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Even supporters agree: Clinton has weaknesses as a candidate. What can she do? (1 Viewer)

Risky Thicket

Sewer Rat
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Apr 28, 2011
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This is nothing new to most of us and even Hillary supporters will admit it: Hillary's continuing (and growing?) problem is not many people like her. Not as bad as Cruz, but the words "Hillary" and "like" are rarely used in the same sentence. "Hillary" and "dynamic" have never been used in the same sentence without quotation marks.

What is new? Even Hillary supporters are admitting that Hillary doesn't appeal to people and that, in terms of the general election, her personality and character or lack thereof may cost her and the Democrats the Presidential election. People don't like her.

As Trump transitions to GOP Presidential candidate mode and publicly attempts to shuffle closer toward a semblance of sanity (good luck with that) the Press (and I use the term very loosely) has less raw meat to feed the voting crowd. Less attention on Trump.

The Press has refused to report or focus on Sanders from day one. The spotlight must then turn to Hillary, the one person in the race who wants to be known but not scrutinized. Scratch the surface and you have Bill Clinton's wife, who wouldn't even be considered in the race otherwise. Reports of Hillary's Machiavellian "teamwork" and spleen ripping nastiness are often mentioned in comparison to Richard Nixon. No one liked him either.

Daily people are exposed more to Hillary Clinton. Daily people hear more from Clinton. Daily people are already sick of her. Maybe people are getting sick of hearing her say, "I've got a plan." Maybe people are discovering that once you get passed her god awful public presence she really hasn't done anything for U.S.

Depending on who you read, Hillary is barely ahead of Trump or barely behind him. Things aren't getting better for Hillary - everyone must admit that.

Millennials cannot relate to her, they don't trust her. Hillary needs Millennials now and after the election. Millennials - of all colors and persuasions - are soon to be the demographic politicians will need to win elections. So far the GOP, Donald Trump, Teapartisans, the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton kinda, sorta, know that but they don't get it.

Soon look for Hillary pandering to Millennials like she pandered to African-Americans (who are beginning to leave her as well). They know a chameleon when they see one.

Hillary Clinton’s declining personal image, ongoing battle to break free of the challenge from Sen. Bernie Sanders and struggle to adapt to an anti-establishment mood among voters this year have become caution signs for her campaign and the focus of new efforts to fortify her position as she prepares for a bruising general election.

More than a dozen Clinton allies identified weaknesses in her candidacy that may erode her prospects to defeat Donald Trump,
including poor showings with young women, untrustworthiness, unlikability and a lackluster style on the stump. Supporters also worry that she is a conventional candidate in an unconventional election in which voters clearly favor renegades.

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She's the only candidate in either party to actually have a majority (not a plurality) of the vote in her party... but she's unappealing?

Come on. I don't even like Hillary but to say she's 'unappealing' is to deny that she has -- in spite of the Never Ending Benghazi Story -- beaten every competitor she faced in this election.

Hell, there is an FBI investigation on her, and she's still beating Trump in the majority of polls.

Unappealing, the word is loses meaning when it is used incorrectly.

She can win the election.

Let's wait and see what happens in November.
She's the only candidate in either party to actually have a majority (not a plurality) of the vote in her party... but she's unappealing?

Come on. I don't even like Hillary but to say she's 'unappealing' is to deny that she has -- in spite of the Never Ending Benghazi Story -- beaten every competitor she faced in this election.

Hell, there is an FBI investigation on her, and she's still beating Trump in the majority of polls.

Unappealing, the word is loses meaning when it is used incorrectly.

Shes really only had one competitor in this race so far and that is Sanders. And she hasn't officially put him away yet. As for her leading the polls against Trump. That is nothing to write home about since he might be the only person more 'unappealing' than she is. And as for the word itself--unappealing--that strikes me as a polite way of saying the woman is unlikable.
She can win the election.

Let's wait and see what happens in November.

