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gay marriage... (1 Viewer)

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Devil Dog
DP Veteran
Aug 26, 2005
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How will allowing gay marriage affect the marriage I have enjoyed for 15 years to my wife?
Bush stated this in the last election saying it would destroy my marriage. How?
How can anyone aside from my wife and me do this?

I for one have never met a gay person that I know of.

Please no rants. And no bs posts.
I would just like to understand
Re: Gay marriage

I have no idea whatsoever... only u and your wife between you can destroy a marriage- unless u run off with a gay man :p in which case you have done that yourself. they should just allow gay marriage and thats it imo. do what makes you happy as long as you dont harm anyone but you.
Re: Gay marriage

How will allowing gay marriage affect the marriage I have enjoyed for 15 years to my wife?
Bush stated this in the last election saying it would destroy my marriage. How?
How can anyone aside from my wife and me do this?

I for one have never met a gay person that I know of.

Please no rants. And no bs posts.
I would just like to understand

When you allow people to marry what ever they want, you destroy the legitamacy of marriage,marriage then becomes no big deal.
Re: Gay marriage

heterosexuals have destroyed marriage on their own, without the help of gays.

gay marriage will only strengthen marriage.

Gay marriage will only add to it to the destruction of marriage.gay marriage will open to the door to idiots who want to marry themselves,their animals and everything else.
Re: Gay marriage

In my opinion gay marriages are a little bit strange to me. I do not totaly accept them but they cannot destroy the marriage of heterosexuals.Gays are normal people like everybody else.
Re: Gay marriage

jamesrage said:
When you allow people to marry what ever they want, you destroy the legitamacy of marriage,marriage then becomes no big deal.

Homosexuals hold better to marriage than heterosexuals do IMO.

Heterosexuals are doing a FINE JOB of ruining the sanctity of marriage last I checked.
Re: Gay marriage

jamesrage said:
Gay marriage will only add to it to the destruction of marriage.gay marriage will open to the door to idiots who want to marry themselves,their animals and everything else.

No, it won't. How would allowing two consenting adults to marry make it so that we would have to let people who want to marry an animal who can't consent?

You can't say gay marriage is wrong because you think something might come up after it. What you have to do is look at each issue and decide on the issue. For example I could say we should ban heterosexual marriages because it leads to homosexuals wanting marriage, which apparently leads to interspecies marriage.
Re: Gay marriage

Allowing gay marriage would actually show that we have taken a step towards growing up. It's ridiculuos that we discriminate against homosexual people nowadays. For god sakes it 2005, time to wake up people! Of course, time after time, generation after generation, we were forcibly spoonfed that homosexuality is "evil" calling it a sin, and repeating that almost in parrot fashion, we tend to believe it. Please, homosexualtiy is totally normal, opposed to abnormal. It's not a learned behavior. You can go in the country, and any time witness a dog or a pig engaging in homosexual acts. If we ban gay marriage it just shows that we have not grown up as a whole at all.
Re: Gay marriage

When you allow people to marry what ever they want, you destroy the legitamacy of marriage,marriage then becomes no big deal.

What? It already hasn't? Did you know that 50% of all marriages nowadays are divorces? My own parents are getting divorced even so seriously. . .besides the whole gay vs straight issue is stupid. Its just plain discrimination from those that support baning gay marriage. It's not like they are going to flaunt it in front of you.
Re: Gay marriage

The liberals controling the state of Massachusetts and their wishy washy stooges. Say Gay marriage is fine just like straight marriage.So when do we move to the next step, if Gay marriage is O.K. than Gay SEX is o.k.Than it should be taught in the public schools of Massachusetts,right.
THose classes should be a hoot.It is the logical progression.
Re: Gay marriage

As a gay man, I really dont have a lot to say about how heterosexual marraige except that it is the model I have always been presented with. As a Catholic man, I really dont have anything to say about homosexual marriage except that marraige is a sacrament reserved for man and woman and that gay marraige is against the doctrine of the church.

However, as a logical thinking man, I have this to say...The issue of marriage in a religious context is the prerogative of the religious institution to either condone or condemn. Being that we live in a free country and you have the right to worship as you choose, then I would suggest if the issue of gay marriage is that big a deal to you, then you find a religion or denomination that condones it or condemns it as you see appropriate.

The issue of marraige in a legal context should not even be discussed as marriage is a religious institution. However, the rights afforded through marriage are rights that should be afforded both gay and straight through the compromise of civil union. Take the religious and moral issues out of the equation legally and you have no reason not to afford those rights to all.

