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Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - document (2 Viewers)

Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

The elections in Israel are of no concern to me as I am not Israeli. I am an American, therefore elections here do concern me.

Hmm... When America is the victim you express concern yet when America is the perp you are unconcerned about the same crime. How noble and principled of you. ;)
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

So you tacitly admit that Putin did interfere. But it's ok because Obama?

I have no doubts Russia meddled in this election, just as they have in many elections previously, just as we have in theirs and others.

As long as laws weren't broken.
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

Hmm... When America is the victim you express concern yet when America is the perp you are unconcerned about the same crime. How noble and principled of you. ;)

Putin talking points are there. Good job serving him.

I apply."America First" as a principle for what to get outraged about. I thought you guys were all about "Amerca First" now. Guess not. Feel free to denigrate America. Vladimir Vladimirovich will be pleased.
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

Putin talking points are there. Good job serving him.

I apply."America First" as a principle for what to get outraged about. I thought you guys were all about "Amerca First" now. Guess not. Feel free to denigrate America. Vladimir Vladimirovich will be pleased.

The principle is one nation interfering with another nation's political process. You ignore that unless the victim is your preferred candidate, yet pretend that it is when the victim is your nation. The election interference via DNC/MSM collusion is also ignored by you - why is that?
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu


I guess that your way of saying "Oh...****...I didnt actually THINK about what I was saying when I made that comment...my bad."
Oh look you are into trying to deflect and attack the person rather than actually debate. Arent you special.
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

Oh look you are into trying to deflect and attack the person rather than actually debate. Arent you special.
I'm certainly not deflecting anything. Merely pointing out how you are trying to duck and dodge from the stupidity of your comment.
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

The Green Papers: United States Off Year Election 2017 is all data, no blog and a great source for election facts; if you click on SC CD-5, you can already see who has disbursed the most money, therefore who is likely to win the individual party primaries; though SC has a 50% + 1 rule for the party primaries, different from the GA jungle primary;

When Chaffetz came up, and you mentioned his CD was gerrymandered, I just typed in a few words and up popped the map of his CD and you could see that part of Salt Lake County in his CD where Dr. Allen is from;

I have to give dailykos credit for the awesome work they've done on such features as 'POTUS vote by CD', they're currently working on POTUS vote by state legislatures; they're also leading the way nationwide for small dollar donations; I use HuffPo also along with politico;

once in a while I'll look at RW sites to see what these guys are being fed ;

Thanks, it looks very informative, I'm going to bookmark it. But I'm not seeing a search box where you can type in a few words or where the CD maps are.
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - documents

Another possible puzzle-piece ferreting out the degree of Putin's meddling in the 2016 presidential election. The current director of the Kremlin's RISS organization, Mikhail Fradkov, denied the Reuters article implications. Mr. Fradkov served as the director of Russia’s foreign intelligence service (SVR) from 2007 to 2016.

All that can really be done is for Democrats to start using end-to-end encryption and, of course, two-step authentication for all their email accounts. Google and Facebook are doing what they can to their algorithms to stem the tide of fake news.

Beyond that, our free press and social media are Russia's greatest asset to undermining our democracy, and though our intrepid leader has made his feelings about both of those things brutally clear, they aren't going away any time soon.

This is huge and certainly adds fuel to the legitimacy off Trump's presidency.

So it's little strange that the deputy attorney general in charge of the Russian investigation gave her resignation right after this report came out.

ROTFLOL... And this blarney, and the behavior of Congressional Demokrats during the past 5-months is why you're going to remain in your current form as a regional party.

Getting slaughtered in state houses, governorships, remaining a minority in the House and Senate and losing the Presidency is not due to Russians, but a corrupt, out of touch party that has more in common with Marx than Washington, Hamilton or Jefferson.

I don't mind if you folks continue down this ridiculous road... I rather enjoy watching the Left waste time, energy and money in their idiotic pursuits. I encourage more, and hope Obama comes back to lead the charge... so Americans are reminded about his Reign of Error.

PS. The Russians have been trying to influence and shape the US for decades... and their biggest allies have always been the Left. You're kin. But it's nice ... ROTFLOL... that you see them as a threat... though you share their ideology.
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

All that can really be done is for Democrats to start using end-to-end encryption and, of course, two-step authentication for all their email accounts. Google and Facebook are doing what they can to their algorithms to stem the tide of fake news.

It is about time they understood the importance of security when it comes to classified information. You would think that would have been a given for anyone running for office in this country. We saw this with Hillary which was ridiculous and helped cost her the election. Preventive measures are always the best answer not blaming others afterwards.