Yes, yes, we all know your stock answer to everything is 'wait and see.' You don't mind if the rest of us continue to debate the 2016 election. After all, this is a debate forum
This is nothing new to most of us and even Hillary supporters will admit it: Hillary's continuing (and growing?) problem is not many people like her. Not as bad as Cruz, but the words "Hillary" and "like" are rarely used in the same sentence. "Hillary" and "dynamic" have never been used in the same sentence without quotation marks.

What is new? Even Hillary supporters are admitting that Hillary doesn't appeal to people and that, in terms of the general election, her personality and character or lack thereof may cost her and the Democrats the Presidential election. People don't like her.

As Trump transitions to GOP Presidential candidate mode and publicly attempts to shuffle closer toward a semblance of sanity (good luck with that) the Press (and I use the term very loosely) has less raw meat to feed the voting crowd. Less attention on Trump.

The Press has refused to report or focus on Sanders from day one. The spotlight must then turn to Hillary, the one person in the race who wants to be known but not scrutinized. Scratch the surface and you have Bill Clinton's wife, who wouldn't even be considered in the race otherwise. Reports of Hillary's Machiavellian "teamwork" and spleen ripping nastiness are often mentioned in comparison to Richard Nixon. No one liked him either.

Daily people are exposed more to Hillary Clinton. Daily people hear more from Clinton. Daily people are already sick of her. Maybe people are getting sick of hearing her say, "I've got a plan." Maybe people are discovering that once you get passed her god awful public presence she really hasn't done anything for U.S.

Depending on who you read, Hillary is barely ahead of Trump or barely behind him. Things aren't getting better for Hillary - everyone must admit that.

Millennials cannot relate to her, they don't trust her. Hillary needs Millennials now and after the election. Millennials - of all colors and persuasions - are soon to be the demographic politicians will need to win elections. So far the GOP, Donald Trump, Teapartisans, the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton kinda, sorta, know that but they don't get it.

Soon look for Hillary pandering to Millennials like she pandered to African-Americans (who are beginning to leave her as well). They know a chameleon when they see one.


Hillary Clinton's problem is that the more you get to know her the less you like her. Trump's problem is that he makes stupid self-inflicting gaffes. Trump can change his image, but Hillary can't.
Hillary has over 25 years of bad decisions, cover ups, and lying and few accomplishments. Her greatest accomplishment is staying out of jail.

To suggest that she can change that image in the space of a few months is fantasy land. You either reject or accept her as she is.
Hillary has over 25 years of bad decisions, cover ups, and lying and few accomplishments. Her greatest accomplishment is staying out of jail.

These seem to be the qualities that make for our most beloved presidents of late. The president represents the people of this country to every country in the world. Maybe the shoe fits.
Yes, yes, we all know your stock answer to everything is 'wait and see.'
You don't mind if the rest of us continue to debate the 2016 election.
After all, this is a debate forum

You can debate all day and all night but you won't change what's going to happen in November.


"The only valid censorship of ideas is the right of people not to listen." ~ Tommy Smothers
She's the only candidate in either party to actually have a majority (not a plurality) of the vote in her party... but she's unappealing?

Come on. I don't even like Hillary but to say she's 'unappealing' is to deny that she has -- in spite of the Never Ending Benghazi Story -- beaten every competitor she faced in this election.

Hell, there is an FBI investigation on her, and she's still beating Trump in the majority of polls.

Unappealing, the word is loses meaning when it is used incorrectly.


A very large number of people find her unappealing. She is a weak candidate. She is not as unappealing as Trump, and a much stronger candidate that Sanders. She is the favorite to win in November, but it is only May, so that does not mean much.
She's the only candidate in either party to actually have a majority (not a plurality) of the vote in her party... but she's unappealing?

Come on. I don't even like Hillary but to say she's 'unappealing' is to deny that she has -- in spite of the Never Ending Benghazi Story -- beaten every competitor she faced in this election.

Hell, there is an FBI investigation on her, and she's still beating Trump in the majority of polls.

Unappealing, the word is loses meaning when it is used incorrectly.


