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EU turning indigenous Europeans into a minority (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 16, 2018
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Viktor Orban:

Brussels today is ruled by those who want to replace an alliance of free nations with a European empire: a European empire led not by the elected leaders of nations, but by Brussels bureaucrats. Believers in a European empire are also in government in a number of European countries today. This is how we can know what that brave new world will be like if it is up to them: the appearance of increasing numbers of men of fighting age arriving from other continents and other cultures, within our lifetime shaping European cities in their own image, slowly but surely turning indigenous Europeans into a minority; terror as a part of life in large cities; political manipulation an everyday reality, justified on the grounds of the rule of law; and freedom of speech and the press which only extends as far as the freedom to echo their ideas.

Those who want to mold the European Union into a European empire are all, without exception, supporters of immigration. They have made the admission of migrants the litmus test of being European, and expect every country and nation to become multicultural without delay. Now we can see that they deliberately failed to use their enormous police and military capability, and they deliberately failed to defend Europe from the migrant masses. If we were able to do it, they could have done so too. What was lacking was not the ability, but the will. Even today, the Brussels vanguard and the other leaders who are opposed to nation states see migration as a chance, an opportunity. They see it as a chance to replace the European Union of nation states with a multicultural empire of mixed populations, smoothed into a unity: a Europe without nation states; an elite separated from its national roots; an alliance with multinational power groups; a coalition with financial speculators. This would be paradise for George Soros.

Viktor Orban:

Brussels today is ruled by those who want to replace an alliance of free nations with a European empire: a European empire led not by the elected leaders of nations, but by Brussels bureaucrats. Believers in a European empire are also in government in a number of European countries today. This is how we can know what that brave new world will be like if it is up to them: the appearance of increasing numbers of men of fighting age arriving from other continents and other cultures, within our lifetime shaping European cities in their own image, slowly but surely turning indigenous Europeans into a minority; terror as a part of life in large cities; political manipulation an everyday reality, justified on the grounds of the rule of law; and freedom of speech and the press which only extends as far as the freedom to echo their ideas.

Those who want to mold the European Union into a European empire are all, without exception, supporters of immigration. They have made the admission of migrants the litmus test of being European, and expect every country and nation to become multicultural without delay. Now we can see that they deliberately failed to use their enormous police and military capability, and they deliberately failed to defend Europe from the migrant masses. If we were able to do it, they could have done so too. What was lacking was not the ability, but the will. Even today, the Brussels vanguard and the other leaders who are opposed to nation states see migration as a chance, an opportunity. They see it as a chance to replace the European Union of nation states with a multicultural empire of mixed populations, smoothed into a unity: a Europe without nation states; an elite separated from its national roots; an alliance with multinational power groups; a coalition with financial speculators. This would be paradise for George Soros.


Those who want to mold the European Union into a European empire are all, without exception, supporters of immigration.

If you look behind those people, you will see the same globalists who want to open up the US to any available immigration...whether legal or illegal. The only thing that'll stop them is someone like Trump.
Good grief, what is an "indigenous" European? Didn't the last of those die out 50 000 years ago, or something?
Those who want to mold the European Union into a European empire are all, without exception, supporters of immigration.

If you look behind those people, you will see the same globalists who want to open up the US to any available immigration...whether legal or illegal. The only thing that'll stop them is someone like Trump.

Our nation is under attack, and our worst enemies are internal. We're a shadow of our former, rightful glory. Only I can turn back the tide, only I can return our nation to it's rightful greatness and dominant position.
That kind of 'someone'?





You call it tripe, but it's from the leader of one of the EU member states. That might still make it tripe in your book, but it is quite remarkable that it's from an EU leader. THat means it can't just be dismissed or written off as the irrelevant musings of a loner extremist.
You call it tripe, but it's from the leader of one of the EU member states. That might still make it tripe in your book, but it is quite remarkable that it's from an EU leader. THat means it can't just be dismissed or written off as the irrelevant musings of a loner extremist.
I realize that some people need to hear it more often for it to sink in

In that spirit:






You call it tripe, but it's from the leader of one of the EU member states. That might still make it tripe in your book, but it is quite remarkable that it's from an EU leader. THat means it can't just be dismissed or written off as the irrelevant musings of a loner extremist.

Meh...you mean this guy?


Just another clown in the circus.

But you're right, it can't and shouldn't be written off. It should be spoken out against at every opportunity.
Skeery brown people!
I suspect it's Westphalian's way of getting back at Litwin for constantly calling his people a bunch of Mongols.:lamo


That was good for 7 seconds of held breath to avoid inappropriate blurt laughter in the workplace. ****er. :lol:






Jobbik (other EU trash fascist parties) are the best friends of vova putler



Neo-Nazi at Jobbik party rally (2009)
Skeery brown people!
Pink when, come summer, they get here (Spain) from the North and unless very lucky, usually "lobster" when they leave again.

