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France, Germany, UK to meet Iran on nuclear deal (Radio France International) (1 Viewer)


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France, Germany, UK to meet Iran on nuclear deal - Middle East - RFI

The foreign ministers of France, Britain and Germany will meet Iranian representatives next week, Paris said Wednesday after President Donald Trump pulled the United States out of a landmark nuclear deal with Tehran.

"We will meet with my British and German colleagues on Monday, and also with representatives of Iran, to consider the entire situation," French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told RTL radio.
There may be something positive to come from Trump's backing out of the Iran nuclear deal as there are a number of other important countries involved who are trying to recover from this ione-sided decision.
Trump pulled out; too bad he did not do that for Melania & Barron ...............
France, Germany, UK to meet Iran on nuclear deal - Middle East - RFI

The foreign ministers of France, Britain and Germany will meet Iranian representatives next week, Paris said Wednesday after President Donald Trump pulled the United States out of a landmark nuclear deal with Tehran.

"We will meet with my British and German colleagues on Monday, and also with representatives of Iran, to consider the entire situation," French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told RTL radio.
There may be something positive to come from Trump's backing out of the Iran nuclear deal as there are a number of other important countries involved who are trying to recover from this ione-sided decision.

I hope they enjoy the circle jerk!
France, Germany, UK to meet Iran on nuclear deal - Middle East - RFI

The foreign ministers of France, Britain and Germany will meet Iranian representatives next week, Paris said Wednesday after President Donald Trump pulled the United States out of a landmark nuclear deal with Tehran.

"We will meet with my British and German colleagues on Monday, and also with representatives of Iran, to consider the entire situation," French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told RTL radio.
There may be something positive to come from Trump's backing out of the Iran nuclear deal as there are a number of other important countries involved who are trying to recover from this ione-sided decision.


If they continue to support Iran, they might find themselves between a rock and a hard place.

Oh well...their choice.
Trump pulled out; too bad he did not do that for Melania & Barron ...............

Republicans consider 'pulling out' to be somehow unpatriotic. You can class it up as 'coitus interruptus.' The Catholic Church condemns that practice as just another form of birth control.

Every Sperm is Sacred (Monty Python): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUspLVStPbk

There are Jews in the world
There are Buddhists
There are Hindus and Mormons, and then
There are those that follow Mohammed, but
I've never been one of them
I'm a Roman Catholic,
And have been since before I was born,
And the one thing they say about Catholics is:
They'll take you as soon as you're warm
You don't have to be a six-footer
You don't have to have a great brain
You don't have to have any clothes on You're
A Catholic the moment Dad came,
Every sperm is sacred
Every sperm is great
If a sperm is wasted,
God gets quite irate
Every sperm is sacred
Every sperm is great
If a sperm is wasted,
God gets quite irate
Let the heathen spill theirs
On the dusty ground
God shall make them pay for
Each sperm that can't be found
Every sperm is wanted
Every sperm is good
Every sperm is needed
In your neighborhood
Hindu, Taoist, Mormon,
Spill theirs just anywhere,
But God loves those who treat their
Semen with more care
Every sperm is sacred
Every sperm is great
If a sperm is wasted,
God get quite irate
Every sperm is sacred
Every sperm is good
Every sperm is needed
In your neighbourhood!
Every sperm is useful
Every sperm is fine
God needs everybody's
And mine!
And mine!
Let the Pagan spill theirs
O'er mountain, hill, and plain
God shall strike them down for
Each sperm that's spilt in vain
Every sperm is sacred
Every sperm is good
Every sperm is needed
In your neighborhood
Every sperm is sacred
Every sperm is great
If a sperm is wasted,
God gets quite iraaaaaate!
Last edited:
Republicans consider 'pulling out' to be somehow unpatriotic.

well, they need to understand that pulling out could be the difference between an abortion or the woman having a Damien .......... and we all know they don't like abortion ......................... Damiens? they prolly like those .............
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If they continue to support Iran, they might find themselves between a rock and a hard place.

