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Finally! Mom tased for not wearing a mask (1 Viewer)


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Aug 31, 2018
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Cops handled this one perfectly. Much respect.

What kind of sickos are hosting middle school football games? What kind of idiots are participating in contact sports this year? Disgusting. Tase and arrest them all.
Oh, good move you stupid stupid woman, get yourself violently arrested in front of your kid (at least, it looks like those are two families, each with one young child). Traumatize the little guy AND teach him how to be an imbecile. Real smart.

**** people . . .

Extra credit: note how he isn't beating the living shit out of her? She's not face down unconscious, blood pooling under her. It is possible to restrain people without brutalizing them.

Are tazers weaker now? I seem to recall videos of them laying people out flat. It seemed to merely annoy her a little more.

Just wear your ****ing masks you miserable excuses for snowflakes. Jesus. Humans have struggled through so many difficulties: inabilty to afford a doctor so they set their leg at home, no painkillers or anesthesia before surgery, all sorts. Masks are too much. Masks are the biggest thing to worry about. ****ing Trumpists.
She should of stayed home if she didn't want to wear a mask and ask someone to record the game for her. Her child had to be embarrassed and I feel bad for the shit he will get at school. Kids are savage to each other.
Oh, good move you stupid stupid woman, get yourself violently arrested in front of your kid (at least, it looks like those are two families, each with one young child). Traumatize the little guy AND teach him how to be an imbecile. Real smart.

**** people . . .

Extra credit: note how he isn't beating the living shit out of her? She's not face down unconscious, blood pooling under her. It is possible to restrain people without brutalizing them.

Are tazers weaker now? I seem to recall videos of them laying people out flat. It seemed to merely annoy her a little more.

Just wear your ****ing masks you miserable excuses for snowflakes. Jesus. Humans have struggled through so many difficulties: inabilty to afford a doctor so they set their leg at home, no painkillers or anesthesia before surgery, all sorts. Masks are too much. Masks are the biggest thing to worry about. ****ing Trumpists.

People should wear a mask, but not doing so is not punishable even by a fine in Ohio let alone arrest. The cop, if that’s what he was, had no authority to arrest her and was assaulting that woman.
Are tazers weaker now? I seem to recall videos of them laying people out flat. It seemed to merely annoy her a little more.

Taser probes require like 12 inches of spread to affect enough muscles to "lay people out flat". Using it the way the officer did, "drive stunning" her just gives an unpleasant, very painful shock.
People should wear a mask, but not doing so is not punishable even by a fine in Ohio let alone arrest. The cop, if that’s what he was, had no authority to arrest her and was assaulting that woman.
I'm sure she's not being arrested for not wearing a mask. She's likley being arrested for trespassing by not leaving a private event when asked to.
lawsuit coming ... in .. 1 ... 2 ... 3

Immunity coming in ... 3

PSA, not for Barnacle's consumption (you know why . . . ): borrowing from myself for a comment on the crapulence of qualified immunity.

Qualified immunity in layman's terms: unless a person with an IQ of 1 would understand that a specific action was described in detail and said to be completely wrong in a controlling decision, a cop cannot be sued for what they did.

Cop Who Allegedly Kneed a Subdued Suspect in the Eye ’20 to 30 Times’ Gets Qualified Immunity – Reason.com

(Kneeing a suspect in the eye 20-30 times; but there wasn't a case in the relevant jurisdiction saying that you can't knee someone in the eye 20-30 times. Sure, there was a case saying you cannot do a "knee drop" that fractures their face. (Gill v. Maciejewski). Sure, there was a decision saying you can't "hip toss" someone, then have two other cops beat them to death as they lay on the ground. (Krout v. Goemmer).

But there wasn't saying a decision saying you can't knee someone in the eye 20-30 times. So the cop cannot be sued. Unreasonable to expect him to know his behavior was unconstitutional.

All this stuff that sounds good on paper so that people will approve without even looking into it. It's a bad guy so who cares, next.

Oh yes, and using the dogs of people the police say are criminals for target practice:

Detroit Police Department Settles Another Dog Shooting Lawsuit After Video Contradicts Cop’s Account – Reason.com

Police conduct drug raid, blow away two dogs, lie about it. Only because it happened on camera could anything happen about it. Otherwise the cops would be protected by their lies (specifically, that the dogs attacked them).

