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GOP Privately Considers Dumping Trump (1 Viewer)


Exposing GOP since 2015
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Jan 21, 2013
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Take from the MSNBC rumor mill for what this is but since that bipartisan letter came out. I feel the tide has changed. You have Trumps supporters in the house/senate and then you have everyone else. But like this says. The bottom is falling out. Trump is worried. No one wants to be COS. The Russian NRA bunny just flipped. One should be asking these Republicans, what more evidence do they need? Are they waiting for the pee tape to be released?????

Speaking to host Nicolle Wallace on Monday, Eli Stokols—a White House reporter for The Los Angeles Times—suggested that concrete evidence of wrongdoing by Trump could make continued Republican support for the president untenable.


Stokols continued, noting that Republican lawmakers “are starting to tell me privately—some of them—if there’s obvious evidence, the bottom’s going to fall out. They’re not going to be able to stand by this White House and that’s a looming problem for the president.”

They have been trying to dump him since he announced. So far, they aren't successful, which is killing MSNBC.
Take from the MSNBC rumor mill for what this is but since that bipartisan letter came out. I feel the tide has changed. You have Trumps supporters in the house/senate and then you have everyone else. But like this says. The bottom is falling out. Trump is worried. No one wants to be COS. The Russian NRA bunny just flipped. One should be asking these Republicans, what more evidence do they need? Are they waiting for the pee tape to be released?????

Take from the MSNBC rumor mill for what this is but since that bipartisan letter came out. I feel the tide has changed. You have Trumps supporters in the house/senate and then you have everyone else. But like this says. The bottom is falling out. Trump is worried. No one wants to be COS. The Russian NRA bunny just flipped. One should be asking these Republicans, what more evidence do they need? Are they waiting for the pee tape to be released?????


Don't need a reporter for that info.

I could have told you that there were/are always "some of them" in the GOP that took/take any reason not to support Trump.

So, basically, what's new?!?
Take from the MSNBC rumor mill for what this is but since that bipartisan letter came out. I feel the tide has changed. You have Trumps supporters in the house/senate and then you have everyone else. But like this says. The bottom is falling out. Trump is worried. No one wants to be COS. The Russian NRA bunny just flipped. One should be asking these Republicans, what more evidence do they need? Are they waiting for the pee tape to be released?????


The GOP in Congress turning on Trump? I will not believe it until it happens. They have made a collective decision to stick with this guy to the bitter end as to oppose him means to rip the party in two - and they fear the establishment side of the Republican Party may end up in the minority with the deplorable outnumbering them. So they have to keep on going with Trump and have no real options that are also not laden with more explosives than a mine field.

They know they could get their collective asses kicked in 2020 - and they would rather face that and then rebuild without Trump after taking the electoral bloodbath then they would having to face a formal split in the party and alienating the deplorable they know make up so much of their reliable voting blocs.

That is the real nightmare scenario for the GOP. Parties have lost before in landslides and have to rebuild. Goldwater got his ass handed to him in 64 but Nixon came back to win just four years later. Same with the Dems and McGovern in 72 and Carter then won in 76. But the party held intact despite the loss.

The real disaster they fear is turning against Trump, Trump fighting back, and the party ruptures with the Trumpkins hating the establishment GOP party leaders for daring to oppose their little tin god.

So they will grit their teeth and keep riding with Trump to the bitter end - even if it means looking like damn fools as Hatch is looking today or risking a landslide against them in 2020 and many of them will have lost their own positions.
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Don't need a reporter for that info.

I could have told you that there were/are always "some of them" in the GOP that took/take any reason not to support Trump.

So, basically, what's new?!?

Yes but that reason changes constantly closer to why should they support him?
Perhaps you have been asleep the last couple of years. Establishment on both sides and crazed journalists have been quite vocal about their discontent at at having power being brought back towards the citizenry.
The GOP in Congress turning on Trump? I will not believe it until it happens. They have made a collective decision to stick with this guy to the bitter end as to oppose him means to rip the party in two - and they fear the establishment side of the Republican Party may end up in the minority with the deplorable outnumbering them. So they have to keep on going with Trump and have no real options that are also not laden with more explosives than a mine field.

They know they could get their collective asses kicked in 2020 - and they would rather face that and then rebuild without Trump after taking the electoral bloodbath then they would having to face a formal split in the party and alienating the deplorable they know make up so much of their reliable voting blocs.

The deplorables already outnumber them. They just don't know it yet.
Perhaps you have been asleep the last couple of years. Establishment on both sides and crazed journalists have been quite vocal about their discontent at at having power being brought back towards the citizenry.