Beyond that, our free press and social media are Russia's greatest asset to undermining our democracy, and though our intrepid leader has made his feelings about both of those things brutally clear, they aren't going away any time soon.

Absolutely. It is unbelievable how easily Putin used our media to accomplish his goals. He played our media like the prejudice, bias fools they are. He is still using them to disrupt our government and divide our people. Putin is clearly smarter than most people in this country.
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

I have no doubts Russia meddled in this election, just as they have in many elections previously, just as we have in theirs and others.

As long as laws weren't broken.

What is sad is how easily Putin manipulated our media and our people. That doesn't say much for us. What is even more ridiculous is he still keeping this country divided. He is stillplaying our media and the people like the fools they are. He doesn't need to break any laws to make us look stupid.
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

What is sad is how easily Putin manipulated our media and our people. That doesn't say much for us. What is even more ridiculous is he still keeping this country divided. He is stillplaying our media and the people like the fools they are. He doesn't need to break any laws to make us look stupid.

I agree except this line;

"What is even more ridiculous is he still keeping this country divided."

It's the media that's mostly keeping this country divided.
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

I agree except this line;

"What is even more ridiculous is he still keeping this country divided."

It's the media that's mostly keeping this country divided.

The media can only divide the country if the people are not smart enough to figure out they are being manipulated. Putin has clearly used our media as easily as if they owned them. The rich powerful have used the media for hundreds of years to keep the people divided so they can maintain control of our government.

The only time our government unites and gets things done is if it benefits the rich and powerful. The bankers screw up and need trillions of dollars to keep their private jets, mansions, million dollar bonuses, European vacations, and their pockets full of money both parties can't get it too them quick enough.

Russia has been hacking into our government and making us look foolish since WW2. They hacked into the Manhattan project clearly the most secret project in our recent history. They made FDR and his security look like a bunch of bungling idiots. Well that and leaving our entire pacific fleet tied up with bulls eyes on them during a world war didn't help.

Hacking into the democratic party was child's play. Anyone in todays world that does not secure their classified information are nothing but fools. We don't need any more fools running our country.
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - documents

Another possible puzzle-piece ferreting out the degree of Putin's meddling in the 2016 presidential election. The current director of the Kremlin's RISS organization, Mikhail Fradkov, denied the Reuters article implications. Mr. Fradkov served as the director of Russia’s foreign intelligence service (SVR) from 2007 to 2016.


Let me get this straight...

7 people who were not associated in any way with the activities they claim they know about, but said nothing about, all agree that the Russians sought to place a Capitalist in the White House and Succeeded.

They apparently did not want to place a Communist in the White house so Sanders was left out in the cold.

If this is true, what else must be true?
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

The principle is one nation interfering with another nation's political process. You ignore that unless the victim is your preferred candidate, yet pretend that it is when the victim is your nation. The election interference via DNC/MSM collusion is also ignored by you - why is that?

My preference was Gary Johnson.

Media collusion does not make for a crime because of the First Amendment. I know it's not the Second, but it's still in the Constitution. Media bias has a long history in this country (and in the world). So I'm not bothered by it. You only are bothered by it because they're "against Trump."

Putin's actions do not bother me. If Trump colluded with him, that does. I realize that you can't see the difference because it goes against your RT provided screaming points.
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

Thanks, it looks very informative, I'm going to bookmark it. But I'm not seeing a search box where you can type in a few words or where the CD maps are.

My mistake to imply that maps or a search box are on the green papers; I have found some new links on there even today and keep learning about the site in my 7th year using it;

By typing in 'congressional district maps Utah', or whichever state, and then search is what I meant; i notice that Salt Lake County is divided into 3 CDs;

found a Salt Lake Tribune article from 2014 on Utah gerrymandering; I didn't know who Gov. Elbridge Gerry was and his use of salamander shaped maps until that article; I'm a Chem/Physics guy so I like the numbers nuts and bolts parts of politics;

So much of my searching winds up back at dailykos due to their data collection and data mining since the election; they are the ones who show POTUS vote by federal CD; they have also broken down each CD by which counties are in it; this is how they figure out where Clinton won a CD also won by a GOP rep.

they're now working on POTUS vote by state maps; they're leading the Resistance by grass roots word and fund-raising; I credit them with helping to close the gap in these house races ;
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

I'm certainly not deflecting anything. Merely pointing out how you are trying to duck and dodge from the stupidity of your comment.