In the video linked in the article. You can see one dog standing at the end of a hallway. Another comes out, looking like it wants to say hello. The cop blows it away. The cop wrote in his report that "he 'observed a black pit bull and a tan pit bull showing his teeth, charging, and attempting to bite crew.'"

Later, he wrote "a large black pitfall came charging at me down the hallway from the northwest bedroom. I fired two shots…neutralizing the threat. While still in the hallway, a second brown pit bull came charging down the hallway towards me."
(The first link contains links to the two cases summarized).

It's not even the effects of racism over time.

You can't even sue these people unless they did the exact thing that a controlling decision - that is, one in the jurisdiction from an appellate court - says they cannot do. The cop in question could knee someone in the eye 20-30 times because a court didn't say you couldn't knee someone in the eye 20-30 times. Sure, the 8th Circuit said things from which any moron could deduce meant you couldn't just keep kneeing a guy in the eye, but I guess it's unfair of us to expect cops to work that out on their own.
People should wear a mask, but not doing so is not punishable even by a fine in Ohio let alone arrest. The cop, if that’s what he was, had no authority to arrest her and was assaulting that woman.
He most certainly did. She was arrested for illegal trespassing after refusing to leave , not for not wearing a mask.
He most certainly did. She was arrested for illegal trespassing after refusing to leave , not for not wearing a mask.

I don’t see anyone asking her to leave before the rent-a-cop laid hands on her.
Cops handled this one perfectly. Much respect.

I cannot see the Daily News where I live. "Unfortunately, our website is currently unavailable in most European countries. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to the EU market. We continue to identify technical compliance solutions that will provide all readers with our award-winning journalism."
He most certainly did. She was arrested for illegal trespassing after refusing to leave , not for not wearing a mask.

I don’t see anyone asking her to leave before the rent-a-cop laid hands on her.

That's not how trespass law works.

If it says on the ticket that you have to wear a mask to enter the premises or on a sign, or something like that, then if you don't wear a mask you are trespassing. I'm not doing a bunch of legal research to verify the boundaries in Ohio, but generally speaking, pre-emptive warnings as to persons who are not allowed to enter count.

Moreover, you don't know he didn't ask her to wear a mask or leave. He's not the one shouting. She is. You can see him talking to her too softly for the phone to pick up. And there was obviously more before, which caused the person to start recording this. I'd say it's almost certain that on top of whatever other warnings might have been on signs, on tickets, on public orders, he asked her to wear one or leave on top.
People should wear a mask, but not doing so is not punishable even by a fine in Ohio let alone arrest. The cop, if that’s what he was, had no authority to arrest her and was assaulting that woman.

She wasn't tased for not wearing a mask.

She was tased for resisting arrest.
<snipped for brevity>

Moreover, you don't know he didn't ask her to wear a mask or leave. He's not the one shouting. She is. You can see him talking to her too softly for the phone to pick up. And there was obviously more before, which caused the person to start recording this. I'd say it's almost certain that on top of whatever other warnings might have been on signs, on tickets, on public orders, he asked her to wear one or leave on top.

This is spot on! The video provides no context of the events leading up to the incident, and people are too eager to rush to judgement without enough context.
Taser probes require like 12 inches of spread to affect enough muscles to "lay people out flat". Using it the way the officer did, "drive stunning" her just gives an unpleasant, very painful shock.

Gosh, that's awful.
Wow. Just as if it were straight out of 1930's Germany.
How so? The woman by all reports was given a chance to put a mask on or she could of set in her car mask free until the game was over. Acting like a twat waffle pften has painful repercussions
I really can't understand all the fuzz about wearing a mask. Get the right people to promote it, and everyone will follow. Around here, some of the 'regulars' have turned it into a fashion statement. We pass each other and compare notes, make it fun. Once the cold season is here, wearing a mask has even more benefits.
What kind of sickos are hosting middle school football games? What kind of idiots are participating in contact sports this year? Disgusting. Tase and arrest them all.
Have you looked at some of the footage?

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