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France, Germany, UK to meet Iran on nuclear deal (Radio France International) (1 Viewer)

Uh huh. So please tell me how the president's temper tantrum this week deterred Iran from building the nuclear weapons that everyone in the world except you and some equally clueless right wing partisans in the US and Israel says they're not building anyway.

Got the clip of Trump's temper tantrum about Iran?
I did see a temper tantrum but it was coming out of Iran.
Didn't you see that?

But speaking of cluelessness, I hope you realize yours hasn't gone unnoticed since you couldn't address any of what I asked you.
Got the clip of Trump's temper tantrum about Iran?
I did see a temper tantrum but it was coming out of Iran.
Didn't you see that?

But speaking of cluelessness, I hope you realize yours hasn't gone unnoticed since you couldn't address any of what I asked you.

You didn't ask anything. You made precisely one unsubstantiated claim. You said that Iran was not deterred from building nuclear weapons. You never provided evidence. You pretend that the entire international community is wrong as you are somehow magically right. Your postings are bad jokes and nothing more.
You didn't ask anything. You made precisely one unsubstantiated claim. You said that Iran was not deterred from building nuclear weapons. You never provided evidence. You pretend that the entire international community is wrong as you are somehow magically right. Your postings are bad jokes and nothing more.
Like I said ... the cluelessness is yours.
1) Maybe this will help you ... Questions have question marks at the end of the sentence.
2) Define "international community". You've been terribly misled ... or worse, you're a terribly shallow thinker. Maybe it's something in the Colorado, um, air.
You must have missed the point of this presidency. We gave up our global leadership role. The world decided to function without us. Brilliant move.
Oh good god, where have you been the past 10 years.
Like I said ... the cluelessness is yours.
1) Maybe this will help you ... Questions have question marks at the end of the sentence.
2) Define "international community". You've been terribly misled ... or worse, you're a terribly shallow thinker. Maybe it's something in the Colorado, um, air.

I'm having a hard time following your nonsense, that's all.

The international community is the stakeholders in the global world order.

Any other stupid questions or are you done for now?
I'm having a hard time following your nonsense, that's all.

The international community is the stakeholders in the global world order.

Any other stupid questions or are you done for now?

So International Community = Stakeholders in the global world order? How vapid of you. You're a pisser.
Do you really think people don't recognize that your comments don't say anything and they're only useful as a placeholding deflection until you can think of another insult? (you don't have to answer that)
It's true, yet you try to pretend it's an informed opinion.
You really don't know why who you call SITGWO supported the Iran deal in the first place? And why they want to maintain the deal? (those you should try to answer)
Worse, you apparently think Iran is forever prohibited by the Iran deal from developing a nuclear weapon while they use the $150B to become responsible members of the SITGWO themselves.

Perhaps the best part is watching your Trump hate put you in the position of defending Iran.
So International Community = Stakeholders in the global world order? How vapid of you. You're a pisser.
Do you really think people don't recognize that your comments don't say anything and they're only useful as a placeholding deflection until you can think of another insult? (you don't have to answer that)
It's true, yet you try to pretend it's an informed opinion.
You really don't know why who you call SITGWO supported the Iran deal in the first place? And why they want to maintain the deal? (those you should try to answer)
Worse, you apparently think Iran is forever prohibited by the Iran deal from developing a nuclear weapon while they use the $150B to become responsible members of the SITGWO themselves.

Perhaps the best part is watching your Trump hate put you in the position of defending Iran.

When did I defend Iran? Your rant indicates that I've hit a sore spot. When you clear the vapor of your emotional temper tantrum, consider this. The American president has withdrawn US involvement from the JCPOA. As is his prerogative. Only he never suggested a replacement, an alternative, an improvement. He made the world more dangerous, aggravated most of the countries in it, and all the while, his lobotomized base licked their lips and grinned like the idiots they are. I would consider some of your insults, but I'm too busy saying congratulations to you and yours.
Some Democrats didn't like the deal either and said so.

Bubba, that does not address my point that republicans would have voted against it regardless of its merits. You cant even call that an opinion because they repeatedly did it. If they lie to you for 8 years about deficits, just think what they could do with something complicated. Conservatives (and conservative like posters) have repeatedly proven they really cant grasp things that aren’t what they want to believe. Even simple things like deficits.

Here’s some food for thought Bubba, the people telling you the deal is bad are the same people who told you President Obama was born in kenya, his BC a forgery, he wanted to kill old people and the vile and disgusting “stand down” lies. The person who is violating the deal said he sent a team of private investigators to Hawaii to find President Obama’s BC. What exactly drives your obedience to such liars?
When did I defend Iran? Your rant indicates that I've hit a sore spot. When you clear the vapor of your emotional temper tantrum, consider this. The American president has withdrawn US involvement from the JCPOA. As is his prerogative. Only he never suggested a replacement, an alternative, an improvement. He made the world more dangerous, aggravated most of the countries in it, and all the while, his lobotomized base licked their lips and grinned like the idiots they are. I would consider some of your insults, but I'm too busy saying congratulations to you and yours.