As to those originally brown, a load of them surface here quite bloated when they're washed ashore from the South (Africa).

Beyond which, all it takes is a closer look at the nature of the sewer from which the OP's articles washed up.
I suspect it's Westphalian's way of getting back at Litwin for constantly calling his people a bunch of Mongols.:lamo


I've not even ventured an opinion, but I thought you'd be pleased that I'm quoting a leader of one of the great so called 'civilised states' in that shining beacon of light called the EU. :wink2:

Anyway, it seems increasing numbers of EU citizens rather identify with his message, and there lies a problem for you chaps.

I've not even ventured an opinion, but I thought you'd be pleased that I'm quoting a leader of one of the great so called 'civilised states' in that shining beacon of light called the EU. :wink2:

Anyway, it seems increasing numbers of EU citizens rather identify with his message, and there lies a problem for you chaps.
On the day you post something on Europe that's worth responding to, well, I just might.

Meanwhile, if I felt the urge to visit the Daily Stormer, I'd hardly be on here.

But congratulations, Gospodin, by bringing a White Supremacy site into here, you've really outdone yourself.:roll:
Viktor Orban:

Brussels today is ruled by those who want to replace an alliance of free nations with a European empire: a European empire led not by the elected leaders of nations, but by Brussels bureaucrats. Believers in a European empire are also in government in a number of European countries today. This is how we can know what that brave new world will be like if it is up to them: the appearance of increasing numbers of men of fighting age arriving from other continents and other cultures, within our lifetime shaping European cities in their own image, slowly but surely turning indigenous Europeans into a minority; terror as a part of life in large cities; political manipulation an everyday reality, justified on the grounds of the rule of law; and freedom of speech and the press which only extends as far as the freedom to echo their ideas.

Those who want to mold the European Union into a European empire are all, without exception, supporters of immigration. They have made the admission of migrants the litmus test of being European, and expect every country and nation to become multicultural without delay. Now we can see that they deliberately failed to use their enormous police and military capability, and they deliberately failed to defend Europe from the migrant masses. If we were able to do it, they could have done so too. What was lacking was not the ability, but the will. Even today, the Brussels vanguard and the other leaders who are opposed to nation states see migration as a chance, an opportunity. They see it as a chance to replace the European Union of nation states with a multicultural empire of mixed populations, smoothed into a unity: a Europe without nation states; an elite separated from its national roots; an alliance with multinational power groups; a coalition with financial speculators. This would be paradise for George Soros.


Did you see this?:

"I think Europe needs to get a handle on migration because that is what lit the flame," Clinton said, referring to the rise of populists like Trump and movements like Brexit. If Europe doesn't properly deal with the migration issue, "it will continue to roil the body politic,"

She is right of course....Merkel screwed up.
On the day you post something on Europe that's worth responding to, well, I just might.

Meanwhile, if I felt the urge to visit the Daily Stormer, I'd hardly be on here.

But congratulations, Gospodin, by bringing a White Supremacy site into here, you've really outdone yourself.:roll:

What matters is what Orban said - not the site it was hosted on.

Thus you are missing the point - I presume deliberately since you're very astute.

So, if it helps you concentrate, I'll give you a link to a non allegedly white supremacist site. You can enjoy sound and vision, full frontal Orban :lol:

Our nation is under attack, and our worst enemies are internal. We're a shadow of our former, rightful glory. Only I can turn back the tide, only I can return our nation to it's rightful greatness and dominant position.
That kind of 'someone'?


Someone who isn't in the pocket of the globalists.
Did you see this?:



She is right of course....Merkel screwed up.

Yes - I did see it, and I think it illustrates the divide between American globalists who still see the US as an exceptional and sovereign state destined to rule its empire, and European globalists who accept subjugation and mass migration without question and as a quasi religion.

I think American globalists view un-restricted immigration as a really good thing for everyone across the world except themselves.
Viktor Orban:
~ slowly but surely turning indigenous Europeans into a minority ~

~ exception, supporters of immigration. ~

You guys both know the invader history of the Magyars (of whom Orban is a descendant)?? Maybe it makes sense then - as his people invaded what is now Hungary and displaced the people who lived there before.

Ask any Slovaks or people of Slavic origin about the history of the Magyar overlords and you'll read worse than what the Hungarians could ever be subjected to by war escapees from Syria.
Yes - I did see it, and I think it illustrates the divide between American globalists who still see the US as an exceptional and sovereign state destined to rule its empire, and European globalists who accept subjugation and mass migration without question and as a quasi religion.

I think American globalists view un-restricted immigration as a really good thing for everyone across the world except themselves.

I saw it as Hillary finally understanding something important, which does not happen every day.

The globalists can not ignore what the people think is what she is saying.

This is a cause for cheering.

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