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From Hope to Hate (1 Viewer)


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Feb 12, 2013
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Obama's victory lifted millions of Americans; for white supremacists, he lit a powder keg.

And, now we are stuck with Trump, a man who goes down to Mississippi to rally for a Dixiecrat. So, here we are in a true battle between good and evil.

When a gunman massacred nine people praying at a predominantly black church, America wept and asked for grace. But the virulent racists cheered, hailing the gunman a hero for helping to start the race war they dreamed of.

When much of America was horrified by the sight of neo-Nazis in their streets in 2017, white supremacists were almost gleeful their views were front and center.

And when a gunman stormed into a synagogue just last month, declaring "all Jews must die," Americans wept over the deadliest anti-Semitic attack in US history. But white supremacists breathed a sigh of relief. One of their biggest targets had been successfully attacked.

Choose a side. If you haven't already, you better do it now. There is no middle-way on this. It's hope versus hate, plain and simple.
Choose a side. If you haven't already, you better do it now. There is no middle-way on this. It's hope versus hate, plain and simple.

This is the problem, entirely.

Our biggest failure is doing nothing about why we divide, then question why the political pendulum is moving back and forth as violently as we are becoming over all this the further we go.

Unity has been out the window for long enough. Until we get that, expect continued divisions as well as political capitalization on those divisions.
Obama's victory lifted millions of Americans; for white supremacists, he lit a powder keg.

And, now we are stuck with Trump, a man who goes down to Mississippi to rally for a Dixiecrat. So, here we are in a true battle between good and evil.

Choose a side. If you haven't already, you better do it now. There is no middle-way on this. It's hope versus hate, plain and simple.

Yeah. There's no question which side Trump believes in.

Trump's Midterm Closing Argument: Pure Racial Fear

And based on his campaign, Trump believes his base is largely made up of cowardly racists. Does anyone know Trump's base better than Trump himself?
Obama's victory lifted millions of Americans; for white supremacists, he lit a powder keg.

And, now we are stuck with Trump, a man who goes down to Mississippi to rally for a Dixiecrat. So, here we are in a true battle between good and evil.

Choose a side. If you haven't already, you better do it now. There is no middle-way on this. It's hope versus hate, plain and simple.

"And the left's "VICTIM" islamist marched into the gay night club in Orlando, and slaughtered over 50 people, even as the DNC groveled before, and refused to denounce, his fellow islamist, Lewis Farrakhan."

Obama with Farrakhan.jpg
"Choose a side. If you haven't already, you better do it now. There is no middle-way on this. It's hope versus hate, plain and simple."
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And see all the poor, innocent "women and children" in the Thug-o-van, as the Fake News/left keeps LYING TO US:

Obama's victory lifted millions of Americans; for white supremacists, he lit a powder keg.

And, now we are stuck with Trump, a man who goes down to Mississippi to rally for a Dixiecrat. So, here we are in a true battle between good and evil.

Choose a side. If you haven't already, you better do it now. There is no middle-way on this. It's hope versus hate, plain and simple.

Please point out any HATE by the candidate you are slandering. She supports the death penalty , which the FAKE NEWS/LYING LEFT madeup a RACE CARD LIE over.

race card stop it.jpg
Obama's victory lifted millions of Americans; for white supremacists, he lit a powder keg.

And, now we are stuck with Trump, a man who goes down to Mississippi to rally for a Dixiecrat. So, here we are in a true battle between good and evil.

Choose a side. If you haven't already, you better do it now. There is no middle-way on this. It's hope versus hate, plain and simple.
The side I am.on is against both the Dems and the GOP. They both are filled with hate for different groups. If you keep voting for.the same people you'll keep getting the same results. The very definition of stupidity.

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The side I am.on is against both the Dems and the GOP. They both are filled with hate for different groups. If you keep voting for.the same people you'll keep getting the same results. The very definition of stupidity.

Sent from my Z982 using Tapatalk

Please point out any HATE by the candidate you are slandering. She supports the death penalty , which the FAKE NEWS/LYING LEFT madeup a RACE CARD LIE over.
Please point out any HATE by the candidate you are slandering. She supports the death penalty , which the FAKE NEWS/LYING LEFT madeup a RACE CARD LIE over.
Please point out any candidate I have named.

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I think seeing such an educated, articulate and charismatic black president did do a lot to fight the stereotypes and I have no doubt gave hope to a lot of people who believe racism is holding them back.

It did however, ignite angry racist groups in this country, but by circling and trying to paint "white" groups is lose sight of the context of "racism" problem in America.

Lying about the nature does nothing but inflame hate. To view racism as a white problem is to vastly ignorant of a world outside the west.

