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Go Fund Me, The Wall (1 Viewer)


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Feb 12, 2013
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Just when you thought it could not get any worse over this wall nonsense... :roll:
This dudes gonna get rich off some dumb ass people. Capitalism at its finest.
I thought this was an Onion story when I first stumbled on the tweets feed. But, last I looked, CBS isn't an onion and usually prints serious material.

Yet, who can really take this serious?

Florida man starts GoFundMe campaign for Trump's border wall, sets $1 billion goal

And, I thought the Trump U folks were suckers.

I saw a couple and a homeless man landed in court after scamming people out of millions on that site. People need to be careful. The guy is raising a lot of money, but it's highly unlikely he can give that money to the US Government or Trump, and get exactly what he and the donors want. I think this going to cause more trouble than anything.

A private company has no interest in building and managing a wall, because there is no profit in it.

Private citizens can't manage such a project though volunteer labor.

This will involve government and congressional action. Trump acting like this is just a matter of money is again, misleading his followers, and being a demagogue
I thought this was an Onion story when I first stumbled on the tweets feed. But, last I looked, CBS isn't an onion and usually prints serious material.

Yet, who can really take this serious?

Florida man starts GoFundMe campaign for Trump's border wall, sets $1 billion goal

And, I thought the Trump U folks were suckers.
Thanks for posting this. I became aware of it when it started and had 30K (only two days ago). I figured it was a scam. I'm blown away by it's success.

I hope the owner is legit and can handle scrutiny, because he's going to be thrust into the spotlight. Who knows? He may become the next "Joe the Plumber".
This dudes gonna get rich off some dumb ass people. Capitalism at its finest.

This dude could give 10 billion to Trump, and Trump still couldn't get a wall built. It's going to require confessional leadership and an actual plan, non of which, Trump ever had. He had chants... hypocritical chants and empty promises. He is a classic demagogue.

If Trump could get his damn hands on the money, he would probably just funnel it to himself some how, and maybe make a flimsy attempt to build some kind of wall just to appease his supporters. Who knew building a wall could be so hard?
“There is an ass for every seat.”
This dudes gonna get rich off some dumb ass people. Capitalism at its finest.
Well, it is possible the guy is legit. I have no idea. We'll see. But whether legit in his motive, or not, he will earn handsomely if he does not act fraudulently.

If he did start this as a scam, he can get smart and hire an accountant, attorney, and PR agent, and go legit. Why not? He definitely has hit the lottery, here. Non-profit CEO's are legally entitled to the same compensation and benefits as do like-sized for-profit entities.
Well, it is possible the guy is legit. I have no idea. We'll see. But whether legit in his motive, or not, he will earn handsomely if he does not act fraudulently.

If he did start this as a scam, he can get smart and hire an accountant, attorney, and PR agent, and go legit. Why not? He definitely has hit the lottery, here. Non-profit CEO's are legally entitled to the same compensation and benefits as do like-sized for-profit entities.

Follow the Trump Foundation model? :shock:
Next thing you know these morons are going to start a campaign to just build it themselves and end up getting shot for trespassing.
These idiots elected him because he promised them a wall. Now the same idiots are paying for the wall, gladly, and losing their health insurance to boot.

What the actual ****. :lol:
Next thing you know these morons are going to start a campaign to just build it themselves and end up getting shot for trespassing.

I like it. Maybe I'll set up a website for people to sign up, and then send them on their mission. ;)

j/k of course. :unsure13:
These idiots elected him because he promised them a wall. Now the same idiots are paying for the wall, gladly, and losing their health insurance to boot.

What the actual ****. :lol:

Yes, the intelligence of a Trump supporter on full display.
Although I disagree with building the wall for practical reasons, I do not doubt the motivation of the American patriot and hero’s desire to continue protecting our country. However, his simplistic comparison of collecting donations for a wall and the Washington Monument is wrong. The Washington Monument is managed by the National Parks Service, which set up a charity to repair the monument. The wall on the other hand, is a Department of Homeland Security project that there is currently no avenue to directly donate towards. H.R. 5878 (Border Wall Trust Fund Act) https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/5876 that would allow direct donations has gone nowhere since it's introduction. As it stands now, any monies raised cannot be given to the government earmarked for the wall.
Follow the Trump Foundation model? :shock:
Alright, let's see what shakes out of this. The guy claims he's a triple amputee veteran. I'm not going to judge him personally at this point, except to say go-fund-me's have to be approached skeptically & carefully. I'm sure we'll soon find-out more about this individual.
Saw this on twitter when some asked if it were possible for privately denoted gifts to be used to repair public property. Apparently so...

One Guy Donated the Money Needed to Fix the Washington Monument

Up to almost 5 million now. The goal one billion.
I first saw this when it was 30 or 40K. That was only 2-3 days ago! Wow!

If he checks-out legit, we're going to see this guy on Fox within a business day or two - if he so desires. And I believe Trump will start using him publicly, if he doesn't sign the CR.
I first saw this when it was 30 or 40K. That was only 2-3 days ago! Wow!

If he checks-out legit, we're going to see this guy on Fox within a business day or two - if he so desires. And I believe Trump will start using him publicly, if he doesn't sign the CR.

He's legit.
Read the Go Fund Page... he's been on Fox before.
These idiots elected him because he promised them a wall. Now the same idiots are paying for the wall, gladly, and losing their health insurance to boot.

What the actual ****. :lol:

He promised them a wall that Mexico would pay for. Now they know he lied about that (something those of us with fully functioning brains knew and said in 2016), they are desperately whoring themselves to cover for him.

How pathetic.
Funny to see the White Trash throw away their beer money to a con man......what a bunch of losers
Saw this on twitter when some asked if it were possible for privately denoted gifts to be used to repair public property. Apparently so...

One Guy Donated the Money Needed to Fix the Washington Monument

Up to almost 5 million now. The goal one billion.

We donated our whole RNC contribution for this year. Been holding out for most part of the year and endured countless phone calls and sometimes "heavy" conversations, but at least the next phone call from the RNC will be easier to answer. (grin)
He's legit.
Read the Go Fund Page... he's been on Fox before.
I'm aware of his claims on his GoFundMe page. But I'll feel better as he gets more publicly vetted.

But if he's found legit, more power to him. I congratulate him for his service, console him for his losses during his service, and support him in his right to do what he believes in.
We donated our whole RNC contribution for this year. Been holding out for most part of the year and endured countless phone calls and sometimes "heavy" conversations, but at least the next phone call from the RNC will be easier to answer. (grin)

You just threw away your money...The Wall will never be built

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