Another question goes unanswered. That's okay. Believe me, I understand.
Bubba, that does not address my point that republicans would have voted against it regardless of its merits. You cant even call that an opinion because they repeatedly did it. If they lie to you for 8 years about deficits, just think what they could do with something complicated. Conservatives (and conservative like posters) have repeatedly proven they really cant grasp things that aren’t what they want to believe. Even simple things like deficits.

Here’s some food for thought Bubba, the people telling you the deal is bad are the same people who told you President Obama was born in kenya, his BC a forgery, he wanted to kill old people and the vile and disgusting “stand down” lies. The person who is violating the deal said he sent a team of private investigators to Hawaii to find President Obama’s BC. What exactly drives your obedience to such liars?

Schumer and Engel said Obama was born in Kenya? I did not know that.
Schumer and Engel said Obama was born in Kenya? I did not know that.

ooo bubba, that's a great response except you don't listen to Schumer and Engel. You listen to your conservative masters. They are the same people who told you President Obama was born in kenya, his BC a forgery, he wanted to kill old people and the vile and disgusting “stand down” lies. If they could so easily fool you about deficits just think what they can do with something complicated. And don't forget the person who is violating the deal said he sent a team of private investigators to Hawaii to find President Obama’s BC.

Again, what exactly drives your obedience to such liars?
ooo bubba, that's a great response except you don't listen to Schumer and Engel. You listen to your conservative masters. They are the same people who told you President Obama was born in kenya, his BC a forgery, he wanted to kill old people and the vile and disgusting “stand down” lies. If they could so easily fool you about deficits just think what they can do with something complicated. And don't forget the person who is violating the deal said he sent a team of private investigators to Hawaii to find President Obama’s BC.

Again, what exactly drives your obedience to such liars?

But you do.
That's why I brought it home for you.
Because they put the lie to your theory.
France, Germany, UK to meet Iran on nuclear deal - Middle East - RFI

The foreign ministers of France, Britain and Germany will meet Iranian representatives next week, Paris said Wednesday after President Donald Trump pulled the United States out of a landmark nuclear deal with Tehran.

"We will meet with my British and German colleagues on Monday, and also with representatives of Iran, to consider the entire situation," French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told RTL radio.
There may be something positive to come from Trump's backing out of the Iran nuclear deal as there are a number of other important countries involved who are trying to recover from this ione-sided decision.

They should also invite Russia and China. The sanctions would not have worked for the deal to be made without them and all being persuaded by Obama to do so. How often do you get Russia and China joining with those 3 countries, and the US, to take sanction action against a country they support?
But you do.
Actually I don't.

Because they put the lie to your theory.

Actually bubba, they don't. My point was republicans would have voted against the treaty regardless of its merits. The funny thing is you know I'm right and that's why you are trying to deflect. Again, the republican congress would have never approved it because it was President Obama. And like all conservative narratives, you have to ignore the relevant facts: our allies support the treaty. Cant discuss that when your agenda is to whine about President Obama. What is about conservatism that you put your party over your integrity.

Again the people telling you the deal is bad are the same people who told you President Obama was born in kenya, his BC a forgery, he wanted to kill old people and the vile and disgusting “stand down” lies. The person who is violating the deal said he sent a team of private investigators to Hawaii to find President Obama’s BC. What exactly drives your obedience to such liars?
Actually I don't.

Actually bubba, they don't. My point was republicans would have voted against the treaty regardless of its merits. The funny thing is you know I'm right and that's why you are trying to deflect. Again, the republican congress would have never approved it because it was President Obama. And like all conservative narratives, you have to ignore the relevant facts: our allies support the treaty. Cant discuss that when your agenda is to whine about President Obama. What is about conservatism that you put your party over your integrity.

Again the people telling you the deal is bad are the same people who told you President Obama was born in kenya, his BC a forgery, he wanted to kill old people and the vile and disgusting “stand down” lies. The person who is violating the deal said he sent a team of private investigators to Hawaii to find President Obama’s BC. What exactly drives your obedience to such liars?

You're repeating yourself and this is about the Iran deal .. not Kenya.
And you should be aware by now that many many people did not and do not support the Iran deal on the merits ... Schumer and Engel included.

Let's start with the assumption that the original Iran deal was supposed to stop Iran from forever developing a nuclear bomb.
Was that the intention or not?
And the U.S. was such a strong negotiator that Iran found itself forced to accept terms so contrary to their interests.
That's what you think?

And you think that's why "our allies" support(ed) the deal?
That alone was their motivation?
That's what you think?
Anti-Israel? Post what I said that led you to that dark, crazy land.

You supported everything liberal about the Iran deal.

You cannot even admit that that the US and Israel took it up the ass under Obama.

Carry on with your self described intellectual thinking though...........please do!
As with the Paris Accord, the world will move on without Trump & Co.
You supported everything liberal about the Iran deal.

You cannot even admit that that the US and Israel took it up the ass under Obama.

Carry on with your self described intellectual thinking though...........please do!

What the **** are you talking about? I have no idea what you consider to be the liberal parts of the JCPOA, but I do know that you don't have one single clue about what I support and what I don't. Your butt sex comment is gratuitous and meaningless, so let's skip past that. The last sentence was even worse.

Here's a thought. Maybe research the topic of some of the threads you join rather than vomit bull**** all over the forum. You're embarrassing yourself.

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