, given the right’s denial of climate change, Trump saying windmills cause cancer, and other follies. There have been occasional blackouts in California in the 50+ years I have been living here. And yes, the left has pushed for everything from promoting mileage and smog standards to solar power, much as we continue to subsidize petroleum.

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