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Golden Globe Awards host Ricky Gervais tears into Hollywood elite, Disney, Amazon, Apple (1 Viewer)

Did someone forget to inform you that Gervais is an atheist and a British liberal? Those people he tore into were conservatives by his views.

Those people where liberal by anybody who lives in reality point of view. You don't have conservative actors wasting the viewers time with their social justice nonsense. The monologue was short and pointed out much that is wrong with Hollywood and the liberal agenda. Many of you on here are big fans of Iran now. you'd probably cheer Hitler on if he was against Trump. At what point will you all have a little self awareness and realize just how far off the rails you have gone?
It's about time somebody knocked those elitists down a few pegs.

Gervais said what so many of us have wanted to say to Hollywood for years. He ended his 7+ minute monologue by telling the people in attendance to just accept their awards, don't make political speeches and basically GTF off the stage.


Here's the audio:


I had a discussion with my wife about this. Neither one of us actually saw it. I explained to her what I read regarding his hosting and she replied that he is known for going over the top or some such thing like that. I explained to her that from what I read about the incident it didn't seem like he was doing over the top comedy and that he was dead serious with the things he said. It is about time that someone chopped these arrogant people down to size. I'm so sick of their anti-Trumpness and anti Republican crap they always pull at these liberal love fests. They should have learned their lesson in 2016 that nobody gives a damn what their liberal opinions are. The hypocrites that they are they can sure dish out their intolerance but they can't take it.
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LOL guessing Trumpets have not seen what he has said about Trump and rightwingers before...

I've seen it. Does that make his takedown of Hollywood less funny?
Well, Tom Hanks certainly didn't. He used to make comedies in the 80's, and some pretty decent ones at that. Where did his sense of humor go?

he became a leftist.
Regarding the biggest applause of the monologue. This pretty much proves my point.

No, it proves you have no ****ing clue what you're talking about. Maybe you should take a little more time to actually learn something about Ricky Gervais. You'll find that he's a raging Atheist who ****ing hates Trump. While he may give some people in Hollywood some **** every once in awhile it's all in good fun and they know it.

What he was actually making fun of more than anything is the way idiots like you seem to think that just because someone is from Hollywood or lives on the costs means they don't get an opinion because they're real Americans. He highlighted that in his reference to Greta Thurnburg and the way she is attacked for being a brainwashed no nothing child even though she is very clearly smarter than the current president of the United States.

His jokes were attacking your irrational hatred more so than anyone in Hollywood and you're falling for it hook line and sinker.
LOL guessing Trumpets have not seen what he has said about Trump and rightwingers before...

One does not need to be a Trump supporter to find Hollywood's smug hypocrisy and air-headed silliness off-putting. Three cheers for Ricky.
I had a discussion with my wife about this. Neither one of us actually saw it. I explained to her what I read regarding his hosting and she replied that he is known for going over the top or some such thing like that. I explained to her that from what I read about the incident it didn't seem like he was doing over the top comedy and that he was dead serious with the things he said. It is about time that someone chopped these arrogant people down to size. I'm so sick of their anti-Trumpness and anti Republican crap they always pull at these liberal love fests. They should have learned their lesson in 2016 that nobody gives a damn what their liberal opinions are. The hypocrites that they are they can sure dish out their intolerance but they can't take it.

I watched this with co workers and there was a lot of laughing out loud. The comedy comes from Gervais speaking the truth and watching the horror on the faces in crowd. They thought they were gonna here the typical Trump bashing and one of their own turned it around on them. The scary thing is there are still people who actually think Gervais was attacking Conservatives. Their disconnect from reality is terrifying especially when you consider they will be voting in the next Presidential election. I believe all people should have to pass a basic comprehension test in order to vote. The level of stupidity/ignorance/brainwash on this site is crazy.
I don't really care of Gervais is a liberal or not.
He put his finger right on what's wrong with Hollywood right now and told them the facts straight to their faces.
Some of the reaction shots from his audience were hilarious.

I agree that it's high time the Hollywood celebrities heard the hard truth, and so much the better it came from one of their own.
If it came from anyone else, it wouldn't sink in, or would sink in less, assuming that anything had a chance to sink in.

Do you think that Trump the Hollywood celeb caught on?
It's about time somebody knocked those elitists down a few pegs.

