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Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - document (1 Viewer)

Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

Lynch was NEVER going to indict her, don't be ****ing ridiculous. She didn't meet Bill to talk about tee times or theatre. What a joke of an argument.

No, it wasn't. Coincidental circumstance is not a case. Similar talking points is not a case. Talking about the same thing still isn't a case. You are basing your dead set positive opinion on cobwebs, supposition and anonymous leaks. As I said, it doesn't even stand up to prima facie examination.

Just more unsubstantiated gibberish. :roll:
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

Just more unsubstantiated gibberish. :roll:

I thought you wanted to discuss the topic ??

Reckon the Obama administration had a plan when they meddled in the Israeli election ??
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

Just more unsubstantiated gibberish. :roll:

Yes, I understand how logic and legal evidentiary basis would be gibberish to you...
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

Yes, I understand how logic and legal evidentiary basis would be gibberish to you...

Whatever point you may have had was lost in your garbage.
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Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

I thought you wanted to discuss the topic ??

Reckon the Obama administration had a plan when they meddled in the Israeli election ??

My post wasn't addressed to you.

But, but, but...whataboutObama? I dunno, why don't you make a thread about it, instead of trying to hijack this one...comrade?
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

My post wasn't addressed to you.

But, but, but...whataboutObama? I dunno, why don't you make a thread about it, instead of trying to hijack this one...comrade?

I'm hijacking nothing.

My post is quite germane. The lefts whining about the Ruskies meddling yet hardly a peep when the Obama administration meddled in Israel's election. Meddling in US elections started when the first paper was published. The MSM has told half truths, lied by omission, outright lied and just plain ignored candidates. So color me amused when voters such as yourself complain about election meddling while refusing to look in the mirror and deny the history of the MSM. :roll:
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

The only thing we know happened is number 1. Number 2 and 3 is pure conjecture, and number 4 requires 2 and 3 to be true, and number 1 to have been false.

See post #244. Number 2 (creating and spreading fake news) and number 4 (sowing distrust in our institutions) is more than just conjecture....

Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

All that can really be done is for Democrats to start using end-to-end encryption and, of course, two-step authentication for all their email accounts. Google and Facebook are doing what they can to their algorithms to stem the tide of fake news.

Beyond that, our free press and social media are Russia's greatest asset to undermining our democracy, and though our intrepid leader has made his feelings about both of those things brutally clear, they aren't going away any time soon.

I prefer not to believe the fourth estate is being manipulated by Putins gang, if it were not for the press we would be none the wiser on Flynn, for one, and I could rattle off a few more. I prefer not to demonize the entire press corps due to a few fake stories. I understand Trump has been at war with the MSM, attempting to descredit journslist who disagree with the man. Who is the real enemy again?
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

I'm hijacking nothing.

My post is quite germane. The lefts whining about the Ruskies meddling yet hardly a peep when the Obama administration meddled in Israel's election. Meddling in US elections started when the first paper was published. The MSM has told half truths, lied by omission, outright lied and just plain ignored candidates. So color me amused when voters such as yourself complain about election meddling while refusing to look in the mirror and deny the history of the MSM. :roll:

"...When O'Reilly countered that "Putin is a killer," Trump responded, "There are a lot of killers. You got a lot of killers. What, you think our country is so innocent?"

This particular brand of changing the subject is called "whataboutism" — a simple rhetorical tactic heavily used by the Soviet Union and, later, Russia. And its use in Russia helps illustrate how it could be such a useful tool now, in America. As Russian political experts told NPR, it's an attractive tactic for populists in particular, allowing them to be vague but appear straight-talking at the same time.

A schoolyard taunt, brought to a global level

The idea behind whataboutism is simple: Party A accuses Party B of doing something bad. Party B responds by changing the subject and pointing out one of Party A's faults — "Yeah? Well what about that bad thing you did?" (Hence the name.)

It's not exactly a complicated tactic — any grade-schooler can master the "yeah-well-you-suck-too-so-there" defense. But it came to be associated with the USSR because of the Soviet Union's heavy reliance upon whataboutism throughout the Cold War and afterward, as Russia...."

Trump Embraces One Of Russia's Favorite Propaganda Tactics ? Whataboutism : NPR

You seem to use the 'whataboutism' tactic to change the subject quite a bit, hanger4. In fact, you talk just like a Russian tool.

For your viewing pleasure....

Trump's campaign tactics, trolls strengthened Russia's election meddling, expert says - ABC News
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Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

Oh I know it won't go away. You and the rat party are dependent on it being raised as an issue. 11 months into an investigation...no actual evidence of ANYTHING...and you are already bought sold and paid for. Why should they let go of that bone?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

How many years was Benghazi investigated with no evidence of wrongdoing? Where was your outrage then?
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

I thought you wanted to discuss the topic ??

Reckon the Obama administration had a plan when they meddled in the Israeli election ??

Maybe Israel should investigate that. It was their election. What about our election? Should we not investigate because....look, Obama!
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

"...When O'Reilly countered that "Putin is a killer," Trump responded, "There are a lot of killers. You got a lot of killers. What, you think our country is so innocent?"

This particular brand of changing the subject is called "whataboutism" — a simple rhetorical tactic heavily used by the Soviet Union and, later, Russia. And its use in Russia helps illustrate how it could be such a useful tool now, in America. As Russian political experts told NPR, it's an attractive tactic for populists in particular, allowing them to be vague but appear straight-talking at the same time.