Oh well...their choice.

You must have missed the point of this presidency. We gave up our global leadership role. The world decided to function without us. Brilliant move.

If they continue to support Iran, they might find themselves between a rock and a hard place.

Oh well...their choice.

hehe...man, it's basically the rest of the world's super powers you're talking about. I'm sure they'll manage...hehe
You must have missed the point of this presidency. We gave up our global leadership role. The world decided to function without us. Brilliant move.

All we gave up, so far, are bad deals.

But see...that's where you don't understand Trump. He doesn't want a "global leadership role". He wants alliances and agreements based on mutual interests. He's also not afraid of telling bad actors to knock it off...or else.

Now...if those other countries want to ally themselves with Iran, it's their choice...and their mistake.
hehe...man, it's basically the rest of the world's super powers you're talking about. I'm sure they'll manage...hehe

"Super powers"???

All we gave up, so far, are bad deals.

But see...that's where you don't understand Trump. He doesn't want a "global leadership role". He wants alliances and agreements based on mutual interests. He's also not afraid of telling bad actors to knock it off...or else.

Now...if those other countries want to ally themselves with Iran, it's their choice...and their mistake.

So are you saying that you're quite sure Iran is going to bomb them now that the big bad USA is out of the way?
well, they need to understand that pulling out could be the difference between an abortion or the woman having a Damien .......... and we all know they don't like abortion ......................... Damiens? they prolly like those .............

Pulling out is referenced at around the 6:00 mark 0016-gigglesmile.gif

"This whole thing in the Persian Gulf is nothing more than a bi-i-i-i-i-i-g prick-waving dick fight."

"You can tell from the language we use; language always gives you away. What did we do wrong in Vietnam? We pulled out! Huh? Not a very manly thing to do is it? [...] We left a few women and children alive in Vietnam and we haven’t felt good about ourselves since. That’s why in the Persian Gulf, George Bush had to say “this will not be another Vietnam!” He actually used these words, he said: “This time, we’re going all the way!” Imagine, an American president using the sexual slang of a 13 year-old to describe his foreign policy."
All we gave up, so far, are bad deals.

But see...that's where you don't understand Trump. He doesn't want a "global leadership role". He wants alliances and agreements based on mutual interests. He's also not afraid of telling bad actors to knock it off...or else.

Now...if those other countries want to ally themselves with Iran, it's their choice...and their mistake.

Umm. Are you a real person? "Their mistake" implies that they care what we think. They don't. That's my point. The US is a global laughing stock.
Umm. Are you a real person? "Their mistake" implies that they care what we think. They don't. That's my point. The US is a global laughing stock.

I don't "imply". I say exactly what I mean to say. Nothing more. :roll:

What on earth makes you think I said that? :doh

I didn't say that I think you said that.
I asked if you think that Iran plans to bomb the remaining countries.
And I asked because you said that you think it's their mistake.

Now...if those other countries want to ally themselves with Iran, it's their choice...and their mistake.

What's the mistake? What mistake are they making? Are they going to get bombed?
If that's not it, is it more like "Boy they're sure going to be sorry next time they need the United States"?
Please clarify what you think their mistake is.

Also, please clarify how they are "allying themselves" with Iran.
All I see is, they're not going to pull out of the agreement.
Please clarify how that amounts to "allying themselves with Iran".
I didn't say that I think you said that.
I asked if you think that Iran plans to bomb the remaining countries.
And I asked because you said that you think it's their mistake.

What's the mistake? What mistake are they making? Are they going to get bombed?
If that's not it, is it more like "Boy they're sure going to be sorry next time they need the United States"?
Please clarify what you think their mistake is.

Also, please clarify how they are "allying themselves" with Iran.
All I see is, they're not going to pull out of the agreement.
Please clarify how that amounts to "allying themselves with Iran".

