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for men - What would you do ? (1 Viewer)

what would you do

  • l would only care about my own life

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You think bullets are a threat to a humans body?

You're still making zero sense.

Unless you're saying that you consider letting your presumably-most-beloved get raped (or worse... you don't know where it will end) is worth avoiding the risk of getting shot... which is mighty selfish if you ask me.
Made no sense whatsoever.

You think rape is "merely" a threat to the vagina alone? Holy **** bud, do you even KNOW any female human beings?
I had a friend who was violently raped. She missed days of work, was traumatized severely and humiliated. Sweet girl, but it took her a while to be whole after that.
Now here is a question.. What if a man were being raped and the person raping him had a gun, and the wife was present?
This is where I have a BIG problem with men in our society. They are a bunch of mangina's that put females on a pedestal. Any man who will simply throw his life away to protect a woman who is being raped in the situation above is in my eyes, an idiot. Women rarely die from being raped and their attackers very rarely kill them after the rape. Best course of action is, if you can, get the best description of the rapist and report it to the police. By saying that you would die to prevent a rape you are basically telling women that their vagina is worth more than your life. I think that is a horrible thing to say and is down right sexist and mysandric. I cant stand women who applaud men who are nearly tripping over themselves to die for their vagina. I think its sick!! But it is rampant in our society. Women are constantly being put on a pedestal by these idiot mangina's and that is why you can pretty much go to any club and find some dumb woman slapping the crap out of a guy... and a guy gets tired of it and puts her on her ass, and everyone wants to beat the guys ass for "punching a girl".

Best course of action when a gun is involved is to call the police and give them a description of the rapist.... Let them handle it. Your life is worth more than some chicks vagina.

Well, well, looks like the manly one showed up to brag about sacrificing his 'Bait' wife or girlfriend to save his own skin.

Id rather be a coward then dead. My wife will heal and my "ass" will heal. People who's pride is worth more than their life are in my opinion, moronic cavemen.

A coward you shall be.
Well. This thread has been a gag-inducing eye-opener. I always thought knuckle-dragging neanderthals were extinct. Who knew they lurk among us and have learned how to use a computer?

I need a shower after reading this misogynistic filth.
Now here is a question.. What if a man were being raped and the person raping him had a gun, and the wife was present?

I couldn't speculate, since he ain't raping me either, unless its my dead body.
My wife is everything to me so I am doing whatever it takes to keep it from happening. If it means I get offed then so be it. She has given me her heart and our daughter as well as over 25 years of committed love. It's the very least I can do.

I would imagine I would create such a hostile environment that the perp would either kill me right off or leave thinking it's not worth it. If I actually got my hands on them one of us are going to die anyway. I have to say in an event such as this once I started in on them, I wouldn't stop until there was nothing left but hamburger. Whatever the reprecussions are I am fine with.

The other end of this is I am quite sure I would react the same way for a female I don't even know. It may be reckless but that's just who I am.
Well. This thread has been a gag-inducing eye-opener. I always thought knuckle-dragging neanderthals were extinct. Who knew they lurk among us and have learned how to use a computer?

I need a shower after reading this misogynistic filth.

So when a man acts like a man in the workplace and takes that role of power and responsibility.... he is a chauvinistic neanderthal oppressing women...

But when he takes that same role of power and responsibility in a situation as mentioned in this thread... he is a.... a man just doing what he should be doing???

You women got to get your stuff strait. Either you want us to act like men or you don't. You can't pick and choose when you want to be treated like an equal, and when you want to be treated like a woman.

Because I am willing to put my paycheck on if we were to reverse the rolls. A woman would not be expected to take a bullet for a man in the same situation.
Well. This thread has been a gag-inducing eye-opener. I always thought knuckle-dragging neanderthals were extinct. Who knew they lurk among us and have learned how to use a computer?

I need a shower after reading this misogynistic filth.

I was just scanning the messages of these pages fast. The words "knuckle-draggig neaderthals" caught my eye.

