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Feds: Rep. Corrine Brown, chief of staff, used charity as "personal slush fund" (1 Viewer)

Jesus Christ. Is there ever a time when conservatives don't think of themselves as a victim?

Contrary to popular belief, no, I'm not Jesus Christ.

As for conservatives thinking of themselves as victims, that's an novel observation that has zero relevance to the comments I posted, unless, of course, you're referring to conservatives who may have donated to the charity that this liberal stole from shamelessly.
Contrary to popular belief, no, I'm not Jesus Christ.

As for conservatives thinking of themselves as victims, that's an novel observation that has zero relevance to the comments I posted, unless, of course, you're referring to conservatives who may have donated to the charity that this liberal stole from shamelessly.

"Shoe on the other foot" angle seems to be pretty much the basis of conservative debate. Not fact... just a bunch of hi-fiving over each other's "what-if's".
"Shoe on the other foot" angle seems to be pretty much the basis of conservative debate. Not fact... just a bunch of hi-fiving over each other's "what-if's".

I appreciate that someone who has a sketch of Sanders as their avatar would pretty much live in a world of victimhood, but please try to refrain from passing off your own shortcomings on others. Simple observations of fact are just that - observations of fact. I didn't bitch and moan about it nor did I suggest that the government intervene and control the outcomes to my preference. After all, I'm not a progressive nor a liberal nor a Sanders' socialist, so to suggest such would be totally foreign to my way of thinking.
She claims that the charges are politically and racially motivated...

When the chips are down, play the race card.... LMMFAO
She claims that the charges are politically and racially motivated...

When the chips are down, play the race card.... LMMFAO

Pretty standard there. The local news here had black people standing in the front of the courthouse with "Relect Corrine Brown" signs. Sure, shes innocent until proven guilty, but I dont think there is anyone who didnt see this coming. Her cheif of staff is facing 24 coutns of mail and wire fraud, concealing facts on financial-disclosure forms, filing false tax returns and theft of government property, also. 300 years in jail I heard.
I appreciate that someone who has a sketch of Sanders as their avatar would pretty much live in a world of victimhood, but please try to refrain from passing off your own shortcomings on others. Simple observations of fact are just that - observations of fact. I didn't bitch and moan about it nor did I suggest that the government intervene and control the outcomes to my preference. After all, I'm not a progressive nor a liberal nor a Sanders' socialist, so to suggest such would be totally foreign to my way of thinking.

Yet that is the way you post. Go figure.

Oh... and... Herp derp librulz socializms... derp!
I see a night's rest hasn't improved the quality of your posts.

Coming from a guy who thinks a good post is to whine about being a victim then attacks an avatar followed up with a non sequitur rant about socialism and liberals that made no sense... I can only take that as a compliment. lol
Coming from a guy who thinks a good post is to whine about being a victim then attacks an avatar followed up with a non sequitur rant about socialism and liberals that made no sense... I can only take that as a compliment. lol

Good for you - glad I could bring some joy to your seemingly bitter existence.
The Clintons are a criminal enterprise.

Lol, no matter how many investigations the GOP throws at them, they seem to come out of them fine. I wonder at what point it stops being a conspiracy theory and when it just becomes a lot of smoke and no fire on the GOP's part. :lol:

The FBI seems to have no problem going after anybody else when they have enough evidence.
Lol, no matter how many investigations the GOP throws at them, they seem to come out of them fine. I wonder at what point it stops being a conspiracy theory and when it just becomes a lot of smoke and no fire on the GOP's part. :lol:

No matter how dishonest the Clintons are, people like you still lap up their lies. The Clinton Foundation is blatantly a money grabbing influence peddling affair, and you defend it... that hurts your integrity, not mine.
No matter how dishonest the Clintons are, people like you still lap up their lies. The Clinton Foundation is blatantly a money grabbing influence peddling affair, and you defend it... that hurts your integrity, not mine.

If the GOP, FBI, DOJ can prove they've done something criminal, go for it and convict them of something. After ~10 investigations, none of which seem to be able to come up with any wrong doing/criminal intent, I tend to go with Ockham's Razor; that doesn't mean big secret conspiracy.
If the GOP, FBI, DOJ can prove they've done something criminal, go for it and convict them of something. After ~10 investigations, none of which seem to be able to come up with any wrong doing/criminal intent, I tend to go with Ockham's Razor; that doesn't mean big secret conspiracy.

