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Forget After Life, What About Before Life??? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 18, 2007
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East Coast - USA
Political Leaning

In the above video Ricky Gervais brings up an interesting thought.

When asked "what happens after you die?" Ricky responds with "probably the same thing that happened for 13 billion years before you were born."

Think about that for a minute.

So much of religion and "belief" revolves around what happens for the eternity "after", but never really touches on the eternity "before".

Where will you go when you die? Heaven? Hell? Some n-th level in between?

What about, where were you before you were born?
Why wouldn't you just "go back there"?


In the above video Ricky Gervais brings up an interesting thought.

When asked "what happens after you die?" Ricky responds with "probably the same thing that happened for 13 billion years before you were born."

Think about that for a minute.

So much of religion and "belief" revolves around what happens for the eternity "after", but never really touches on the eternity "before".

Where will you go when you die? Heaven? Hell? Some n-th level in between?

What about, where were you before you were born?
Why wouldn't you just "go back there"?


If you believe the Creator created you - where do you go back to?

If the Creator stipulated the condition for you to be able to go back to Him.....we have to meet that condition,
if we want to go back. :shrug:
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In the above video Ricky Gervais brings up an interesting thought.

When asked "what happens after you die?" Ricky responds with "probably the same thing that happened for 13 billion years before you were born."

Think about that for a minute.

So much of religion and "belief" revolves around what happens for the eternity "after", but never really touches on the eternity "before".

Where will you go when you die? Heaven? Hell? Some n-th level in between?

What about, where were you before you were born?
Why wouldn't you just "go back there"?


But for the grace of Jehovah God, that is where I would go back to...non-existence....
Totally not surprised there's very little conversation in this thread.

Why is it that "eternity" is always looking forward, but never looking back?

For whatever eternity is in the future, there's an equal eternity in the past.

Where were "you" for the eternity before "you" were born?
Totally not surprised there's very little conversation in this thread.

Why is it that "eternity" is always looking forward, but never looking back?

For whatever eternity is in the future, there's an equal eternity in the past.

Where were "you" for the eternity before "you" were born?

If the only religion you know about is Christianity, then you would think that. But in Hinduism, for example, before birth is definitely mentioned.

And by the way, if you don't remember where you were before birth it doesn't mean you didn't exist. Supposedly, conscious memory gets wiped between lives.
The population of the world grows and grows. If Hinduism is correct then where do all the extra souls come from?
The population of the world grows and grows. If Hinduism is correct then where do all the extra souls come from?

Depends on the type of Hinduism. But one big difference is many Hindus believe in Brahman, the “universal soul”. To many of them there is only one soul that lives out all lives. We are each Brahman, playing hide and seek with itself, as I have heard some describe. I wouldn’t be surprised if that is where Andy Weir got the idea for the short story “The Egg”. If you haven’t read it, check it out, it only takes a couple minutes to read.
Totally not surprised there's very little conversation in this thread.

Why is it that "eternity" is always looking forward, but never looking back?

For whatever eternity is in the future, there's an equal eternity in the past.

Where were "you" for the eternity before "you" were born?

In a state of non-existence... I didn't 'come to be' until my mother and father conceived me, which would have been approximately 9 months before my birthday, give or take...
In a state of non-existence... I didn't 'come to be' until my mother and father conceived me, which would have been approximately 9 months before my birthday, give or take...

Theoretically, is it safe to say that the past is as infinite as the future?

And even if you think/believe that the past is NOT infinite, but the future is, how would you classify or define the length of time the average human being lives on Earth?
Theoretically, is it safe to say that the past is as infinite as the future?
Yes, it very well could be.

And even if you think/believe that the past is NOT infinite, but the future is, how would you classify or define the length of time the average human being lives on Earth?
Depends on one's beliefs...
Depends on one's beliefs...

What? How?

There's infinite. Then there's finite.

In terms of human life, roughly 70-80 years on average, that's an extremely tiny finite compared to infinite billions.


Beliefs don't change what life on Earth is in terms of time. Do they?
What? How?

There's infinite. Then there's finite.

In terms of human life, roughly 70-80 years on average, that's an extremely tiny finite compared to infinite billions.