You message sheer brilliants. I'm not all that educated or academic and in real life use old simplistic ways of putting thing. In light of that, I'd say you hit the nail square on the head!

the goal is to minimize the possibility of harm to the family and maximize the amount of trauma/horror visited on an evil doer. I figure my family is well trained. If someone manages to waste me, I am fairly confident the wife or Junior will kill whomever did it and anyone else he brought along
So when a man acts like a man in the workplace and takes that role of power and responsibility.... he is a chauvinistic neanderthal oppressing women...

But when he takes that same role of power and responsibility in a situation as mentioned in this thread... he is a.... a man just doing what he should be doing???

You women got to get your stuff strait. Either you want us to act like men or you don't. You can't pick and choose when you want to be treated like an equal, and when you want to be treated like a woman.

Because I am willing to put my paycheck on if we were to reverse the rolls. A woman would not be expected to take a bullet for a man in the same situation.

Look bud... I'mma try one more time to get the point across... don't get hung up on the scenario that it is a woman or your wife necessarily.

Just that it is the person in the world who means the most to you. That could be your wife, your mother, your child, your brother or sister... whoever.

Would you risk a bullet to spare them from violent rape, or not?

Like I said earlier, I did it for strangers when I was a cop, willingly... I could hardly do less for my moved-loved-one.
So when a man acts like a man in the workplace and takes that role of power and responsibility.... he is a chauvinistic neanderthal oppressing women...

But when he takes that same role of power and responsibility in a situation as mentioned in this thread... he is a.... a man just doing what he should be doing???

You women got to get your stuff strait. Either you want us to act like men or you don't. You can't pick and choose when you want to be treated like an equal, and when you want to be treated like a woman.

Because I am willing to put my paycheck on if we were to reverse the rolls. A woman would not be expected to take a bullet for a man in the same situation.

Oh, please tell us more, based on your expert experience......to wit:

Id rather be a coward then dead. My wife will heal and my "ass" will heal. People who's pride is worth more than their life are in my opinion, moronic cavemen.

Im sure she would too. She would rather me be alive I would hope. If she wants me to get myself killed in order to attempt to save her some physical harm, then she does not love me at all.

If my wife is dumb enough to just stand there and get attacked.. then sorry, nothing I can do about that.

Important part of your post is "LIVE WITH THE CONSEQUENCES". Obviously, if I feel I can safely attack an attacker without getting myself or my loved one killed, I will do it. But if the attacker is holding a gun and telling me they are going to rape my wife and if I try to do anything he will kill me.. Then my wife is getting raped.. sorry. If she would rather have me dead

And that is how most people get killed. They think they have no choice but to try to defend themselves. When simply giving the attacker what they want so they will go away would have done.

If I can get within close range without making the attacker feel threatened and get into a position where I can use my martial arts skills to disarm him and put him on the ground, I will attack. Otherwise, I will spare both my life and the life of my wife, let him get what he wants, and leave.
willing to risk your wife's life on that chance?

people that realize that macho bravado is not always the best course of action

reality. you know, that place where the good guy doesn't always win

Not that it really has anything to do with rape or guns or dangerous situations...at least not directly...but I'm going to tell you a story anyway.

Back when I was just a kid in cub scouts my dad was the den leader. He had us all out on our side lawn one day and had set up hurdles (saw horses) and the idea was that we were going to do time trial for some merit badge. While we were practicing I just couldn't get up the nerve to jump over that first saw horse without putting a hand down on it. I just knew that I would crash into the thing and bust my skull. I begged and pleaded to have him allow us to vault over it instead of jump. I tried to get the other kids to convince him. He just wouldn't let in and when it was my turn I knew that if I wimped out I'd get my hide tanned AND be embarrassed so I took off knowing that it wasn't going to end well.

I not only cleared all the hurdles but ended up with the best time which kind of blew my mind because every hurdle I approached I just knew was going to kill me. After everyone went home dad talked to me. He told me that he knew I could do it which is why he pushed me. Then he told me something else. He said, "the whole time you were blubbering about 'I can't do it! I'm going to fail' you couldn't do it but the minute you decided to try you gave yourself a chance to get it done."

What we're talking about here isn't hero, macho bull****. It's doing the right thing when it needs to be done. When somebody - anybody - is in trouble it's time to do something. Yeah, you might fail and you might get hurt when that happens but at least you gave yourself (and them) an opportunity to succeed.
So when a man acts like a man in the workplace and takes that role of power and responsibility.... he is a chauvinistic neanderthal oppressing women...

