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gay promiscuousness (1 Viewer)



alright, we all know the stereotype that gay men engage in much more promiscuous sex than straight men, but where's the data? I tried finding some, but I couldnt find anything from a non-biased source. anyone got anything?
star2589 said:
alright, we all know the stereotype that gay men engage in much more promiscuous sex than straight men, but where's the data? I tried finding some, but I couldnt find anything from a non-biased source. anyone got anything?

I think the fact that you posted your challenge over a week ago and no one has been able to reply to it gives you your answer.

:congrats: :2party: :bravo:
star2589 said:
alright, we all know the stereotype that gay men engage in much more promiscuous sex than straight men, but where's the data? I tried finding some, but I couldnt find anything from a non-biased source. anyone got anything?

"Bug Chasers".

That should suffice.
mixedmedia said:
Uh, yeah. That is so relevant to this question. You don't happen to go by the name Missouri Mule, do you? :roll:

Backup your claim.
jimmyjack said:
Backup your claim.

Back up my claim that "bug chasers" is irrelevant to the question of overall homosexual promiscuity? You back up your claim that it is relevant. You presented it.

My opinion on gay male promiscuity? Men tend to be more promiscuous than women. Do the math.
mixedmedia said:
Back up my claim that "bug chasers" is irrelevant to the question of overall homosexual promiscuity? You back up your claim that it is relevant. You presented it.

My opinion on gay male promiscuity? Men tend to be more promiscuous than women. Do the math.

That adds up too, there are more gay men than there are gay women.

My point is totally relevant to the question.
jimmyjack said:
That adds up too, there are more gay men than there are gay women.

My point is totally relevant to the question.

The fact that there are gay men who also happen to have what is obviously a mental disorder does not relate overall to the question of gay male promiscuity.
mixedmedia said:
The fact that there are gay men who also happen to have what is obviously a mental disorder does not relate overall to the question of gay male promiscuity.

It is a huge coincidence then.
jimmyjack said:
It is a huge coincidence then.

It's not so huge. Have any numbers on how many gay men indulge in this proclivity? I've known many, many gay men and never come across one who does. There are also many straight men who indulge in deviant and harmful sexual activities, shall we judge the entire straight communities' deviancy rate by these men?
mixedmedia said:
It's not so huge. Have any numbers on how many gay men indulge in this proclivity? I've known many, many gay men and never come across one who does. There are also many straight men who indulge in deviant and harmful sexual activities, shall we judge the entire straight communities' deviancy rate by these men?

Read it and weep.

Do we hear of straight men doing this? Yet the proportion of straight men is higher than that of gay men so if you are right we would hear of more cases among straight men, but we don't.
jimmyjack said:
Read it and weep.

Do we hear of straight men doing this? Yet the proportion of straight men is higher than that of gay men so if you are right we would hear of more cases among straight men, but we don't.

Yup...definately a gay thing, God knows us healthy male woman lovers dont like the Lovin' one bit...nope, much rather sit in a dark room with rosey all afternoon and avoid all that beauty.

"According to the U.S. Census Bureau there are around nine million men and women who are living together intimately – without a marriage covenant. That figure has sky-rocketed tenfold since 1960. The number of unmarried, cohabitating couples has increased by 72% in the last decade."

Oh...wait....who snuck those pesky facts up there..........
"Gay promiscuousness?"

C'mon people. It is a logical fact that, despite the irresponsible labeling of a woman who enjoys some comfort time, men have developed the term "slut" to a super human strenth. Now, take that fact and double it for a homosexual interlude and any idiot can figure out the answer to this question.

Why is this an issue anyway? When is someone going to start a thread about sheep humpers and show the "data?" It would be as equally pointless.
jimmyjack said:
Read it and weep.

Do we hear of straight men doing this? Yet the proportion of straight men is higher than that of gay men so if you are right we would hear of more cases among straight men, but we don't.

They are not saying that because unprotected sex with multiple partners has increased that all of these men are doing it because they want to get AIDS. You are using an extreme to describe a much more pedestrian trend.
mixedmedia said:
They are not saying that because unprotected sex with multiple partners has increased that all of these men are doing it because they want to get AIDS. You are using an extreme to describe a much more pedestrian trend.

It is quite clear what is being said, gay men looking for other gay men to have sex with in order to become HIV positive. This strange behaviour is exclusive to gay men, what does it take for you to accept the truth?
jimmyjack said:
It is quite clear what is being said, gay men looking for other gay men to have sex with in order to become HIV positive. This strange behaviour is exclusive to gay men, what does it take for you to accept the truth?

Here is what the article you linked above says.....

