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Glenn Beck launches online University (1 Viewer)


Jun 9, 2010
Reaction score
Austin, TX
Political Leaning

Hey now, I thought Rush Limbaugh had the patent on advanced conservative studies?

School may be out for the summer, but for Glenn Beck class is just starting.

This July, while others are relaxing poolside, head back to the classroom - from the comfort of your own home. That may sound like an oxymoron but Glenn’s new academic program is only available online.

Offered exclusively to Insider Extreme subscribers, Beck University is a unique academic experience bringing together experts in the fields of religion, American history and economics. Through captivating lectures and interactive online discussions, these experts will explore the concepts of Faith, Hope and Charity and show you how they influence America’s past, her present and most importantly her future.

Full story here
Well if you are in a hurry be misinformed, I would recommend his online university highly. I am certain Christian nationalist history revisionist David Barton will 'teach' you all about the religion of the founding fathers. Gag me with maggots.
The words "Glenn Beck" and "University" Should never ever be in the same sentence...
The words "Glenn Beck" and "University" Should never ever be in the same sentence...

I believe this is the first time in recorded history. He did briefly attend ONE COLLEGE CLASS at Yale in a non-traditional student program, but didn't even finish it and dropped out.

That explains his lack of interest in objective sources.
Propaganda 101

I love the Gip though, he makes me lol a lot.

Gippers Greatest Hits.

I sometimes wear a strap-on. I put it on backwards so I can lay on my stomach and watch SportsCenter while she goes to town on my back.
Is that gay sex?

That one ^ Had me laughing so hard that I fell out of my chair and almost pissed my pants. Gipper says the funniest **** I agree.

As soon as you see her, immediately slap her in the face. Women love it when you exert dominance, and it lets her know her place.
After that, it's just a matter of days before your relationship title becomes "sir" or "big daddy".
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Well, if you can't start a religion to get rich, this isn't a bad way to separate your foolish followers from their money.

Props to Beck. Making his already ignorant followers more ignorant and less wealthy.
Well, if you can't start a religion to get rich, this isn't a bad way to separate your foolish followers from their money.

Props to Beck. Making his already ignorant followers more ignorant and less wealthy.
LOL He's like the L Ron Hubbard of politics!!
Two words that should never be together would be Glenn Beck, and University he will be making his follower more close mined
Seems to me like propaganda with a university label. I would be just as opposed to this if Olberman set up some online university. I think this university would teach only some information and leave out "inconvenient truths" to the ideology they want to promote. They would be teaching you information to shape and mold your opinion, not to educate you on the facts and leave it up to personal interpretation of what is right and correct/most logical politically.
Will the hubris never end?
Strangely I'm alright with this. I really don't have that much of a problem with Beck. He gets some things wrong, and jumps to conclusions a little to soon or with to little info but overall I think Beck is an okay guy. He does get a little preachy but if you listen to him he will usually tell you to go do your own research and to view things from both sides (even though many a time he fails to take his own advice, however, he acknowledges that he is one side though and says that you should go listen to the other). Basically I view him as a Right-Wing leader who tells people to go view all the other angles while he preaches his own philosophy.

Sadly many of his followers are closed minded individuals. And sometimes he is a bit closed minded as well. But I would say that he isn't any worse then Colbert or similar pundits.
Strangely I'm alright with this. I really don't have that much of a problem with Beck. He gets some things wrong, and jumps to conclusions a little to soon or with to little info but overall I think Beck is an okay guy. He does get a little preachy but if you listen to him he will usually tell you to go do your own research and to view things from both sides (even though many a time he fails to take his own advice, however, he acknowledges that he is one side though and says that you should go listen to the other). Basically I view him as a Right-Wing leader who tells people to go view all the other angles while he preaches his own philosophy.

Sadly many of his followers are closed minded individuals. And sometimes he is a bit closed minded as well. But I would say that he isn't any worse then Colbert or similar pundits.

Colbert is a comedian doing satire, not a pundit.
Will the hubris never end?

I bet Beck has got wads of cash that he throws onto his bed, rolls around on while laughing at all of the ****ing idiots who buy all of his bull****.
Well, if you can't start a religion to get rich, this isn't a bad way to separate your foolish followers from their money.

Props to Beck. Making his already ignorant followers more ignorant and less wealthy.

Well, he has viewers not followers. I'm not a fan, but in every show I have seen of his, he does encourage his viewers to do their own reading. I can't fault that despite not likeing him.
I know. I sorta wish Colbert would move from Papa Bear O'Reilly to Beck. It would be so damn funny.

He's had some Beck satire, but I know what you mean.

Hey now, I thought Rush Limbaugh had the patent on advanced conservative studies?

Full story here

I might be interested in attending. Do they have "Onions and crying 101"? I need to convince my boss I need another raise, so this might be a good investment for me. :mrgreen:

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