But when he takes that same role of power and responsibility in a situation as mentioned in this thread... he is a.... a man just doing what he should be doing???

You women got to get your stuff strait. Either you want us to act like men or you don't. You can't pick and choose when you want to be treated like an equal, and when you want to be treated like a woman.

Because I am willing to put my paycheck on if we were to reverse the rolls. A woman would not be expected to take a bullet for a man in the same situation.

legally ,yes we are equal.

but legal equality cant save the woman everytime
And if I am expected to stand between you and a bullet, then I want my dinner on the table at 6pm, a back rub every night, sex every night, to stay home and take care of our kids when we have them... If we want to go back to the old gender roles where men are expected to risk their lives while woman stay home and work, I want the rewards for doing so.

If we want equality at home and in the workplace, then don't expect me to take on more risk than you would expect yourself to take on.

It really is that simple, and that is really what is missing from American women today. They want you to treat them as a peer... unless the ship is sinking, the house is on fire, a war breaks out or someone is trying to kill them. Then, they expect you... the man... to step in and take on the risk of being killed so they can go on and you can be buried.

I am sorry... if im going to stand between you and a bullet with all your talk of equality.. You should be willing to stand between me and a bullet as well. If it is expected of me, then it is expected of you...
And if I am expected to stand between you and a bullet, then I want my dinner on the table at 6pm, a back rub every night, sex every night, to stay home and take care of our kids when we have them... If we want to go back to the old gender roles where men are expected to risk their lives while woman stay home and work, I want the rewards for doing so.

If we want equality at home and in the workplace, then don't expect me to take on more risk than you would expect yourself to take on.

It really is that simple, and that is really what is missing from American women today. They want you to treat them as a peer... unless the ship is sinking, the house is on fire, a war breaks out or someone is trying to kill them. Then, they expect you... the man... to step in and take on the risk of being killed so they can go on and you can be buried.

I am sorry... if im going to stand between you and a bullet with all your talk of equality.. You should be willing to stand between me and a bullet as well. If it is expected of me, then it is expected of you...

I, I, I, I.....brother, if it's all about you you're doing it wrong.
And if I am expected to stand between you and a bullet, then I want my dinner on the table at 6pm, a back rub every night, sex every night, to stay home and take care of our kids when we have them... If we want to go back to the old gender roles where men are expected to risk their lives while woman stay home and work, I want the rewards for doing so.

If we want equality at home and in the workplace, then don't expect me to take on more risk than you would expect yourself to take on.

It really is that simple, and that is really what is missing from American women today. They want you to treat them as a peer... unless the ship is sinking, the house is on fire, a war breaks out or someone is trying to kill them. Then, they expect you... the man... to step in and take on the risk of being killed so they can go on and you can be buried.

I am sorry... if im going to stand between you and a bullet with all your talk of equality.. You should be willing to stand between me and a bullet as well. If it is expected of me, then it is expected of you...

many women would do that
So when a man acts like a man in the workplace and takes that role of power and responsibility.... he is a chauvinistic neanderthal oppressing women...

Only when he refers to women as "vaginas" rather than people.

But when he takes that same role of power and responsibility in a situation as mentioned in this thread... he is a.... a man just doing what he should be doing???

You women got to get your stuff strait. Either you want us to act like men or you don't. You can't pick and choose when you want to be treated like an equal, and when you want to be treated like a woman.

You have an odd, and thankfully rare, definition as to how "men" should act. Very few individuals would actually define a man's role as handing over his wife... or child, I suppose... to be brutalized in order to save his own life. So, you presume that if vaginas... excuse me, female humans... want to be treated like an equal to your definition of a man, you would expect her to hand you over to be raped, gang-raped and potentially killed if it gave her a better chance of not being hurt. Dude. That's messed up.

Because I am willing to put my paycheck on if we were to reverse the rolls. A woman would not be expected to take a bullet for a man in the same situation.

And I am willing to bet my paycheck that if we were to reverse roles, most women would not hesitate to take a bullet trying to save her husband from being brutalized... and those cowardly few who stood there wringing their hands, weeping "do what you want to him, just don't hurt me" would be treated with the same contempt as the cowardly male doing the same.
Oh, and as I was scanning, I thought maybe he could be negotiated with for money. Rather than him risking prison and having to be on the run before this, maybe we could work something out in money, or maybe money other valuable items.