As for the ridiculous claim that allowing gay marriage will result in bestial marriages or whatever nonsense was claimed, well...thats as foolish as likening homosexuality to pedophilia. Nonsensical oral vomit.

As for how gay marriages/civil unions will affect straight marriages, I cannot say I see a way that it will provided marriage maintains its purpose as a commitment between two people. As such, my marriage to another man and another's marriage to a woman are mutually exclusive of one another, as a marriage is between two, not four.
Re: Homo marriage

I see once again foot soldiers of The Homosexual Agenda, in compliance with the scripted tactics are once again forcing the issue of homosexuality onto normal people till we just write it off with indifference, exactly how they strategized in The Homosexual Agenda:


Homosexuality by definition is abnormal, since less than 50% of the population engage in it. The guy who claimed it is normal is a linguistic idiot.

Homosexuals want to take their particular brand of sexual perversion and legitimize it, while at the same time they demand that all the excuses and arguments they make for their particular brand of sexual perversion cannot be applied to all the other sexual perverts making the exact same arguments. How politically expedient!

These homosexual sex freaks are already now demanding that transvestite freaks should be able to get married. Zoophiles and pedophiles as well as necrophiles and coprophiles will be demanding maritial rights shortly too....

You're all sick.....

Notice how one homosexual foot soldier couches opposition to these sexual perverts in terms of "discrimination"? Why does he use that term? Why does he claim that homosexual perverts are born that way? Because he is following the scripted Homosexual Agenda! :

[2] PORTRAY GAYS AS VICTIMS, NOT AS AGGRESSIVE CHALLENGERS. In any campaign to win over the public, gays must be cast as victims in need of protection so that straights will be inclined by reflex to assume the role of protector. If gays are presented, instead, as a strong and prideful tribe promoting a rigidly nonconformist and deviant lifestyle, they are more likely to be seen as a public menace that justifies resistance and oppression. For that reason, we must forego the temptation to strut our "gay pride" publicly when it conflicts with the Gay Victim image. And we must walk the fine line between impressing straights with our great numbers, on the one hand, and sparking their hostile paranoia-"They are all around us!"--on the other. A media campaign to promote the Gay Victim image should make use of symbols which reduce the mainstream's sense of threat, which lower it's guard, and which enhance the plausibility of victimization. In practical terms, this means that jaunty mustachioed musclemen would keep very low profile in gay commercials and other public presentations, while sympathetic figures of nice young people, old people, and attractive women would be featured. (It almost goes without saying that groups on the farthest margin of acceptability such as NAMBLA, must play no part at all in such a campaign: suspected child-molesters will never look like victims.) Now, there are two different messages about the Gay Victim that are worth communicating. First, the mainstream should be told that gays are victims of fate, in the sense that most never had a choice to accept or reject their sexual preference. The message must read: "As far as gays can tell, they were born gay, just as you were born heterosexual or white or black or bright or athletic. Nobody ever tricked or seduced them; they never made a choice, and are not morally blameworthy. What they do isn't willfully contrary - it's only natural for them. This twist of fate could as easily have happened to you!" Straight viewers must be able to identify with gays as victims. Mr. and Mrs. Public must be given no extra excuses to say, "they are not like us." To this end, the persons featured in the public campaign should be decent and upright, appealing and admirable by straight standards, completely unexceptionable in appearance--in a word, they should be indistinguishable from the straights we would like to reach. (To return to the terms we have used in previous articles, spokesmen for our cause must be R-type "straight gays" rather than Q-type "homosexuals on display.") Only under such conditions will the message be read correctly: "These folks are victims of a fate that could have happened to me." By the way, we realize that many gays will question an advertising technique, which might threaten to make homosexuality look like some dreadful disease, which strikes fated "victims". But the plain fact is that the gay community is weak and must manipulate the powers of the weak, including the play for sympathy. In any case, we compensate for the negative aspect of this gay victim appeal under Principle 4. (Below) The second message would portray gays as victims of society. The straight majority does not recognize the suffering it brings to the lives of gays and must be shown: graphic pictures of brutalized gays; dramatizations of job and housing insecurity, loss of child custody, and public humiliation: and the dismal list goes on. "... In any campaign to win over the public, gays must be cast as victims in need of protection so that straights will be inclined by reflex to assume the role of protector."
Re: Gay marriage

jamesrage said:
Gay marriage will only add to it to the destruction of marriage.gay marriage will open to the door to idiots who want to marry themselves,their animals and everything else.