Dead heat: Trump, Clinton tied in 3 swing-state polls - POLITICO

yet it is closer than people think it is. hmm odd.

the fact that she is under an FBI investigation and the moronic left is still voting for her tells us how low brow
they really are and that frankly they could careless.

that is what is the most disappointing.
Clinton just isn't likable. She has ridden Bill's coattails for her entire career, and has used that to get to the places that she has gotten. She thought in 2008 that her "rightful" nomination to the throne was going to happen. Again, she thinks the same. People I feel are tired of her. She just needs to realize that the majority of Americans don't want her to be president. And no, she doesn't deserve it just because she's a woman. Trump has said extremely outrageous things and is still close to her in the polls. Just wait till he starts actually acting Presidential. Clinton has been attempting to do that for more than a decade and she still is failing.
It reminds me an awful lot of the primaries which resulted in Dole, McCain, and Romney. They paid their dues and were the best prepared candidates after losing once. But they generated no excitement and generated strong opposition. The best resume isn't enough anymore, people have to want to vote for you, not just vote against the other guy.
It reminds me an awful lot of the primaries which resulted in Dole, McCain, and Romney. They paid their dues and were the best prepared candidates after losing once. But they generated no excitement and generated strong opposition. The best resume isn't enough anymore, people have to want to vote for you, not just vote against the other guy.
She's held a lot of posts but not a lot of success in those posts. That's why her #1 achievement as SoS is often considered to be the frequent flier miles she's flown on tax-payer dollars.
Yes, yes, we all know your stock answer to everything is 'wait and see.' You don't mind if the rest of us continue to debate the 2016 election. After all, this is a debate forum

I don't recall shrubnose often saying 'let's wait and see'.
This is nothing new to most of us and even Hillary supporters will admit it: Hillary's continuing (and growing?) problem is not many people like her. Not as bad as Cruz, but the words "Hillary" and "like" are rarely used in the same sentence. "Hillary" and "dynamic" have never been used in the same sentence without quotation marks.

What is new? Even Hillary supporters are admitting that Hillary doesn't appeal to people and that, in terms of the general election, her personality and character or lack thereof may cost her and the Democrats the Presidential election. People don't like her.

As Trump transitions to GOP Presidential candidate mode and publicly attempts to shuffle closer toward a semblance of sanity (good luck with that) the Press (and I use the term very loosely) has less raw meat to feed the voting crowd. Less attention on Trump.

The Press has refused to report or focus on Sanders from day one. The spotlight must then turn to Hillary, the one person in the race who wants to be known but not scrutinized. Scratch the surface and you have Bill Clinton's wife, who wouldn't even be considered in the race otherwise. Reports of Hillary's Machiavellian "teamwork" and spleen ripping nastiness are often mentioned in comparison to Richard Nixon. No one liked him either.

Daily people are exposed more to Hillary Clinton. Daily people hear more from Clinton. Daily people are already sick of her. Maybe people are getting sick of hearing her say, "I've got a plan." Maybe people are discovering that once you get passed her god awful public presence she really hasn't done anything for U.S.

Depending on who you read, Hillary is barely ahead of Trump or barely behind him. Things aren't getting better for Hillary - everyone must admit that.

Millennials cannot relate to her, they don't trust her. Hillary needs Millennials now and after the election. Millennials - of all colors and persuasions - are soon to be the demographic politicians will need to win elections. So far the GOP, Donald Trump, Teapartisans, the Democratic Party and Hillary Clinton kinda, sorta, know that but they don't get it.

Soon look for Hillary pandering to Millennials like she pandered to African-Americans (who are beginning to leave her as well). They know a chameleon when they see one.


Good article. She is a very flawed candidate and I think after all of these years in the public eye, it will be difficult if not impossible for her to change enough to turn around all of the negatives. I don't believe any of the **** the Trumpers are praying for, like "She's going to go to jail!" and all of that. She will probably win, although not by much over Trump - proof positive again about what an abysmal mess she is. I find her to be sleazy and slippery, and very untrustworthy. I look forward to the day I don't have to see Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump every time I turn on my television in the mornings.
You can debate all day and all night but you won't change what's going to happen in November.