For example, maybe rather than being on the run and always risking huge jail time, maybe he'd rather just pay us to have her - with her agreeing. Given the situation, she might be willing to be very inexpensive. And I assure him, that she'd be well worth the money. And that I know that for sure. She might agree and tell all that she'll do too - rather than him saying he will rape me and probably kill both of us. She JUST MIGHT be prefer that negotiation alternative. $5, $10, he can just buy her.

AND we could in the alternative offer money and valuable items like gold and diamonds, if he won't rape her. I bet he could drive a really hard bargain with us. In fact, if he was a skilled negotiator, he could probably get damn near everything we got - instead of raping her and probably killing us both and then taking whatever he wants anyway.

In short, there may be some other alternatives in the middle of the OP that gives no specifics what soever. I certainly would like to think there are other alternative results possibly obtainable. One reason is because in that senairo they are both going to die but her only after being raped - IF the ONLY option is to charge the guy pointing a shotgun at the middle of your chest. The ONLY outcome is you both die but her maybe raped first. So... I would say that unless another alternative action found, it doesn't made what a person would do. They're both dead.

That's why the worlds "kunckle-dragging neanderthals" caught my eye. But's not just the men, is it? Most the women are as bad or worse."
My thoughts exactly. My life is worth more to me than any woman's desire to not engage in a forced sex act. Plus, nowadays you could get sued for that kind of thing if the woman was injured while you were trying to get the rapist off her. I wouldn't bother stepping in to stop a rape. Leave that to the white knights and their misguided chivalry.

Alright next time, you're getting your ass beaten half way up your torso, we'll see how much you'll appreciate the refusal of the "white knights with misguided chivalry".
Look bud... I'mma try one more time to get the point across... don't get hung up on the scenario that it is a woman or your wife necessarily.

Just that it is the person in the world who means the most to you. That could be your wife, your mother, your child, your brother or sister... whoever.

Would you risk a bullet to spare them from violent rape, or not?

Like I said earlier, I did it for strangers when I was a cop, willingly... I could hardly do less for my moved-loved-one.

That is a cops job, just as it is a soldiers job to kill the enemy. If it were someone I loved, I would hope they would rather deal with being raped and both of us live thru it, then me dieing trying to protect them.
Only when he refers to women as "vaginas" rather than people.

You have an odd, and thankfully rare, definition as to how "men" should act. Very few individuals would actually define a man's role as handing over his wife... or child, I suppose... to be brutalized in order to save his own life. So, you presume that if vaginas... excuse me, female humans... want to be treated like an equal to your definition of a man, you would expect her to hand you over to be raped, gang-raped and potentially killed if it gave her a better chance of not being hurt. Dude. That's messed up.

And I am willing to bet my paycheck that if we were to reverse roles, most women would not hesitate to take a bullet trying to save her husband from being brutalized... and those cowardly few who stood there wringing their hands, weeping "do what you want to him, just don't hurt me" would be treated with the same contempt as the cowardly male doing the same.

Atta Girl, Baby Sister!!!
legally ,yes we are equal.

but legal equality cant save the woman everytime

a good Turkish handgun can make things real equal

here is one of your country's better efforts

its a turkish copy of the famed CZ 75. its well made. I don't own one because I have five CZs and the Armalite magazines don't work in the CZs so there is no reason to buy one

but you might-

I had a friend who was violently raped. She missed days of work, was traumatized severely and humiliated. Sweet girl, but it took her a while to be whole after that.

That s**t would piss me the hell off. I'd go Punisher on their a*ses, and gun every single one of them down....

Ok maybe I wouldn't, but may God help the bastard if he ever crosses my path.
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That is a cops job, just as it is a soldiers job to kill the enemy. If it were someone I loved, I would hope they would rather deal with being raped and both of us live thru it, then me dieing trying to protect them.

Wow....this guy would be the guy that would do nothing when someone walked in and killed/raped his mother in front of him....

You sir, do not deserve the pair of testicles with which you were blessed with.
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