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Firefighters Shot Dead at Upstate NY Fire (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
Two firefighters were shot and killed and two others taken to a nearby hospital after a gunman opened fire on them as they responded to a house fire in Webster, N.Y., this morning, according to authorities and local media.

Looks like this shooter got away. What kind of ********er opens fire on first responders who are attempting to save lives? We need a new kind of death penalty - Execution by slow torture...... Sorry, I don't really mean that. I am just ranting here.

Article is here.
This is very similar to the New York cab drivers refusing to go into certain areas.

Similar to the sniper in Oakland who called the police, then shot them as they arrived. Later the residents in that area had a big celebration because the shooter got four cops. There are entire communities in the United States, just as in Brazil, in which police and firefighters will not go. The Navy Guards at the Hunter's Point Shipyard in California had to have iron barriers for years because of the snipers in the nearby housing projects.

Let their damn houses burn, who cares.
Looks like this shooter got away. What kind of ********er opens fire on first responders who are attempting to save lives? We need a new kind of death penalty - Execution by slow torture...... Sorry, I don't really mean that. I am just ranting here.

Article is here.

Agreed. This is a disgusting display. Que the usual knee jerk reactionaries that will immediately turn this into another GC thread. I hope not. Instead tonight at midnight mass, I will offer a prayer for the families of those firefighters.
Looks like this shooter got away. What kind of ********er opens fire on first responders who are attempting to save lives? We need a new kind of death penalty - Execution by slow torture...... Sorry, I don't really mean that. I am just ranting here.

Article is here.

I'm all for the slow and painful death to this type of person. Just credit me for an hour of community service and I'll do the honors of putting the shooter through the wood chipper.
This is very similar to the New York cab drivers refusing to go into certain areas.

Similar to the sniper in Oakland who called the police, then shot them as they arrived. Later the residents in that area had a big celebration because the shooter got four cops. There are entire communities in the United States, just as in Brazil, in which police and firefighters will not go. The Navy Guards at the Hunter's Point Shipyard in California had to have iron barriers for years because of the snipers in the nearby housing projects.

Let their damn houses burn, who cares.

I hate liking this post because of your last line. But the rest of it I agree with. Many of these neighborhoods are not safe for city workers, and that's the truth. Maybe you're right. Maybe they should just let them do a controlled burn -- and relocate/scatter these people throughout cities and suburbs as a condition of receiving public assistance. They have safety in their numbers. The rest of us are in danger because of the same.
Agreed. This is a disgusting display. Que the usual knee jerk reactionaries that will immediately turn this into another GC thread. I hope not. Instead tonight at midnight mass, I will offer a prayer for the families of those firefighters.

Yeah que the knee jerk reactionaries on gun control as the 'let them all burn' reactionaries are already here. Punish them all for the actions of a few... the right hates that when it comes to the punishment being leveled on them but seem to have no problem with it being leveled on others.

it is disgusting to see firefighters being shot, same as little children... so it would be OK to over react to both and ban ARs, large mags, and have large no go zones for emergency personnel?

I don't think so...
This happened in my neck of the woods and the area is not a good area for anyone to be in.

Why would anyone shoot at first responders is beyond my comprehension unless it was an extremist of some sort trying to make a point about guns or something?

Damn, while posting in this thead, a special report just came on the news. 3 shot about 20 blocks from where I live. A police officer is dead, and so is an innocent bystander. The shooter is in the hospital in critical condition, which brings me to another one of my patented rants.

Why the hell are they attempting to save the shooter's life, when we are eventually going to spend millions of taxpayer dollars putting him on trial, imprisoning him for a number of years, before finally putting him to death? It does not make sense. This shooter killed a cop, along with someone who was shopping and minding his own damn business. Let this punk die.

Yeah que the knee jerk reactionaries on gun control as the 'let them all burn' reactionaries are already here. Punish them all for the actions of a few... the right hates that when it comes to the punishment being leveled on them but seem to have no problem with it being leveled on others.

it is disgusting to see firefighters being shot, same as little children... so it would be OK to over react to both and ban ARs, large mags, and have large no go zones for emergency personnel?

I don't think so...

thank you for proving my point.
thank you for proving my point.

I have found most points can be hidden by wearing a hat. :lol:

Actually it was a question- is it alright for the right wing to chant let them all burn but not for the left wing to demand all ARs be rounded up?

BOTH seems pointlessly extreme.
some people are simply... rabid animals.

I care not one bit what we do with them after they have proven they are rabid animals...I have little objection to holding them in cells, or publicly mutilating them in the most horrible of fashions... they are little more than meat bags to me, bereft of humanity.

we, as a society, have chosen to act civilized in the face of such animals.. we protect them , we protect their rights, and we protect their sensibilities.
not a bad way to go, as it puts us on higher ground... but it is frustrating sometimes, and it really doesn't lend itself to exacting justice.
our civilized nature in the face of these people...well,it is both a strength and weakness.
Looks like this shooter got away -- We need a new kind of death penalty

Police Chief Gerald L. Pickering said the gunman was dead at the scene, but had yet to be identified. The shooter died of a gunshot wound, but police didn't yet know if "it was self inflicted or not."

The story may have been updated since you posted it but my reading says the shooter is dead of gunshot wounds, police cannot or won't yet say if they are self inflicted.

