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ex-skeptic helps prove God's authorship (1 Viewer)


I'm with Thinker on this one. Just because he was once a Skeptic doesn't make it proof. It means that something convinced him. The burden of proof is now on him. That article didn't really prove anything.
I agree with the posters above. This "proves" nothing. A once capitalist suddenly becomes socialist. Does this prove that socialism works? I'm sure you'll have an opinion about that Fonz. Aeeehhhhhhhhh.

I had to bring in a quote from the aforementioned skeptic's refutation of Bible Codes:

Thomas also did an ELS analysis on Drosnin's Bible Code II: The Countdown (2002) and found the message "The Bible Code is a silly, dumb, fake, false, evil, nasty, dismal fraud and snake-oil hoax."
If God loves us, then why does he add such important text in clues? and not just come-out and say "blah blah and blah"?

I don't believe in the secret codes.. sorry ladies.

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