I think it's a mistake to make a deal with Iran, knowing they won't abide by the deal. I think it's a mistake to make a deal that offers, at best, temporary benefits for the world and immediate benefits for Iran. I think it's a mistake to make a deal with the number one sponsor of terror in the world.

I think those countries will eventually regret their mistake.

I see these countries making this deal with...doing business with...Iran as these countries being allies with Iran. I see these countries as being allies with terrorists.

Do you disagree?
"Super powers"???


Ha...you think you can take them all, big fella? You think you can keep that big shiny military going with no trade? lol... Do you really want to be the new North Korea?

Watch the look of no shock on my face when Trump back peddles from this like he did trying to start a trade war he lost within two weeks. ;)
I don't "imply". I say exactly what I mean to say. Nothing more. :roll:

In that case, you greatly overestimate American power. We need the rest of the world more than it needs us. Have you ever lived abroad? Americans without a worldview, which is most of them, tend to think of the US as an "indispensable country" that can bend global will whenever we want toward whatever we want. As the current presidency makes abundantly clear, when US policy reflects the spoiled brat that is the president, the rest of the world moves on without us. All the while, we are abdicating the role for which we fought and died during WWII.
I think it's a mistake to make a deal with Iran, knowing they won't abide by the deal. I think it's a mistake to make a deal that offers, at best, temporary benefits for the world and immediate benefits for Iran. I think it's a mistake to make a deal with the number one sponsor of terror in the world.

I think those countries will eventually regret their mistake.

I see these countries making this deal with...doing business with...Iran as these countries being allies with Iran. I see these countries as being allies with terrorists.

Do you disagree?

Yet no one, including the US, thinks that Iran was not abiding by and does not continue to be in compliance with the agreement. How do you feel about the US doing business with and allying with North Korea, which is not a more benevolent country than Iran?
Yet no one, including the US, thinks that Iran was not abiding by and does not continue to be in compliance with the agreement. How do you feel about the US doing business with and allying with North Korea, which is not a more benevolent country than Iran?

I wouldn't be surprised if Iran is complying with the provisions of the agreement.
Why shouldn't they?
I was like they wrote it all by themselves.
Don't you remember?
Every time Kerry thought they had a deal Iran objected to something and Kerry folded.
Whet they ended up with is a deal that gave Iran everything up front and made verification and punishment for violation too obscure.
Iran played us because they saw who they were dealing with then.
That's why Congress would never have approved it and was never asked to.
1. I think it's a mistake to make a deal with Iran, knowing they won't abide by the deal. 2. I think it's a mistake to make a deal that offers, at best, temporary benefits for the world and immediate benefits for Iran. I think it's a mistake to make a deal with the number one sponsor of terror in the world.

I think those countries will eventually regret their mistake.

I see these countries making this deal with...doing business with...Iran as these countries being allies with Iran. I see these countries as being allies with terrorists.

Do you disagree?

1. Iran is abiding by the deal.
2. You think a deal which benefits the whole world is a mistake????

Another benefit of the deal is that offering sanctions relief, that normal Iranian people will feel the benefits of, as a result of diplomatic efforts shows the people of Iran that a softer, more diplomatic stance reaps better results than more hard-line rhetoric. It was a potential foot in the door for the more centrist politicians in Iran. That door has been slammed shut by Trump. This is a victory for extremists in Iran. Congratulations.
France, Germany, UK to meet Iran on nuclear deal - Middle East - RFI

The foreign ministers of France, Britain and Germany will meet Iranian representatives next week, Paris said Wednesday after President Donald Trump pulled the United States out of a landmark nuclear deal with Tehran.

"We will meet with my British and German colleagues on Monday, and also with representatives of Iran, to consider the entire situation," French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told RTL radio.
There may be something positive to come from Trump's backing out of the Iran nuclear deal as there are a number of other important countries involved who are trying to recover from this ione-sided decision.

I doubt it will result in much, there are too many conflicts of interest going on here. And no real assurance that Iran is not persuing such weapons anyway.

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