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Friendly Reminder: Candidates Do Not Get A Say In Entering Or Leaving The WH (1 Viewer)

Aunt Antifa

Aug 19, 2020
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Trump cannot refuse to leave. He cannot deny a loss. He does not have to agree to accept voting results. He can simply leave when he loses or be removed via force if he’s stupid enough to be do *that*.

Just as Joe cannot just stroll into the WH should he lose, President Ramp cannot jsut decide “Not fair“ and sue until he’s given what he wants. He can certainly sue. He can certainly entertain his own opinion. But once we have spoken, it doesn’t matter what he says.

Let’s try to keep this in perspective as we freak out closer to the election. There is nothing that says the SC gets to decide a damn thing where oru elections are concerned. THis is a GOP created new myth designed to define down voting. Don’t take the bait.
Trump cannot refuse to leave. He cannot deny a loss. He does not have to agree to accept voting results. He can simply leave when he loses or be removed via force if he’s stupid enough to be do *that*.

Just as Joe cannot just stroll into the WH should he lose, President Ramp cannot jsut decide “Not fair“ and sue until he’s given what he wants. He can certainly sue. He can certainly entertain his own opinion. But once we have spoken, it doesn’t matter what he says.

Let’s try to keep this in perspective as we freak out closer to the election. There is nothing that says the SC gets to decide a damn thing where oru elections are concerned. THis is a GOP created new myth designed to define down voting. Don’t take the bait.
I don’t think that’s what that post was so either you grabbed the wrong FB meme or you just liked the colors here.
You are wrong.

Your entire post was predicated on your wild speculation that Trump won't leave the WH if he loses the election.

You have NOTHING to support that speculation.
You are wrong.

Your entire post was predicated on your wild speculation that Trump won't leave the WH if he loses the election.

You have NOTHING to support that speculation.

What will your position be if he refuses to do so? I think we all know what your response will be and what your actual position is.
You are wrong.

Your entire post was predicated on your wild speculation that Trump won't leave the WH if he loses the election.

You have NOTHING to support that speculation.

Please quote where I specifically stated Trump has stated he will not leave if he loses the eleciton in that post.

If you cannot, then we’ll just agree you thought the colors were pretty. Thx.
There is nothing that says the SC gets to decide a damn thing where oru elections are concerned. THis is a GOP created new myth designed to define down voting. Don’t take the bait.
Yes, for the most part, state supreme courts are the last word on state law, and each state decides its own election process. The SCOTUS would only step in in cases where the law conflicts with federal law or the Constitution itself. States have deadlines for certifying electors, and can't treat one group of voters with greater scrutiny than another group, for example.
You are wrong.

Your entire post was predicated on your wild speculation that Trump won't leave the WH if he loses the election.

You have NOTHING to support that speculation.

Yes there is! He refuses to say he will! Why?

What will your position be if he refuses to do so? I think we all know what your response will be and what your actual position is.
Why should I have a position on your conspiracy theory?
Please quote where I specifically stated Trump has stated he will not leave if he loses the eleciton in that post.

If you cannot, then we’ll just agree you thought the colors were pretty. Thx.
Doesn't matter if you specifically stated anything at all. Your thread is based on wild speculation.
Yes there is! He refuses to say he will! Why?

He didn't say he won't, either.

That means you are speculating whether he will or won't.
Yes, for the most part, state supreme courts are the last word on state law, and each state decides its own election process. The SCOTUS would only step in in cases where the law conflicts with federal law or the Constitution itself. States have deadlines for certifying electors, and can't treat one group of voters with greater scrutiny than another group, for example.

Doesn't matter if you specifically stated anything at all. Your thread is based on wild speculation.

Your comment is based on making up stuff about the thread. Fruit of a poison tree.
Why should I have a position on your conspiracy theory?

You probably shouldn't. You know we'll rub your nose in it if the worst fears prove to be true. Obviously you think it's a possibility, otherwise you would have no problem giving your opinion. Such an easy path to the high road for you, but you're afraid to take it. That's what you get for supporting an asshole, I guess.
I still think Trump is purposefully triggering the media and his opposition, just to react the way we are seeing this thread play out.
You are wrong.

Your entire post was predicated on your wild speculation that Trump won't leave the WH if he loses the election.

You have NOTHING to support that speculation.

Aside from the words out of Trump's mouth, and that's always unreliable.
You probably shouldn't. You know we'll rub your nose in it if the worst fears prove to be true. Obviously you think it's a possibility, otherwise you would have no problem giving your opinion. Such an easy path to the high road for you, but you're afraid to take it. That's what you get for supporting an asshole, I guess.
I'll leave the conspiracy theories up to you and your ilk.
Yes, for the most part, state supreme courts are the last word on state law, and each state decides its own election process. The SCOTUS would only step in in cases where the law conflicts with federal law or the Constitution itself. States have deadlines for certifying electors, and can't treat one group of voters with greater scrutiny than another group, for example.
So what happened to states rights?
He didn't say he won't, either.

That means you are speculating whether he will or won't.

He is taking a stance that no other president up for re-election has ever taken, it's called a red flag. It's curious that you aren't concerned about that.
Please...don't cry.

It's unmanly.

Your emotional response trying to generate one from me isn’t going to move the needle. You are unable to prove your case, misgendering me will not give your argument the testicles you keep pleading with us to recognize.
I still think Trump is purposefully triggering the media and his opposition, just to react the way we are seeing this thread play out.

It’s not triggering, he wants the appearance that he gets to decide whether he stays or goes. It’s marketing. It’s the only thing he understands.
President Bush - will you leave after the election? (no direct answer)
President Obama - will you leave after the election? (no direct answer)
President Trump - will you leave after the election? (no direct answer)

If the sitting prez says YES, then he is saying that he won't win and expects to lose.

Nothing new ... but lots of spinning of the same old stuff that has been said/done before.

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