A schoolyard taunt, brought to a global level

The idea behind whataboutism is simple: Party A accuses Party B of doing something bad. Party B responds by changing the subject and pointing out one of Party A's faults — "Yeah? Well what about that bad thing you did?" (Hence the name.)

It's not exactly a complicated tactic — any grade-schooler can master the "yeah-well-you-suck-too-so-there" defense. But it came to be associated with the USSR because of the Soviet Union's heavy reliance upon whataboutism throughout the Cold War and afterward, as Russia...."

Trump Embraces One Of Russia's Favorite Propaganda Tactics ? Whataboutism : NPR

You seem to use the 'whataboutism' tactic to change the subject quite a bit, hanger4. In fact, you talk just like a Russian tool.

For your viewing pleasure....

Trump's campaign tactics, trolls strengthened Russia's election meddling, expert says - ABC News

Also called moral equivalency and used in partisan politics in the US for a VERY long time...by Democrats. Does that mean they are also in collusion with Putin?

Your evidence is tenuous and circumstantial, not overwhelming.
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

See post #244. Number 2 (creating and spreading fake news) and number 4 (sowing distrust in our institutions) is more than just conjecture....


Understanding that Reuters is a highly suspect fake news generator, it's difficult to substantiate their expose, given everything appears to be anonymous.

On the flip side, not knowing anything about this Russian Institute of Strategic Studies, I found the following from probably equally questionable sources.



So, where does all this leave rationally thinking people?

Nowhere, until substantiated facts can be reviewed and printed.
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

How many years was Benghazi investigated with no evidence of wrongdoing? Where was your outrage then?

Chaffetz has lost his reason to be a Congressman, endlessly investigating Clinton as a springboard for future office, as he promised he would.

And yes, there is a very good, high quality candidate on the DEM side running for UT-3 to replace him .
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

Maybe Israel should investigate that. It was their election. What about our election? Should we not investigate because....look, Obama!

Netanyahu was campaigning for Romney BEFORE the last Israeli election
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

Netanyahu was campaigning for Romney BEFORE the last Israeli election

Appearing before Congress when invited by a member of the US Congress is not campaigning. He made no appearances at Romney Campaign stops. He was speaking about an Obama policy that directly affected his country, the Iran nuclear deal.
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

Chaffetz has lost his reason to be a Congressman, endlessly investigating Clinton as a springboard for future office, as he promised he would.

And yes, there is a very good, high quality candidate on the DEM side running for UT-3 to replace him .

Sure he is, the 650K he owes from his last campaign shows he's high maintenance, too.
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

"We have high confidence that President Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the U.S. presidential election," James Clapper, the former director of national intelligence, said at the time. "The goals of this campaign were to undermine public faith in the U.S. democratic process, denigrate Secretary [Hillary] Clinton and harm her electability and potential presidency. Putin and the Russian government also developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump."

"High confidence" is about as high as it gets on the confidence scale.

The debate over whether there was Russian meddling is over. The question now is what are they (we) going to do about it?
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

Understanding that Reuters is a highly suspect fake news generator.

Crying wolf over Reuters being fake new! :lamo

Which outlets do you think might be carrying news about state GOP bills to gerrymander the electoral college ?
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

Also called moral equivalency and used in partisan politics in the US for a VERY long time...by Democrats. Does that mean they are also in collusion with Putin?

Your evidence is tenuous and circumstantial, not overwhelming.

Your Republicans invented false equivalency as we know it on 11/4/2008 .
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

Crying wolf over Reuters being fake new! :lamo

Which outlets do you think might be carrying news about state GOP bills to gerrymander the electoral college ?

Not crying, citing documented fact.

As to which outlets will be carry news about your strawman, I would guess all the usual suspects. Relentlessly, while ignoring the DNC's effort to do the same thing.

Not a big fan of gerrymandering at all. Pure geographics and population only. Let the chips fall where they may.
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

Understanding that Reuters is a highly suspect fake news generator, it's difficult to substantiate their expose, given everything appears to be anonymous.

On the flip side, not knowing anything about this Russian Institute of Strategic Studies, I found the following from probably equally questionable sources.



So, where does all this leave rationally thinking people?

Nowhere, until substantiated facts can be reviewed and printed.

You seem to think that by simply dismissing my sources that somehow makes your nonsense rational. It's a stupid infantile tactic that people with weak minds and weak arguments like to use...and not worth wasting my time on. So you just stay in your little safe space and watch the facts and evidence fly right over your head..MK?
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

Crying wolf over Reuters being fake new! :lamo

Which outlets do you think might be carrying news about state GOP bills to gerrymander the electoral college ?

I know, right. LOL
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

You seem to think that by simply dismissing my sources that somehow makes your nonsense rational. It's a stupid infantile tactic that people with weak minds and weak arguments like to use...and not worth wasting my time on. So you just stay in your little safe space and watch the facts and evidence fly right over your head..MK?

So what does it say about a persons intellect and arguments, that an introduction of additional information would require insulting the person who took the trouble to do so?

Perhaps you could ponder the rationale that would lead you to think attacking someone in such a puerile way would not diminish your credibility.
Re: Exclusive: Putin-linked think tank drew up plan to sway 2016 U.S. election - docu

I know, right. LOL

You're not going to find stories on GOPs trying to change the rules for allocating electoral college votes in NE, NH, MN, VA, MI and PA on a right-wing site.

It's being called gerrymandering the electoral college and would have given trump 5 more EVs in MN and 6 more EVs in VA, both Clinton states.

Nor will you find stories on court battles over GOP gerrymandered maps being ruled unconstitutional on RW sites .

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