So a billionaire from Manhattan who craps in gold plated toilets and who many times praised and said he admired tyrants and dictators has 'brought back power to citizenry'? Back to the little guy?

Ahhh. no...
The deplorables already outnumber them. They just don't know it yet.

I suspect you are right about that. Their problem has always been they feel they can control the deplorables and use them to their own ends and give them precious little in return. With Trump, they are finding out that they are riding the tiger and at any time the tiger can devour them if he so desires.
They have been trying to dump him since he announced. So far, they aren't successful, which is killing MSNBC.

are starting to tell me privately—some of them—if there’s obvious evidence, the bottom’s going to fall out. They’re not going to be able to stand by this White House and that’s a looming problem for the president.

To paraphrase the movie "Jerry McQuire": "show me the evidence!"

Yes, once the evidence comes out, and I believe there is sufficient evidence for both Federal and State prosecutors to make their cases, the RNC will backpedal from Trump like he was a flaming bag of dog ****.

Defense of what? Most of the Republicans/Conservatives I know don't like Trump, but we know the liberal alternative is so much worse we put up with his antics. I don't defend what he says or does, but he is at least on the right road, going in the right direction. Liberals are speeding in the wrong direction.
interesting defense then. I hope the GOP doesn't try to say this themselves. They will be laughed out of office (hopefully).
I agree. So far, nothing.
are starting to tell me privately—some of them—if there’s obvious evidence, the bottom’s going to fall out. They’re not going to be able to stand by this White House and that’s a looming problem for the president.

To paraphrase the movie "Jerry McQuire": "show me the evidence!"

Yes, once the evidence comes out, and I believe there is sufficient evidence for both Federal and State prosecutors to make their cases, the RNC will backpedal from Trump like he was a flaming bag of dog ****.

I suspect you are right about that. Their problem has always been they feel they can control the deplorables and use them to their own ends and give them precious little in return. With Trump, they are finding out that they are riding the tiger and at any time the tiger can devour them if he so desires.

They are slowly losing that control based on the antics of Mcinnes, Wohl, Jones, Milo and others... It is grossly under reported how close these losers are to centers of power in DC.
So a billionaire from Manhattan who craps in gold plated toilets and who many times praised and said he admired tyrants and dictators has 'brought back power to citizenry'? Back to the little guy?

Ahhh. no...

Take from the MSNBC rumor mill for what this is but since that bipartisan letter came out. I feel the tide has changed. You have Trumps supporters in the house/senate and then you have everyone else. But like this says. The bottom is falling out. Trump is worried. No one wants to be COS. The Russian NRA bunny just flipped. One should be asking these Republicans, what more evidence do they need? Are they waiting for the pee tape to be released?????


I would say there may be "some" that are thinking of dumping Trump (a small minority) but there are GOP comments today from some that have said they "don't care" about what Trump did.
They are slowly losing that control based on the antics of Mcinnes, Wohl, Jones, Milo and others... It is grossly under reported how close these losers are to centers of power in DC.

In history, we have a term called RIDING THE TIGER. It applies to rebel rousers like Sam Adams in the American Revolution who stir up trouble with the masses and lead them stirring up the pot to effect change. The problem with those folks is that they are rather useless if not completely country productive once the revolution or big change happens and they have to do the mundane business of governing. And he believed he and his establishment crowd could do the governing and shove them aside with a few trinkets that are relatively cheap and worthless.

Mitch McConell - as leader of the Senate GOP wing - has always believed he can control folks like that - the born again crowd and the neo-nazi sympathizers and the racists and rest of the deporables. He also believed he could give them very little in return beyond lip service and they stay in the fold.

But now Trump is riding high and McConnell cannot show any independence no matter what happens. If things get really bad and Mueller and the Courts come up with really solid evidence of Trump crimes, the best Mitch can do is quietly go over to the White House and beg Trump to resign for the good of the party. And if Trump shows him the middle finger - Mitch has to take it and bend over and go along with whatever Trump tells him to do.
Take from the MSNBC rumor mill for what this is but since that bipartisan letter came out. I feel the tide has changed. You have Trumps supporters in the house/senate and then you have everyone else. But like this says. The bottom is falling out. Trump is worried. No one wants to be COS. The Russian NRA bunny just flipped. One should be asking these Republicans, what more evidence do they need? Are they waiting for the pee tape to be released?????


Right now you have 62% of all Republicans viewing Trump very favorably, those are your avid Trump supporters. Question 46A. You also have 24% of all Republicans viewing Trump somewhat favorably. These could change their thinking and move into the somewhat unfavorable view of him fairly easily. This 24% is more interested in the R next to Trump's name than Trump himself.


