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FBI: No evidence the Orlando killer was gay or used gay apps (1 Viewer)

Μολὼν λαβέ;1066004483 said:
The killer was a card carrying democrat. But don't let that stop your hatred of those you disagree with.

Really? He actually carred a card from the Democratic Party on his person?

Odd, I've not heard that before. Where did you find that out?
Really? He actually carred a card from the Democratic Party on his person?

Odd, I've not heard that before. Where did you find that out?

So you didn't know he was a registered democrat?
Wow, you lived with this guy for years, such that you know his reasons and motivations for everything, huh? Who knew?

No, but i'm willing to identify and question superficial theories by looking at a broader set of evidence.
Μολὼν λαβέ;1066004517 said:
Especially if you ignore or disregard what the killer had to say in his 911 conversations.

Or if you ignore that it was possibly a front to cover for his homosexuality
No, but i'm willing to identify and question superficial theories by looking at a broader set of evidence.

You are willing to consider any possibility, no matter how farfetched, when the apparent explanation gets in the way of your ideology.
You are willing to consider any possibility, no matter how farfetched, when the apparent explanation gets in the way of your ideology.

That may be your opinion, but i trust the FBI to appropriately investigate Mateen's motives.
That may be your opinion, but i trust the FBI to appropriately investigate Mateen's motives.

And when they find no reason to think the gay excuse is valid, you'll find some reason why they did it wrong.
And yet there is plenty of circumstantial evidence that his call about ISIS was simply a front to hide his self-revulsion about being gay. He also at other times pledged loyalty to Hezbollah, a group diametrically opposed to ISIS and at war with them, and, more importantly, he did this during Ramadan where his sin of being gay could be washed away in the eyes of other Muslims if he went out a martyr.

Just because he said something doesn't make it necessarily so.

But we have all the proof we need he did it for the Hezbollah-ISIS-Muslim Brotherhood-LTTE-IRA Coalition!
Or if you ignore that it was possibly a front to cover for his homosexuality

That's really funny. Liberals don't believe Islamic terrorists are Islamic terrorists even when they tell the world they are Islamic terrorists.

They improvise something that seems to fit their agenda at the moment.
Μολὼν λαβέ;1066008938 said:
That's really funny. Liberals don't believe Islamic terrorists are Islamic terrorists even when they tell the world they are Islamic terrorists.

They improvise something that seems to fit their agenda at the moment.

Liberals have an agenda, facts be damned.
Damn, guess the Libs can only blame Republicans for this one now.
Yes, "the left" usually tries to portray mass murderers as "peace-loving." :roll:

It's the standard Right wing fantasy. That only they take terrorism or murder seriously. :lamo
I'm sorry, but you made a specific claim. Why are you afraid of backing it up?

Orlando Shooter Was a Democrat? : snopes.com

If you improved your vocabulary, then you may not feel the need to make vacuous claims. The shooter was a registered, card-carrying democrat.

Card-car·ry·ing (kärd′kăr′ē-ĭng)
1. Being an enrolled member of a particular organization: a card-carrying Communist.

Card-carrying - definition of card-carrying by The Free Dictionary
Μολὼν λαβέ;1066008938 said:
That's really funny. Liberals don't believe Islamic terrorists are Islamic terrorists even when they tell the world they are Islamic terrorists.

Assumes facts not in evidence.
They improvise something that seems to fit their agenda at the moment.

Your overactive imagination duly noted.
Μολὼν λαβέ;1066008998 said:
If you improved your vocabulary, then you may not feel the need to make vacuous claims. The shooter was a registered, card-carrying democrat.

So you admit you lied and you can't back up your own claim? Thanks! Means a lot to me.
Or if you ignore that it was possibly a front to cover for his homosexuality

Why are you so quick to dismiss the killer's own words? Perhaps you are so desperate in your attempt to push a particular narrative that you would rather make something up/navigate away from what the man actually said before committing his act of terror. It seems to me, that you are so worried about there being another Islamic terrorist that you would make things up to push false stories so that it doesn't "look bad" on Islam. Its rather pathetic, and in fact it shows a very disturbing trend that attempts to subvert reality and paint a picture of people that are clearly motivated by religious extremism into nothing more than self hating confused people.
Officials: No evidence Orlando gunman was gay

wow, who could have possibly predicted this. Oh wait, I said it would turn out to be BS from the start. The left was so hoping it was true so they could use it as his motive. looking back on the media's coverage it's clear they were pushing(hard) to make that the narrative.

so now, FINALLY, will the left come forward and admit this was a terrorist act and that Mateen's ONLY MOTIVE was islamic extremism? just kidding, of course they won't. will probably try and ignore this story all together. it's time for them to join the rest of us in reality.

I figured the claims he was gay is just bull****. He was casing the place and planning out his attack.Figured out the weaknesses in the security, planned out his attack and probably worked out contingency plans. If he talked to anyone or tried to pick up anyone it was probably just a cover so no one would be suspicious of a Muslim hanging out at a gay club.Because it would be suspicious if someone went a club many times and just sat by themselves looking around.
Assumes facts not in evidence.

Your overactive imagination duly noted.

Project much?

If it doesn't fit your agenda then think of something that does.
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So the man was a good, peace-loving Muslim? Doesn't that mess up the leftwing narrative?

No, now he can be a victim of America's obsession wiht guns, bigotry towards muslims and homophobic hate thoughts that run through rural white America drove him to this. America as we knew it is to blame, this si why we must radically change America, so that these things don't happen. Gee "American" didn't you get the memo??
Yes, "the left" usually tries to portray mass murderers as "peace-loving." :roll:

His point is that he was an islamic terrorist and the left seems to want to think there was some other motive. Nobody said he was peace loving.
Μολὼν λαβέ;1066009927 said:
Project much?

If it doesn't fit your agenda then think of something that does.

No, I don't project all. You made a claim. You got called on it. You're now running from it.

Same old, same old.

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