No as a "white" American I have not faced much in terms of racial victimization here in the US/Canada. I have though experienced insane ones: china, japan, Africa, middle east…

Pointing at trump. A non-racist. Conflating "all-lives matters" or "bue lives matter" with black lives matter…ignoring the open antisemitic beliefs and actions of leftist and islamic organization…

Racism is a problem when you draw racial lines ignorant of the objective facts/context. When you make laws and sentiments based on race.

This article is a perfect example of openly racist attitudes of America. Drawing conclusions based on skin colour when plenty of more precise and contextual explanations exist. A drive to dive and group based on race…

You want to end this race war - stop fighting based on racial lines and start join those who want to unite around being American!
Please point out any candidate I have named.

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I am referring to the OP claims, and your trying to "spread it around".

I think seeing such an educated, articulate and charismatic black president did do a lot to fight the stereotypes and I have no doubt gave hope to a lot of people who believe racism is holding them back.

It did however, ignite angry racist groups in this country, but by circling and trying to paint "white" groups is lose sight of the context of "racism" problem in America.

Lying about the nature does nothing but inflame hate. To view racism as a white problem is to vastly ignorant of a world outside the west.

No as a "white" American I have not faced much in terms of racial victimization here in the US/Canada. I have though experienced insane ones: china, japan, Africa, middle east…

Pointing at trump. A non-racist. Conflating "all-lives matters" or "bue lives matter" with black lives matter…ignoring the open antisemitic beliefs and actions of leftist and islamic organization…

Racism is a problem when you draw racial lines ignorant of the objective facts/context. When you make laws and sentiments based on race.

This article is a perfect example of openly racist attitudes of America. Drawing conclusions based on skin colour when plenty of more precise and contextual explanations exist. A drive to dive and group based on race…

You want to end this race war - stop fighting based on racial lines and start join those who want to unite around being American!

Please let us know when all the "enlightened, NON-RACIST" nations, such as France, Germany, the UK, CANADA, Australia, etc. ELECT A BLACK PRESIDENT/PM.
Please point out any HATE by the candidate you are slandering. She supports the death penalty , which the FAKE NEWS/LYING LEFT madeup a RACE CARD LIE over.

View attachment 67245003

You know.. if you stopped dealing the race card, there wouldn't be a race card to play
Please let us know when all the "enlightened, NON-RACIST" nations, such as France, Germany, the UK, CANADA, Australia, etc. ELECT A BLACK PRESIDENT/PM.
If you assume equality of opportunity of all, there is/was a 12.6% chance of a black president in America. Where as the others you mention have 2% or below.

Considering we have unlikely reached that ideal and there are many other psychological, political and economic factors required to obtain a top political job you might be waiting awhile. Although France is most likely to be next.
Obama's victory lifted millions of Americans; for white supremacists, he lit a powder keg.

And, now we are stuck with Trump, a man who goes down to Mississippi to rally for a Dixiecrat. So, here we are in a true battle between good and evil.

Choose a side. If you haven't already, you better do it now. There is no middle-way on this. It's hope versus hate, plain and simple.

Save the dramatic blather. Obama was a globalist who wanted the US to be mediocre like much of the rest of the world. Trump wants the US to be the leader. That's your choice.
How so ??

You do know the difference between anti immigration and anti illegal immigration, right ??

Conflating illegal and legal immigrants is rule one in their playbook. So, if you oppose illegal immigrants, why then you must oppose all immigrants. IOW, bald faced lying.
This is the problem, entirely.

Our biggest failure is doing nothing about why we divide, then question why the political pendulum is moving back and forth as violently as we are becoming over all this the further we go.

Unity has been out the window for long enough. Until we get that, expect continued divisions as well as political capitalization on those divisions.

When it comes to hope versus hate, it should not be difficult to know why a side must be chosen. And, I would have thought which side we all chose would universal, and the why of it, self evident.

I guess I seriously underestimated the power of hate.
When it comes to hope versus hate, it should not be difficult to know why a side must be chosen. And, I would have thought which side we all chose would universal, and the why of it, self evident.

I guess I seriously underestimated the power of hate.

Yes..we can easily see the HATE SPEECH (calls Jews "VERMIN") and VIOLENT ACTS of the DNC's Precious Islamists, whom they ELECT TO CONGRESS, etal, but the Lying left fails to produce a SINGLE ACT OF HATRED by Hyde Smith...while DESPERATELY TYING TO REDUCE EVERYTHING TO RACE...per usual:

democrat plantation.jpg
Well, we certainly see which side came out whining, some even needed to use bold and large font.
I am referring to the OP claims, and your trying to "spread it around".

Who is she?

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