I wrote an entire post to give context to what i was saying. You cherry picked one sentence and that one sentence is all that you want to attack. The only thing that I can figure is that using such lame debate tactics must (in your mind) make up for your lack of debate skills. Back here in reality there is still an on going investigation into the Trump campaigns collusion with Russia. If there was nothing to that investigation it would be over already. Of course there could still be nothing to that investigation. If it bothers you that much that my opinion is that the length could indicate a possibility of guilt, then just ****ing ignore my opinion. Instead here you are pointing a finger at me as if what I said was important to you. News flash, I am just some guy on the internet that said something that you disagreed with. It doesnt make your dick bigger.
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

I wrote an entire post to give context to what i was saying. You cherry picked one sentence and that one sentence is all that you want to attack. The only thing that I can figure is that using such lame debate tactics must (in your mind) make up for your lack of debate skills. Back here in reality there is still an on going investigation into the Trump campaigns collusion with Russia. If there was nothing to that investigation it would be over already. Of course there could still be nothing to that investigation. If it bothers you that much that my opinion is that the length could indicate a possibility of guilt, then just ****ing ignore my opinion. Instead here you are pointing a finger at me as if what I said was important to you. News flash, I am just some guy on the internet that said something that you disagreed with. It doesnt make your dick bigger.

Or.....you screwed up and then wrote a long boring as **** diatribe trying to hide your screwup. Maybe it was that.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

Yes, I'm aware he was hacked. But you claimed his password was "password." You shouldn't make up blatant and easily disprovable lies.

I didn't claim his password was password, I only said, as is fact that he willingly gave it up in a phishing scam...Something I think you would agree was stupid, no?

Right, he asked them to hack his opponent's emails. You can play the mind reading game if you want, but I won't.

Well, that's a wonderful "rules for radicals" tactic, but it won't fly here....He was mocking Hillary....you know that.

Dude, it was the entire meat of the hearing. Nobody in any level of authority thinks the Russians didn't manipulate the election. Good god, man, what are your sources of information?

Then it should be easy for you to come up with a quote of anyone in IC saying such...I am still waiting.

Gloat troll fail.

Non responsive.

Since you made up the bit about Podesta's password, I can't tell if you're also lying about not knowing that Russia manipulated our election. On the off chance you're being sincere, you need to read the Comey transcript. Russia was balls deep in our election.


To be so naive as to think that Russia now, or in the past doesn't continually try to effect American public perception of democracy, and or undermine democracy would be shocking to behold in a rational, grown man if I wasn't reading it over and over in here...Just as I am sure that we in the US, IC, do the same sorts of things in Russia, China, and any, if not ALL Communist, Socialist counterpart nations...Hell, Obama set up a PAC in Israel, using tax payer money, and they're an ally....!

Now, I browsed through the transcript, and it is your claim that Russian "manipulated" the election....The onus of proof of that claim is on you. You have failed to do so as of yet...But, I am waiting.
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

I didn't claim his password was password,

Did Podesta, or did he not, voluntarily give up his password? Which BTW, was stupid enough to be "password"... Come on man....You can't seriously think this **** up....:lamo

Looks like you tell so many lies you can't keep track of them all.
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

Looks like you tell so many lies you can't keep track of them all.

Ok, I didn't remember actually saying it was password....And to tell you something, it is the usual suspect liberal outlets that deny this aspect...I don't really care what his password was...You think it was a smart move to give it up?
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

The FBI, the House Intelligence Committe, Senate Intelligence Committee, Google, Facebook, the media, and a majority of Americans.

But yeah, besides them, nobody cares.

That "majority of Americans" part is a bit of a stretch, to say the least.
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

Clinton did testify to the commission. Will Trump testify to this one?

How many times did Obama testify before Congress as POTUS? You'll find your answer right there.
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

Ok, I didn't remember actually saying it was password....

Obviously. As I said, you're unable to keep track of your own lies. Some helpful life advice: don't tell so many lies. As the saying goes, you don't need a good memory if you tell the truth.

And to tell you something, it is the usual suspect liberal outlets that deny this aspect...I don't really care what his password was...You think it was a smart move to give it up?
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

Obviously. As I said, you're unable to keep track of your own lies. Some helpful life advice: don't tell so many lies. As the saying goes, you don't need a good memory if you tell the truth.

Well, you can knock that **** off now....I won't stand for it.
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

Well, you can knock that **** off now....I won't stand for it.

And I won't stand for someone who compulsively tells lies. If hearing that bothers you, don't tell lies compulsively.

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