This argument is ridiculous. It is taking something that is between consenting adults who wish to enjoy the same advantages as other couples, and, through some bizarre convolution, saying that it will lead to things that aren't related in any way, shape or form.
Re: Gay marriage

jamesrage said:
When you allow people to marry what ever they want, you destroy the legitamacy of marriage,marriage then becomes no big deal.

Yep. Because Britney Spears' heterosexual, 55-hour, drunken and on-a-whim Vegas marriage was legitimate and sacred. :roll:
Re: Homosexual assault on marriage

JohhnyJ wrote;
the liberals controling the state of Massachusetts and their wishy washy stooges. Say Gay marriage is fine just like straight marriage.So when do we move to the next step, if Gay marriage is O.K. then Gay SEX is o.k.Then it should be taught in the public schools of Massachusetts,right. THose classes should be a hoot.It is the logical progression.

JohnyJ, the homosexul pedophile perverts at the Masschusetts Unified school district is ALREADY teaching children homosexual sex, including anal sex and fisting!

Fistgate : http://www.massnews.com/past_issues/2000/9_Sept/900fist1.htm

Sure enough when a parent exposed this perversion, the bigoted, hate filled homosexuals attacked him.
Re: Gay marriage

There are logical progressions.If the only criteria for getting married is, love. Where do you draw the line.Already poligamists are seeing this as an chance for them.Utah was up for state hood and the federal govt. dispatched an army to persuade Utah's mormon govt. to outlaw polygamy so it could be brought into the union.If love is the only criteria,why not polygamy ?
Re: Gay marriage

I agree, why not polygamy? If it's between consenting adults who want to form a larger family unit, why not.

Can you give any reason not to allow it?
Re: Gay marriage

that is one argument against gay marriage i can't counter

all i can say that to *me* in my subjective morality gay marriage is acceptable whereas polygamy is not. of course, how do i then tell others who view that gay marriage is wrong that their subjective morality is less "correct" then mine. there isn't any logical path to follow.

but things like marriage are defined by society, and all i can say is that society (at least the society i live in) condones gay marriage whereas as it does not condone polygamy.
Re: Gay marriage

All of what the right says about how gy marragie will destroy the economy, destroy the "sactity of marrigae" destroy the world, etc. is all a smoke screen. If you haven't figured this out alrready, it's all about their religon. They want what they want because they think that God Said So.
Re: Gay marriage

JOHNYJ said:
There are logical progressions.If the only criteria for getting married is, love. Where do you draw the line.Already poligamists are seeing this as an chance for them.Utah was up for state hood and the federal govt. dispatched an army to persuade Utah's mormon govt. to outlaw polygamy so it could be brought into the union.If love is the only criteria,why not polygamy ?

Well that just blew my argument about a marriage being between two and not four. :lol:

But let me say this...you cant exclude viable rights to one group because you fear giving them to another. If you base your argument on that, then you shouldnt give women the right to vote because it might open the door to giving the French a right to vote. you cant let blacks drink from white water fountains because then dogs might want to. You see where I am going with this? You cant sleight one legitimate group of society because it can be a stepping stone to allowing the absurd.
Re: Gay marriage

IMO, each person has the right to do with their body as they see fit. In the mother's womb, sexual differentiation is implied at a very late stage of developement. For example, there are very macho men, and very feminine men, just as there are women who are more masculine, and others quite feminine, with all the possible variations. It is dumb and neandrathal- like to condemn a homosexual because he/she is one. It would be exactly the same as condenming a man because he is one, or a cat because it is a cat, as it is all genetic. As I said before you can go into the country and catch dogs, cattle, and chickens indulging in homosexual behavior. The fact is whether its a dog, cat, chicken, or a man, homosexuality is natural.

Aggression towards homosexuals is indeed racism. It mostly stems from people who have a bad sex life, and, being jealous, can't tolerate others who could be happy while living something different.

How can one still be a Roman Catholic follower when you hear Pope after Pope condenm homosexuality, and at the same time, depriving women of their equal rights at becoming priests?
Re: Gay marriage

Duke said:
All of what the right says about how gy marragie will destroy the economy, destroy the "sactity of marrigae" destroy the world, etc. is all a smoke screen. If you haven't figured this out alrready, it's all about their religon. They want what they want because they think that God Said So.

Thats absolutely correct. Religions are private institutions and have the right to believe however they like. Most opposition to homosexuality comes from a religious bias and not the social climate nor from the law. Since we live under a government of representation which professes a separation of church and state, there is absolutely no reason not to allow gay marriage if we are holding true to our professed moral high ground of tolerance and freedom.
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