The FBI and DOJ are currently run by democrat political appointees, with naked political ambitions, they are NOT going to kill the Clintons political machine when they are thiiiiis close to taking the WH back. (the clintons that is.)

You are foolish if you claim otherwise.
The FBI and DOJ are currently run by democrat political appointees

James Comey is a Republican who climbed to his current post aided mostly by Republican presidents. He owes nothing to Democrats.

, with naked political ambitions, they are NOT going to kill the Clintons political machine when they are thiiiiis close to taking the WH back. (the clintons that is.)

You are foolish if you claim otherwise.

See? When the investigations don't show what you what you want them to show: It's all about a conspiracy.

It's foolish to believe in conspiracy theories when far more viable alternatives are available.
James Comey is a Republican who climbed to his current post aided mostly by Republican presidents. He owes nothing to Democrats.

See? When the investigations don't show what you what you want them to show: It's all about a conspiracy.

It's foolish to believe in conspiracy theories when far more viable alternatives are available.
/shrug. You believe what you want, I will believe what I want. We will disagree.

History I think will look back in shame and pity at people like yourself and wonder how people on the right selected the buffoon Trump to stand athwart the criminals ambitions.
/shrug. You believe what you want

I don't care about belief, I care about what is a fact. We've had somewhere near 10 investigations, none of which seem to turn up anything which has put the Clinton's in a cell.

You want everyone to believe in a smokey room conspiracy. I don't care for that sort of nonsense. If the GOP wants people to believe them, they'll have to do better than endless investigations which don't turn up anything.

It's really that simple. The onus is on those who keep claiming that the Clintons are guilty of something to demonstrate it in a court of law. If they won't, or can't, that's their problem.

Oh, and I'm not worried about Trumpettes. They're going to lose come November.

James Comey is a Republican who climbed to his current post aided mostly by Republican presidents. He owes nothing to Democrats.

See? When the investigations don't show what you what you want them to show: It's all about a conspiracy.

It's foolish to believe in conspiracy theories when far more viable alternatives are available.

When a President nominates for a position, the lions share of the credit for getting to that post is due to that President. Mr. Obama nominated Mr Comey for FBI Director.
When a President nominates for a position, the lions share of the credit for getting to that post is due to that President. Mr. Obama nominated Mr Comey for FBI Director.

Again, Comey, a Republican, has climbed up the ranks thanks largely to Republican presidents. He owes nothing to anybody currently serving.
Again, Comey, a Republican, has climbed up the ranks thanks largely to Republican presidents. He owes nothing to anybody currently serving.

Your information about Mr. Comey's political affiliation is a bit old and you have no idea who owes anything to anyone. Again, he didn't get to his current office without Mr. Obama's nomination.

"Comey responded, "I have been a registered Republican for most of my adult life, not registered any longer."

FBI director says he's no longer a registered Republican - POLITICO
Your information about Mr. Comey's political affiliation is a bit old and you have no idea who owes anything to anyone.

Lmao, 5 days ago he was a registered Republican who climbed up the ranks thanks largely in part to Republicans. When he gave his views on the Hillary investigation, he was still a registered Republican for all we know.

As recently as the 2012 he was donating to Republican candidates.

Now you want to believe there is a conspiracy because he's no longer a registered Republican.

Good grief, you people really are purposely obtuse when it suits you.
Lmao, 5 days ago he was a registered Republican who climbed up the ranks thanks largely in part to Republicans. When he gave his views on the Hillary investigation, he was still a registered Republican for all we know.

As recently as the 2012 he was donating to Republican candidates.

Now you want to believe there is a conspiracy because he's no longer a registered Republican.

Good grief, you people really are purposely obtuse when it suits you.

I've expressed no beliefs other than you are mistaken in your characterization of who helped Mr. Comey get to his current position. I have neither asserted nor contradicted anything else. My participation in "you people" is simply being factual.

To that, I have no idea when Mr. Comey changed his party affiliation and it isn't mentioned in the article which is 5 days old. He probably was still a Republican in 2012 when you assert that he donated to Republican candidates--I heard there was a bit election that year and perhaps he saw that as an avenue for a higher position in a Republican Administration.

Pretty simple, that's what I'm saying and I've said it.
Judge him on his actions, not his words. He said she was treated differently. And then he did it. They match up.

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