Gervais said what so many of us have wanted to say to Hollywood for years. He ended his 7+ minute monologue by telling the people in attendance to just accept their awards, don't make political speeches and basically GTF off the stage.


Here's the audio:


What you, trump and many other people on the right lack is the ability to be self deprecating and to laugh at yourself. Most people in the G.G crowd as well as myself and many others on your "hated left" were cracking up along with Ricky.

You need to lighten up and not take yourself so seriously, dude. This is why conservatives make horrible comedians.
The speech and most of his jokes were spot on exposing hypocrites everywhere . . . in a nutshell its Ricky being ricky . . thats what he does and I always liked him for it :shrug:

but the best part is watching people think he was supporting "their side" or attack "the other side" when in fact he was just lamb blasting hypocrites and doing his typical hilarious schtick. Its hows how monumentally stupid and blind some people are and its perfect!

Pretty much this. He is a modern George Carlin, his act is neutral to both sides and great at pointing out where people are being dumb.
If it wasn't for the Hollywood elite how would you folks know what to think?

Just shows how dumb the right are. Thinking everybody must be like them, eating up their BS lies from Fox news. Liberals have facts on their side, and dont' need celebrities to tell us how we think. Unlike right wing idiots who only repeat fox news bull****. So stop projecting
What you, trump and many other people on the right lack is the ability to be self deprecating and to laugh at yourself. Most people in the G.G crowd as well as myself and many others on your "hated left" were cracking up along with Ricky.

You need to lighten up and not take yourself so seriously, dude. This is why conservatives make horrible comedians.

More denial!
Pretty much this. He is a modern George Carlin, his act is neutral to both sides and great at pointing out where people are being dumb.

That is a very good comparison I had not thought of before. But he does fill that void now that George is no longer with us.
It's about time somebody knocked those elitists down a few pegs.

Gervais said what so many of us have wanted to say to Hollywood for years. He ended his 7+ minute monologue by telling the people in attendance to just accept their awards, don't make political speeches and basically GTF off the stage.


Here's the audio:


Whether or not he was being satirical or serious he hit the nail on the head.
That's good...you dont get what a roast is

You don't get the difference between a roast and a lecture.

He roasted them with jokes, but when he lectured them on their hypocrisies at the end, he wasn't joking anymore.
Pretty much this. He is a modern George Carlin, his act is neutral to both sides and great at pointing out where people are being dumb.


He destroyed people that are hypocritical and it was awesome and the bonus is some of the most dishonest and hypocritical posters here celebrate it not realizing he destroyed them too, in fact they are still doing it and its awesomely delicious LAMO
Another great failed irony thread this year that is catching and exposing people left and right!

Or an Emmy, Trump was desperate for that statue, but he got beat out by RuPaul twice bwahaha

I thought RuPaul had more class than that.
No, it proves you have no ****ing clue what you're talking about. Maybe you should take a little more time to actually learn something about Ricky Gervais. You'll find that he's a raging Atheist who ****ing hates Trump. While he may give some people in Hollywood some **** every once in awhile it's all in good fun and they know it.

What he was actually making fun of more than anything is the way idiots like you seem to think that just because someone is from Hollywood or lives on the costs means they don't get an opinion because they're real Americans. He highlighted that in his reference to Greta Thurnburg and the way she is attacked for being a brainwashed no nothing child even though she is very clearly smarter than the current president of the United States.

His jokes were attacking your irrational hatred more so than anyone in Hollywood and you're falling for it hook line and sinker.

Do you ever notice when someone from the left responds it's with a hateful/profanity laced diatribe. It's difficult to think logically when you allow your emotions to get out of control. There is nothing to argue here. It's all on tape. Go watch it again and stop spitting!
Pretty much this. He is a modern George Carlin, his act is neutral to both sides and great at pointing out where people are being dumb.


I find it funny that there is some weird "win" feeling for some when he targeted the Hollywood elite. It is almost like they do not realize he can (and has ) teared into Trump (and associates) pretty darn well?

Cute that Gervais is getting some hero worship from the Right Wing.

I find it funny that there is some weird "win" feeling for some when he targeted the Hollywood elite. It is almost like they do not realize he can (and has ) teared into Trump (and associates) pretty darn well?

Cute that Gervais is getting some hero worship from the Right Wing.

Its just humor. Show me the man who can't laugh at himself and I will show you someone who is probably a extremist in some way.

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