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Estimated number of Slaves in the world today: 10-30 million (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 28, 2008
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North Texas
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The challenges of counting a 'hidden population' – The CNN Freedom Project: Ending Modern-Day Slavery - CNN.com Blogs

Slavery still exists. Of that there isn’t much dispute, if any. But how widespread is what many experts call modern-day slavery?

Estimates range from about 10 million to 30 million, according to policymakers, activists, journalists and scholars.

The International Labour Organization, an agency of the United Nations that focuses on, among other things, labor rights, put the number at a “minimum estimate” of 12.3 million in a 2005 report.

Kevin Bales, a sociologist who serves as a consultant to the United Nations and has authored several books about modern-day slavery, estimated the number was 27 million people in his book “Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy.” The book was published in 1999.

There is yet another estimate. Siddharth Kara, a fellow on trafficking at Harvard University and also an author, recently told CNN that his calculations put the range between 24 million and 32 million. That number was current as of the end of 2006, he said.

Hard to imagine.

So much of this world is evolving at about the pace of a cockroach.

America gets slammed over the head constantly when it comes to slavery. Yet, it's existed in every corner of the world at some time or another, and still apparently thrives today.
The challenges of counting a 'hidden population' – The CNN Freedom Project: Ending Modern-Day Slavery - CNN.com Blogs

Hard to imagine.

So much of this world is evolving at about the pace of a cockroach.

America gets slammed over the head constantly when it comes to slavery. Yet, it's existed in every corner of the world at some time or another, and still apparently thrives today.

It exists in every country in the world today. America gets slammed in the head because it was legal, even though it was legal in many other countries and was far more widespread for far longer and far more recently than in the United States.

Human trafficking is a horrible problem around the world. Many governments look the other way and are not aggressively pursuring it. At least the U.S., Canada, and most EU countries get reasonably good marks for addressing the problem compared to most of the rest of the world, but still much more needs to be done. Japan has a particularly poor record, and I am sad to say that it is a pretty serious problem here in Taiwan as well... largely illegal migrant workers from Southeast Asia and even more pervasive is sex workers from China... :(
Bonus points to the first person going "no we are all slaves because we pay taxes"
See now I understand I guess about historically... honestly besides people like Sharpton who honestly even talks about that these days?
See now I understand I guess about historically... honestly besides people like Sharpton who honestly even talks about that these days?

I don't know either. Heck Lincoln was a republican.
Liberals accuse the United States of slavery?

No it's really more complicated than that. We see today that the racism charge is so quick to come from liberals when confronted with an opinion or view that doesn't conform to what they want to hear that it is really nearly meaningless.

No it's really more complicated than that. We see today that the racism charge is so quick to come from liberals when confronted with an opinion or view that doesn't conform to what they want to hear that it is really nearly meaningless.


You know some of you Right Wingers hawk this "Liberals Play the Race Card" rubbish all the time, but on this site, I've only ever seen one person do it the whole year and a bit i've been here....

They don't play the race card as much as you BELIEVE they play the race card, which around here is virtually zilch
You know some of you Right Wingers hawk this "Liberals Play the Race Card" rubbish all the time, but on this site, I've only ever seen one person do it the whole year and a bit i've been here....

They don't play the race card as much as you BELIEVE they play the race card, which around here is virtually zilch

Then you aren't paying attention to American Politics.

It's a cottage industry here for the Left.

You know some of you Right Wingers hawk this "Liberals Play the Race Card" rubbish all the time, but on this site, I've only ever seen one person do it the whole year and a bit i've been here....

They don't play the race card as much as you BELIEVE they play the race card, which around here is virtually zilch
Then you aren't paying attention to American Politics.

It's a cottage industry here for the Left.

Its not a cottage industry. I already told you guys, its a hobby, we do it for free.
Then you aren't paying attention to American Politics.

It's a cottage industry here for the Left.

A: I was reffering to this site.

B: Please provide examples of Democratic members of congress, and democrats and liberals in general in the media playing the race card.

You know, both sides do it now and then, what was it Glenn Beck said "He has a hatred for white people, or the white culture..." I rest my case :coffeepap
Slaves in the US consist of illegals who are forced into prostitution and forced labor by those who bring them here. The same is true of Chinese and others.

What it amounts to is the same thing that took place back when slave ships were coming from Africa to the west. The slavers are from the Countries of origin.

iIn the Middle East a lot 9f the slave trade is rom third world countries and White young ladies from the west.

Seldom do we here about it but occasionally it makes the news but nothing on a large scale is ever done about it. Sad but true.

Anyone waiting for the UN to do anything of substance about it will grow old and gray waiting to see results, because the UN is dominated by third world countries that have no interest in solving the problem because there is profit in the trade, and the UN is as it could be.
I would accuse you of sloth....every other word about the Tea Party is that they are Racist ;)

A: I was reffering to this site.

B: Please provide examples of Democratic members of congress, and democrats and liberals in general in the media playing the race card.

You know, both sides do it now and then, what was it Glenn Beck said "He has a hatred for white people, or the white culture..." I rest my case :coffeepap

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