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Gay Promiscuity and Higher Sex Drive (1 Viewer)


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Jun 7, 2010
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Many believe that the alleged notion that gay men have higher sex drive and desire for more multiple than another sexual orientation proves that men desire promiscuity than women.
What this assertion ignores is the fact that homosexual sex does not produce. The theory defines gay promiscuity from a theory of reproduction which is directed at straight men. Gay men are not spreading their seed in order to spread their genes because; gay men are incapable of procreation. I find it baffling that gay men careless support this theory when it subtly indicates that homosexual males are unintended mutation rather than a deliberate creation. In other words, the sexual orientation of gay men is a genetic accident but what is not a genetic accident is their desire to have sex with hundreds of partners. What these proponents of this view ignore is that they explicitly believe that homosexuality has a genetic justification. Thus, they are presenting contradicting views.

I do not believe that those who use the alleged hyper sexed gay sex drive as evidence of men desiring to spread their seed are homophobic or heterosexist. They are simply trying to find a reason to explain the why straight males are perceived to have a significantly greater desire for multiple partners than their female counterparts. What I find brutally careless in this assumption is the brutal fact that gay men CAN NOT be motivated to have sex based on reproductive reasons. They have no ability to reproduce! Therefore, people should refrain from using the alleged higher rates of promiscuity and sexual desire in the gay community in order to explain the alleged sexual desires associated with straight men.

In order to encourage discussion, answer the following questions;
1. Can we attribute another cause to gay men having higher sex drives and having more partners?
2. Does homosexual sex clearly prove that sexuality is beyond procreative purposes?
3. Why would someone use the alleged promiscuity of gay males as evidence of men wanting to spread their seed and carry on their genes when gay men are unable to produce children?
1. Can we attribute another cause to gay men having higher sex drives and having more partners?

You can attribute gay men having more sex to the fact that they're men...and the ones they're having sex with are men.

Trust me - if the average man could change the typical female response from "what do you think I am, some whore?" to "hell yeah, let's go", this wouldn't be a question. Single gay men who know a number of other single gay men probably get more dick than a Bewitched marathon. Single straight men may know a bunch of single straight women, but it's not as easy as showing up on the doorstep with some rubbers and Wild Turkey.

Men are sluts. Orientation matters naught.

2. Does homosexual sex clearly prove that sexuality is beyond procreative purposes?

Unless you're some hardcore Bible-thumper, all sex is beyond procreative purposes. Condoms aren't purchased only by gay men.

3. Why would someone use the alleged promiscuity of gay males as evidence of men wanting to spread their seed and carry on their genes when gay men are unable to produce children?

No clue.

Thanks for your honesty. I am simply saying that using gay men to prove that slutty desires of straight men are in their genes is stupid. The theory that men are sluts is based on a heterosexual theory of reproduction that contends that since men are capable of having thousands of babies by hundreds of women, straight men are either sluts or desire to be sluts. However, the so called slut behavior in the gay community does not prove this fact because gay sex can not bear children.;) It is absolutely moronic to look at gay men in the same light as straight men. Do people realize there many differences between gay men and straight men in how they behave in relationships? Even if there are similarities between straight men and gay men in sexual behavior, gay relationships have several non-sex differences. I hate to say this but it clearly shows how much we have reduced gay relationships to JUST sex.:roll:
Obviously the biological response to stick your thing into something warm does not change from hetero to homosexual only what stimulates the response. Nature wants procreation but obviously the sexual response is not that specific.
Most males don't have the desire to poke their manhood into bowels.

Getting girls to have anal sex is a hot topic in many male circles.

Never tried it myself, but it seems to be getting more and more popular.
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Most males don't have the desire to poke their manhood into bowels.

Incorrect. About 35% of men have tried it, and it only stands to reason that more want to butt haven't yet. And heterosexual anal sex has been around for centuries.
Incorrect. About 35% of men have tried it, and it only stands to reason that more want to butt haven't yet. And heterosexual anal sex has been around for centuries.

pun intended?
Incorrect. About 35% of men have tried it, and it only stands to reason that more want to butt haven't yet. And heterosexual anal sex has been around for centuries.

"Tried it" and "desire it" are two different things. Even so, 35% ain't "most".
"Tried it" and "desire it" are two different things. Even so, 35% ain't "most".

35% admitted to trying it. Which means more want to, but haven't done it. Which easily indicates that "most men don't want to stick their dick in a poop chute" is innacurate. Note that "want" implies desire, not actually doing it. And desire is the qualilfication you used.
35% admitted to trying it. Which means more want to, but haven't done it. Which easily indicates that "most men don't want to stick their dick in a poop chute" is innacurate. Note that "want" implies desire, not actually doing it. And desire is the qualilfication you used.

Interesting spin, but that's all it is.
I can't disagree. That's why its interesting. Its a spin because it has no way of enumeration.

Well, try this:

According to a 2005 survey conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, some studies put the incidence of anal sex in the heterosexual population as low as 24 percent and some as high as 56 percent. Averaging those numbers, let’s say 38.8 percent of heterosexuals engage in anal sex. Ninety-six percent of Americans are straight. There are 190,000,000 adults between the ages of 18 and 65 in the United States, so that means 70,771,200 adults are engaging in heterosexual anal sex. Four percent of the adult population is gay, or 7,600,000 people. Roughly half—3,800,000—are gay males. Polls indicate that between 55 and 80 percent of gay males participate in anal sex. Taking the average—67.5 percent—that means the number of gay men having anal sex comes to 2,565,000.

70,771,200 is more—a whole lot more—than 2,565,000. Anal sex in America is primarily a heterosexual pursuit.
Well, try this:

According to a 2005 survey conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, some studies put the incidence of anal sex in the heterosexual population as low as 24 percent and some as high as 56 percent. Averaging those numbers, let’s say 38.8 percent of heterosexuals engage in anal sex. Ninety-six percent of Americans are straight. There are 190,000,000 adults between the ages of 18 and 65 in the United States, so that means 70,771,200 adults are engaging in heterosexual anal sex. Four percent of the adult population is gay, or 7,600,000 people. Roughly half—3,800,000—are gay males. Polls indicate that between 55 and 80 percent of gay males participate in anal sex. Taking the average—67.5 percent—that means the number of gay men having anal sex comes to 2,565,000.

70,771,200 is more—a whole lot more—than 2,565,000. Anal sex in America is primarily a heterosexual pursuit.

You know, it always amazes me. I tend to assume things like male-female anal sex is relatively uncommon, but that assumption is about as valid as a typical teenage male thinking that they are the only guy who masterbates more than twice a day. When you look at surveys, its always amazing how sexually experimentative people actually are.
You know, it always amazes me. I tend to assume things like male-female anal sex is relatively uncommon, but that assumption is about as valid as a typical teenage male thinking that they are the only guy who masterbates more than twice a day. When you look at surveys, its always amazing how sexually experimentative people actually are.

I was probably 18 or 19 when I first M-F anal sex.

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