I would like to say something about cancer.
Cancer is actually very simple in the way it works, despite all the media hype. The main cause of cancer is inflammation, and 95% of the time it is caused by lifestyle factors. Only a small percentage is caused by unusual phenomenon like radiation or pollution.
Your cells are a micro version of your body. They need nutrition, oxygen, and the ability to remove wastes. If they can do all of these things, then they will be healthy and reproduce normally.
If you decrease any of these factors, the cell can mutate and the new abnormal cell will continue to reproduce, forming growths. Genetic factors only determine how sensitive your cells are to these mutations. For instance, if you are genetically pre-disposed to cancer in your family, then your cells will need less negative stimulation to trigger mutation. Regardless, all people will have mutations eventually if the three factors are cut off.
Most people with cancer have a combination of the below:
They don't have adequate, well-rounded nutrition, so the cells become under nourished. When they are under nourished, they begin to behave abnormally because normal cell functions can't be carried out like energy metabolism and waste elimination.
They don't have adequate oxygen because of inadequate body circulation. Blood stagnates in various areas of the body due to lack of movement - in other words, exercise. Even if all you do is stretch routinely, this can make a big difference. Any pain in the body, regardless of where it is, is the result of inadequate blood supply and inflammation, and is abnormal. If you feel pain routinely even though you have never suffered an injury, the blood in the painful area is greatly reduced.
The third factor, the waste channels, is affected by the previous two. If you don't exercise, then wastes are not circulated away properly from the cell, to the extracellular fluid, and to the blood and lymph channels; if you don't get proper nutrition, then key ingredients used in breaking down or moving wastes will be lacking.
If you eat food that has a lot of artificial ingredients that don't exist in nature, they will block the waste channels and local inflammation will occur, even if nutrition and oxygen are present. The wastes build up, causing inflammation. Once inflammation happens, nutrition and oxygen become depleted in the area, and mutation occurs.
Artificial ingredients in food get stored in the body in excess amounts. If your body has the ability to break down artificial chemical A at a rate of 10 grams per day, and you consume 15 grams that day, then 5 of those grams will be stored in the body tissues. If you consume multiple artificial ingredients per day, the burden on the toxin channels becomes higher and the rate of breakdown weakens. If you want an example, look up aspartame. It, along with a lot of artificial sweeteners, have this fate. When your body stores these chemicals, its waste elimination channels become blocked and masses can form; its nutrition channels become less efficient; less oxygen gets delivered; a lot of people with obesity and especially morbid obesity have this problem. People who suffer from cysts in the body have them for this reason, especially cysts of the liver and the reproductive organs (like ovarian and uterine cysts). This is a primary factor for why infertility is increasing so rapidly in modern times in both men and women: because of toxic buildup and blood stasis.
One of the biggest lies about cancer I have heard and continue to hear is that there is no cure. The cure is actually very simple but it takes diligence to implement.
1) You must improve circulation in the diseased area to eliminate blood stagnation and stasis.
2) You must eat a diet rich in "super foods" that contain all of the necessary phyto-nutrients that were lacking in your body, which caused the mutation.
3) You must engage in some kind of movement.
Chemo therapy is always an option because it will make the body's environment more toxic and in turn reduce cancer growth, but if you are not engaged in the above three activities then you are not addressing the root of the problem.
We cured several cancer cases in the clinic I used to work at. Two of the patients were on chemo therapy, the other was not. If you address the lifestyle factors that contributed to the cancer, it can allow the body's systems to regain balance and finally cause apoptosis in the mutated cells.
With this knowledge, you can prevent cancer. You can be exposed to toxic environments (as long as they aren't radioactive, mind you) and your body's natural elimination channels will kill the affected cells before they have a chance to mutate.
Cancer is not pre-destined and you have control over whether or not you get it, unless of course you are one of the very slim minority that lives next to a source of radioactivity.