Beliefs don't change what life on Earth is in terms of time. Do they?
Nope, they don't... It will be what it will be, but we don't know what it will be because it hasn't happened yet... We don't know the past because we don't have a functional time machine to go back in time to observe it...

So the answers to your questions are going to be faith based answers...
And you did not answer it now did you?
Alright, here are my faith based answers...

Theoretically, is it safe to say that the past is as infinite as the future?
Theoretically, yes.

And even if you think/believe that the past is NOT infinite, but the future is, how would you classify or define the length of time the average human being lives on Earth?
I would say that human life begins at conception, so approximately 9 months (give or take) before one's birthday is the beginning point of life and that there is no "end point" of life... The fleshly body dies at the moment of death, but the spirit lives on for eternity.
And you did not answer it now did you?

Essentially, I don't believe in a "before-life"... Life doesn't begin until the moment of conception... Before that, I didn't exist at all...
Essentially, I don't believe in a "before-life"... Life doesn't begin until the moment of conception... Before that, I didn't exist at all...

If there was absolutely nothing "before life", then why would there be anything "after life"?

You know, other than human's vast insecurity about this being the ONLY life we have?
Totally not surprised there's very little conversation in this thread.

Why is it that "eternity" is always looking forward, but never looking back?

For whatever eternity is in the future, there's an equal eternity in the past.

Where were "you" for the eternity before "you" were born?

Could you explain please the "equal eternity in the past" and how you know this?
If there was absolutely nothing "before life", then why would there be anything "after life"?
Assuming you are solely speaking about humans, and not extending this to the universe as a whole, then that's a very logical belief to hold... and from a logical standpoint, there might not be, but from my religious standpoint, which is also a very logical belief to hold, I faithfully believe that there will be.
Could you explain please the "equal eternity in the past" and how you know this?

Exactly... it all comes down to religious belief... science has no theories on past unobserved events, so science can't chime in on this... It comes down to what one has faith in depending on what supporting evidence one finds to be convincing to them...
Totally not surprised there's very little conversation in this thread.

Why is it that "eternity" is always looking forward, but never looking back?

For whatever eternity is in the future, there's an equal eternity in the past.

Where were "you" for the eternity before "you" were born?
Because this is one of the few points that both atheists and religious people will agree on, that there was a beginning. There isn't an eternity BEFORE us. 13 billion years isn't by fact, an eternity. There is simply no question here.
Because this is one of the few points that both atheists and religious people will agree on, that there was a beginning. There isn't an eternity BEFORE us. 13 billion years isn't by fact, an eternity. There is simply no question here.

13 billion years ago was the Big Bang.

What "was before" the big bang?

How can you possibly say "nothing"?

We call the big bang the beginning because it's the beginning of what we think started our current universe.

Surely it's probable there was something 100 billion "years" ago. Why wouldn't there be?
Could you explain please the "equal eternity in the past" and how you know this?

If you think of time on a number line, and today is the point where to the right is eternity in the future, why would anyone assume the line to the left of today is any shorter?

How do I know? I don't. How do you "know" there's some kind of biblical after-life with heaven and hell and devils and angels. You don't.

We're even in that regard.
If you think of time on a number line, and today is the point where to the right is eternity in the future, why would anyone assume the line to the left of today is any shorter?

How do I know? I don't. How do you "know" there's some kind of biblical after-life with heaven and hell and devils and angels. You don't.

We're even in that regard.

Not really. I don't make threads like this.
13 billion years ago was the Big Bang.

What "was before" the big bang?

How can you possibly say "nothing"?

We call the big bang the beginning because it's the beginning of what we think started our current universe.

Surely it's probable there was something 100 billion "years" ago. Why wouldn't there be?

It depends on what kind of atheist you ask. Some follow M-theory, and claim there were only these cosmic membranes that interacted and caused one(maybe several) big bangs across the dimensions.

Other atheist would say that, before, there was only the speck of the universe, held together by the combination of all forces. Still, others, would say that the universe has been "created" many many times over and over again, and this it may have been present 100 billion years ago.

A religious man would tell you that, before, there was only God, and to wonder what was before creation is entirely fruitless. You can believe what you want about God, but indeed, to think of the 'universe' before creation....the big bang, if you will....is entirely fruitless. No amount of technology could ever answer the question, even if certain aspects of string theory happen to be confirmed in the future.

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