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Favorite Food? (1 Viewer)

For myself, I prefer most kinds of rice. Rice is definately the best food! No debates there!
My mom's Galumpki(pronounced Ga-wump-ki)...

It's ground meat rolled in cabbage, but my mom is the ONLY person I know who uses white vinegar instead of tomato paste to marinate them...

It takes such a long time to prepare that she makes 3 huge pots at once...and only on special occasions...Food for a few days...;)

Thank God she taught my sister how to make them...she lives a lot closer...:cool:
Deer, wild boar and all this animals with this special meat. Thats definitely the best meat, with a Lingonberry-sauce. :mrgreen:
cnredd said:
My mom's Galumpki(pronounced Ga-wump-ki)...

It's ground meat rolled in cabbage, but my mom is the ONLY person I know who uses white vinegar instead of tomato paste to marinate them...

It takes such a long time to prepare that she makes 3 huge pots at once...and only on special occasions...Food for a few days...;)

Thank God she taught my sister how to make them...she lives a lot closer...:cool:

That sounds alot like Bierocks.

My favorite is Baked Ziti, extra meat and cheese. Mmmm.
Definetly pizza! Turkey is good also,but it dosen't hold a candle to pizza.
Mexican food. My mom is Mexican and makes the best Mexican food. Everytime I go home to visit, I get my fix.
aps said:
Mexican food. My mom is Mexican and makes the best Mexican food. Everytime I go home to visit, I get my fix.
I must agree with aps (not the stuff about his mother, who I know nothing about :p, but about the favorite food part :D)
My favorite food is French fries, which is especially ironic given what I see at the top of this page. :smile:
Filet Mignon rightly seasoned nearly well... Thats the BOMB!
I still say rice is the best, I don't really care what kind, except I don't like Spanish rice.
This one is a challenge... but I would say International soups are my favs.
Listed in order:

Pho - Vietnamese (pronounced Fah)
Menudo - Mexican
Gumbo - Cajun
Coconut Milk - Tai
Hot & Sour - Chinese (sorta)
Beef Stew - Irish or American styles
Borcht - Scandinavian
Does anyone know any good squid recipes? I don't even know where to purchase it though. I would have to go out of town.
alphieb said:
Does anyone know any good squid recipes? I don't even know where to purchase it though. I would have to go out of town.

You could find it at a local Oriental grocery store if you have one. The seafood section at one near our home is like Neptune's pantry, lol.
My favorite food - hands down, my mom's Brunswick Stew - old family recipe. My grandfather owned a popular bbq restaurant in Atlanta and my mom still uses his recipe. We're having it this Christmas. Woo hoo! Along with my mom's collard greens, yum! And you yankees can keep your ewww's to yourself. It's a suth'rn thing so you got to understand.
Mexican food!!! I love rice also, especially spanish rice!
My husband and I went to red lobster last night. I ordered calamari, it wasn't very good. I was disappointed. I had it in Vegas once and it was awesome..but you can't find cooks like that around here.
alphieb said:
My husband and I went to red lobster last night. I ordered calamari, it wasn't very good. I was disappointed. I had it in Vegas once and it was awesome..but you can't find cooks like that around here.

Yeah, Red Lobster's not exactly on the cutting edge of gourmet cuisine. Try an Italian place for calamari. My daughter loves it, too. She also likes sushi and will slurp down a piece of raw squid, suckers and all, faster than you can say jack rabbit.

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