Now you have 21% of independents viewing Trump very favorably, these independents are also avid Trumpers. But even together, only 27% of the nation view Trump very favorably or what I would classify into the avid Trumper category. These figures have been pretty steady since Trump's inauguration day. Which means Trump has failed to expand his base. The same folks who supported him to the max back in January are the same one's who support him today. But even so, these Trumpers hold the future of all congressional Republicans in their hands. Their strength is enough within the Republican Party that they could cause the defeat of almost all Republicans currently in congress. So don't expect a huge revolt at this time. More wrong doings will have to come out. The 62% of avid Trumpers within the GOP will have to decrease.

Although Trump's strength among independents could become a tipping point. Back in January of 2017 only 30% of all independents viewed Trump very unfavorably, today the number of independents who view Trump that way has risen to 37%. The number of independents who view Trump somewhat unfavorably has also risen since inauguration day from 10% to 13%. Independent strength or view of Trump can be seen in Trump winning independents over Hillary Clinton 46-42 with 12% voting third party in 2016 to their switch to the Democratic Party candidates in 2018 by a 54-42 margin. Which in my opinion spells big trouble for the Republicans come 2020 if Trump decides to run again. The Republican Party remains the smaller of the two major parties, if they don't win the independent vote, they lose in the general election as seen in 2018.
I agree. So far, nothing.
Not nothing, but just the testimony of Cohen. It needs to be corroborated if it's going to reach a level where Trump is either indicted or impeached. If we're taking money bets, I'll put $50 on Mueller having the corroborative evidence.
In history, we have a term called RIDING THE TIGER. It applies to rebel rousers like Sam Adams in the American Revolution who stir up trouble with the masses and lead them stirring up the pot to effect change. The problem with those folks is that they are rather useless if not completely country productive once the revolution or big change happens and they have to do the mundane business of governing. And he believed he and his establishment crowd could do the governing and shove them aside with a few trinkets that are relatively cheap and worthless.

Mitch McConell - as leader of the Senate GOP wing - has always believed he can control folks like that - the born again crowd and the neo-nazi sympathizers and the racists and rest of the deporables. He also believed he could give them very little in return beyond lip service and they stay in the fold.

But now Trump is riding high and McConnell cannot show any independence no matter what happens. If things get really bad and Mueller and the Courts come up with really solid evidence of Trump crimes, the best Mitch can do is quietly go over to the White House and beg Trump to resign for the good of the party. And if Trump shows him the middle finger - Mitch has to take it and bend over and go along with whatever Trump tells him to do.

Agreed. For a LW example, look at Hillary in 2008 and 2016. She thought she could control the process, but not even the Democrats wanted her....twice.
are starting to tell me privately—some of them—if there’s obvious evidence, the bottom’s going to fall out. They’re not going to be able to stand by this White House and that’s a looming problem for the president.

To paraphrase the movie "Jerry McQuire": "show me the evidence!"

Yes, once the evidence comes out, and I believe there is sufficient evidence for both Federal and State prosecutors to make their cases, the RNC will backpedal from Trump like he was a flaming bag of dog ****.


You have more faith in the RNC than I do.

I think they need Trump's deplorable cult, which the GOP media echo chamber painstakingly spent about 35 years creating, to have any chance at power. They will ride the TrumpShark down screaming, "Nothing to see here!".
You have more faith in the RNC than I do.

I think they need Trump's deplorable cult, which the GOP media echo chamber painstakingly spent about 35 years creating, to have any chance at power. They will ride the TrumpShark down screaming, "Nothing to see here!".

Everyone should recall that Trump was ridiculed for running against 12(?) more qualified Republican candidates. The party put their weight behind Jeb! However, unlike the corrupt DNC, the RNC didn't try to overrule the will of their members and, in the end, it was Trump....much to the chagrin of the RNC. Let's not forget the initial controversy among the Republicans on how to deal with/work with/handle (if possible) Trump once he was elected.
Take from the MSNBC rumor mill for what this is but since that bipartisan letter came out. I feel the tide has changed. You have Trumps supporters in the house/senate and then you have everyone else. But like this says. The bottom is falling out. Trump is worried. No one wants to be COS. The Russian NRA bunny just flipped. One should be asking these Republicans, what more evidence do they need? Are they waiting for the pee tape to be released?????


I suggest these "Republican lawmakers" should be more worried about Trump declassifying and releasing to the public documents, emails and other evidence of the corruption within the Obama administration. Congress is part of that corruption.

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