Earlier, in an article entitled "Protease dis-inhibitors? The gay bareback phenomenon" Nicolas Sheon and Aaron Plant, associate editors of HIV InSite, say that new treatments based on protease inhibitors and other antiretroviral drugs have changed the perception of risk of contracting HIV for many gay men who now believe that the benefit of unsafe sex outweighs the risks. "The new treatments have led some men to conclude that the consequences of HIV infection for themselves or their negative partners have been minimized," they say. The latest available annual report produced by the San Francisco Department of Public Health (2001 San Francisco HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Annual Report) has some alarming data on sexual risk behavior among men who have sex with men (MSM). The department surveyed MSM reporting unprotected anal intercourse in the previous six months for the years 1998 to 2001 (see graph), and MSM reporting unprotected anal intercourse with multiple partners in the previous six months for the same years (see graph). While both measures of unsafe sex have increased in the last years, the proportion of MSM practicing unprotected anal intercourse with multiple partners is alarming.

When you look at the data contained in the 2001 SF HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Annual Report also cited in this study, you see that by "MSM reporting unreported anal intercourse with multiple partners in the previous six months" they are talking about men who have had unprotected sex with two or more men in the previous six months. Now just because gay men are indulging in unsafe sex doesn't mean that all of them are hot for AIDS.

Of course, if one has an anti-gay agenda, I suppose I can understand how gleefully one would want to hold onto their extreme illusions. Many, many straight people regularly indulge in unprotected sex with multiple partners as well, do you suppose that they all want to contract AIDS, too?

Do you know the currently largest growing growing segment of Americans contracting HIV and AIDS? Girls aged 13-18. Do they all have a death wish, too?

I am not denying that the subculture you are trying to push as the norm doesn't exist. Just that it isn't typical. Capice?
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mixedmedia said:
Here is what the article you linked above says.....

When you look at the data contained in the 2001 SF HIV/AIDS Epidemiology Annual Report also cited in this study, you see that by "MSM reporting unreported anal intercourse with multiple partners in the previous six months" they are talking about men who have had unprotected sex with two or more men in the previous six months. Now just because gay men are indulging in unsafe sex doesn't mean that all of them are hot for AIDS.

Of course, if one has an anti-gay agenda, I suppose I can understand how gleefully one would want to hold onto their extreme illusions. Many, many straight people regularly indulge in unprotected sex with multiple partners as well, do you suppose that they all want to contract AIDS, too?

Do you know the currently largest growing growing segment of Americans contracting HIV and AIDS? Girls aged 13-18. Do they all have a death wish, too?

I am not denying that the subculture you are trying to push as the norm doesn't exist. Just that it isn't typical. Capice?

Read and weep 2
jimmyjack said:

And it states many times in this article that it is a subculture.

Are you aware of the many risky and highly deviant acts that go in the largely straight sado-masochistic subculture? Shall I define you by this subculture?
mixedmedia said:
And it states many times in this article that it is a subculture.

Are you aware of the many risky and highly deviant acts that go in the largely straight sado-masochistic subculture? Shall I define you by this subculture?

There are many more deviant acts that homosexuals do, bug chasing is one that demonstrates best the perverted nature of homosexuality, and it is second to none. The man that seeks to be HIV positive in order to spread it to other homosexuals is not of sound mind. Yet where are the heterosexual “bug chasers”? If we take a proportional representation we should expect to see a huge proportion of these, but we do not see this amongst the straight community. So your argument is flawed.
jimmyjack said:
There are many more deviant acts that homosexuals do, bug chasing is one that demonstrates best the perverted nature of homosexuality, and it is second to none. The man that seeks to be HIV positive in order to spread it to other homosexuals is not of sound mind. Yet where are the heterosexual “bug chasers”? If we take a proportional representation we should expect to see a huge proportion of these, but we do not see this amongst the straight community. So your argument is flawed.

Where are the lesbian bug chasers? :roll:
jimmyjack said:
There are many more deviant acts that homosexuals do, bug chasing is one that demonstrates best the perverted nature of homosexuality, and it is second to none. The man that seeks to be HIV positive in order to spread it to other homosexuals is not of sound mind. Yet where are the heterosexual “bug chasers”? If we take a proportional representation we should expect to see a huge proportion of these, but we do not see this amongst the straight community. So your argument is flawed.

The fact is, jimmyjack, you cannot define a large and diverse population by the summation of its subcultures. There is no flaw there. Your insistence and zealotry is what is flawed.
mixedmedia said:
The fact is, jimmyjack, you cannot define a large and diverse population by the summation of its subcultures. There is no flaw there. Your insistence and zealotry is what is flawed.

Read post number 1, and then read my statement, and omit the insults.
jimmyjack said:
Read post number 1, and then read my statement, and omit the insults.

"Zealotry" is an insult? Poor darling!
vergiss said:
"Zealotry" is an insult? Poor darling!
Well how did you know I was talking about the word “Zealotry"?

You must consider it an insult after all.
jimmyjack said:
Well how did you know I was talking about the word “Zealotry"?

You must consider it an insult after all.

Uh, riiiiight...

Which word, then? "Insistence"? "Flawed"? "Jimmyjack"? :rolleyes:

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