"The only valid censorship of ideas is the right of people not to listen." ~ Tommy Smothers

The negatives for Trump in key demographics are so high that it is hard to think up any scenario which has him winning the EC with a majority.
The most horrifying part of that entire post

When did you turn into your dad? For me it was when I turned about 38 when I realized I started talking about the younger generation like my dad had talked about mine.
When did you turn into your dad? For me it was when I turned about 38 when I realized I started talking about the younger generation like my dad had talked about mine.

Heh, for quite awhile. Though really, I could easily technically fall into the "millennial" realm, since "generations" aren't really well established. I could fit into Generation Y, into "Millennial", "Generation Catalano", Xennials, "Oregon Trail Generation", amongst others depending on what measure of generations you want to look at (this is a weird little realm of knowledge I've found really interesting over the past decade or so for some reason). Basically, I'm most accurately probably described as part of a micro-generation between Gen Xers and Millennial. Born at a time where I had enough experience and life in a pre-technological robust world, while at the same time being young enough during the tech boom to basically have grown up within it.

But yeah, I've realized I've been talking about the generation coming up right behind me in this kind of way since I was probably in my late 20's, so probably the past 5 to 6 years.

(random aside: Fun read about the strange micro-generation)
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Heh, for quite awhile. Though really, I could easily technically fall into the "millennial" realm, since "generations" aren't really well established. I could fit into Generation Y, into "Millennial", "Generation Catalano", amongst others depending on what measure of generations you want to look at (this is a weird little realm of knowledge I've found really interesting over the past decade or so for some reason). Basically, I'm most accurately probably described as part of a micro-generation between Gen Xers and Millennial. Born at a time where I had enough experience and life in a pre-technological robust world, while at the same time being young enough during the tech boom to basically have grown up within it.

But yeah, I've realized I've been talking about the generation coming up right behind me in this kind of way since I was probably in my late 20's, so probably the past 5 to 6 years.

It's ok, I badmouth your generation all the time...

We have two candidates that are not very well liked. Hillary, is mostly a failure or ineffective at best in her career, just living off her husband's success. Trump, can at least show that he has experience and been successful.

But here's the thing. She's probably already got 90% of the EC locked up that she needs to win just because she has a "D" next to her name. You don't hear too many democrats saying they refuse to vote for her. They are drones. Very few democrats care how bad or unqualified their candidate is. That is how Obama got reelected. I don't know how low the bar is for them, but it seems pretty close to ground level.

You already hear many republicans coming out against Trump already. Plus, she's got the press. We already see the NY Times with a hit piece on Trump. Gee, I wonder if they'll be able to find anything on Hillary?

Not impossible for Trump to win, but Hillary is already starting about 10 feet from the finish line. Imagine if the democrats could actually come up with a decent candidate, they could sleep walk to the White House.
The negatives for Trump in key demographics are so high that it is hard to think up any scenario which has him winning the EC with a majority.

That's pretty much the same way that I see it.

"Better days are coming." ~ But not for today's out of touch,running out of time,GOP.
We have two candidates that are not very well liked. Hillary, is mostly a failure or ineffective at best in her career, just living off her husband's success. Trump, can at least show that he has experience and been successful.

But here's the thing. She's probably already got 90% of the EC locked up that she needs to win just because she has a "D" next to her name. You don't hear too many democrats saying they refuse to vote for her. They are drones. Very few democrats care how bad or unqualified their candidate is. That is how Obama got reelected. I don't know how low the bar is for them, but it seems pretty close to ground level.

You already hear many republicans coming out against Trump already. Plus, she's got the press. We already see the NY Times with a hit piece on Trump. Gee, I wonder if they'll be able to find anything on Hillary?

Not impossible for Trump to win, but Hillary is already starting about 10 feet from the finish line. Imagine if the democrats could actually come up with a decent candidate, they could sleep walk to the White House.

We're not drones, your dumb ass party just picked a maniac.
Yeah yeah, I know, she has the charisma and likeability of an ant. But if she's the Democratic candidate then she's infinitely better for the job of the Presidency when compared against a psychopathic narcissistic man-baby.

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