This is very similar to the New York cab drivers refusing to go into certain areas.

Similar to the sniper in Oakland who called the police, then shot them as they arrived. Later the residents in that area had a big celebration because the shooter got four cops. There are entire communities in the United States, just as in Brazil, in which police and firefighters will not go. The Navy Guards at the Hunter's Point Shipyard in California had to have iron barriers for years because of the snipers in the nearby housing projects.

Let their damn houses burn, who cares.

I understand the sentiment but I cannot agree with aid personnel picking and choosing which emergencies to go to. I would rather they had armed guard (with well thought out ROE) than not go in at all. Not all people in "no-go" zones are criminals.
This is very similar to the New York cab drivers refusing to go into certain areas.

Similar to the sniper in Oakland who called the police, then shot them as they arrived. Later the residents in that area had a big celebration because the shooter got four cops. There are entire communities in the United States, just as in Brazil, in which police and firefighters will not go. The Navy Guards at the Hunter's Point Shipyard in California had to have iron barriers for years because of the snipers in the nearby housing projects.

Let their damn houses burn, who cares.

I hate liking this post because of your last line. But the rest of it I agree with. Many of these neighborhoods are not safe for city workers, and that's the truth. Maybe you're right. Maybe they should just let them do a controlled burn -- and relocate/scatter these people throughout cities and suburbs as a condition of receiving public assistance. They have safety in their numbers. The rest of us are in danger because of the same.

This isn't business as usual in Webster. Webster's a nice place. It's not a war zone and the community isn't going to be out there celebrating this crap.

Please don't jump to conclusions about communities you know nothing about.
When you call 911 in the U.S. don't fire, ambulance, and police arrive or is it just one?
some people are simply... rabid animals.

I care not one bit what we do with them after they have proven they are rabid animals...I have little objection to holding them in cells, or publicly mutilating them in the most horrible of fashions... they are little more than meat bags to me, bereft of humanity.

we, as a society, have chosen to act civilized in the face of such animals.. we protect them , we protect their rights, and we protect their sensibilities.
not a bad way to go, as it puts us on higher ground... but it is frustrating sometimes, and it really doesn't lend itself to exacting justice.
our civilized nature in the face of these people...well,it is both a strength and weakness.

Yeah, that pesky Bill of Rights just keeps getting in the way.

I always love reading such sentiments from libertarians. :lol:
I have found most points can be hidden by wearing a hat. :lol:

Actually it was a question- is it alright for the right wing to chant let them all burn but not for the left wing to demand all ARs be rounded up?

BOTH seems pointlessly extreme.

No, ofcourse not...The firefighters have a job to do, and shouldn't have to be targets to some crazy person with a gun firing at them. On the other hand, it is also equally as wrong in my opinion for anti gun people to jump on every instance of violence, not 5 minutes after it happens, to rail against the overwhelming majority of responsible gun owners right to own their weapons.
It depends on what you tell the dispatch officer and what they decide to do from there.

Here it's required in most places that all of them show up. Though they know if they are needed or not. Recently someone called an ambulance to our school, the ambulance and fire came immediately but the police showed up 10 minutes later drinking Tim Hortons (Canadian version of Dunkin Donuts) they are required to come but they aren't used but in this case that could have stopped this shooter. Interesting story about Tim Hortons is my town is that it's not uncommon to find the ambulance and poilce inside, the military also shows up form time to time, it's just weird seeing among the row of parked cars an armored personnel carrier.
Here it's required in most places that all of them show up. Though they know if they are needed or not. Recently someone called an ambulance to our school, the ambulance and fire came immediately but the police showed up 10 minutes later drinking Tim Hortons (Canadian version of Dunkin Donuts) they are required to come but they aren't used but in this case that could have stopped this shooter. Interesting story about Tim Hortons is my town is that it's not uncommon to find the ambulance and poilce inside, the military also shows up form time to time, it's just weird seeing among the row of parked cars an armored personnel carrier.

I gotcha. Around here, if you hit a deer and call it in for insurance purposes, they won't send a rescue squad out if you tell the dispatch officer there were no injuries. On the other hand, if they think there's more going on than they're being told, they will use their best judgement.
I gotcha. Around here, if you hit a deer and call it in for insurance purposes, they won't send a rescue squad out if you tell the dispatch officer there were no injuries. On the other hand, if they think there's more going on than they're being told, they will use their best judgement.

They do that here to, a deer is just police. Well if it's a moose they call the ambulance aswell since the moose sometimes wins.
This is very similar to the New York cab drivers refusing to go into certain areas.

Similar to the sniper in Oakland who called the police, then shot them as they arrived. Later the residents in that area had a big celebration because the shooter got four cops. There are entire communities in the United States, just as in Brazil, in which police and firefighters will not go. The Navy Guards at the Hunter's Point Shipyard in California had to have iron barriers for years because of the snipers in the nearby housing projects.

Let their damn houses burn, who cares.

Happened in Chicago, Cabrini Green. Some kid was having a heart attack, and the paramedics were scared to go into the project and give aid. The boy ended up dying from an asthma attack, and his family sued.

If they don't go, they will probably end up fighting lawsuits... :shrug:
Why did this happen? Does anybody know?

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