Re: Enrollment In Obamacare's Federal Exchange, So Far, May Only Be In 'Single Digits
I really am not sure how good Obamacare is as a policy. But this thing is of a societal dimension that makes me think that the first few weeks or even years will not prove its success or failure. That is why I find it so strange that Obama was willing to shut down government instead of postponing the program's start date. That has the feeling of the behavior I would expect from a juvenile gang leader and not so much from a mature and well educated person. I hope he does not overshoot. On German public radio this morning they were discussion the probabilities of the shutdown becoming a constitutional problem like "7 Days in May" citing Obama's promise to the soldiers, he would keep on paying them as evidence to watch closely.
Very concise accurate summation. Add that it is already apparent the system itself is not ready for prime time, this comedy skit is still in its rough-hewn days...needs some sanding and polishing before the launching upon an ostensibly unwary public. Shows BO's lack of experience in a real, read: business-like, world...the need to work out most the kinks or risk pissing off your potential clientele. Now, being
the government [at least most of it, were it not for those pesky rep reps ], he does kinda have us bent over the proverbial barrel. Thank god the Republicans are showing even the tiniest bit of moxie, if the bumbler bumbles too much his namesake will stumble, tumble, fall out of favor, which it never really has properly achieved anyhow.
juvenile is not being able to repeal it with votes so you do not allow a vote on everything else. That is juvenile my republican friend. If the votes for the continuing resolution were for a shutdown then I would be cool with it, but since they are not then it makes no sense as an adult rational person to do this.
You play the game to win for your side, fellow citizen. Our team, just like your team, uses any advantage, any strength it may have or may create legally. Its the way the game is played...and the way Dems are squeaking squawking and bleating--- shows its working.
You got Obama willing to talk with hostile criminal regimes, regimes who have assisted in sending IEDs to kill fellow Americans, have potentially chem-warred its own citizens... yet won't negotiate with fellow Americans on what could plausibly be the biggest move he will ever have to make to keep this country safe and sound, at least fiscally/economically.
I think the way that the prez has mishandled this can easily be characterized as being adolescent even, perhaps also tilting towards belief in his own cult of personality, this refusal to even negotiate, of denigrating the opposition, so risking it all, all or nothing, that reveals the self centered, egocentric policy decision-making pursued by this president. History will judge him the bad
and the inept guy, the guy that tried to impose more government, much more government, upon a free people... doing so in this president's own inimitably maladroit manner.
I hope it will be a story of how the system rose up to oppose this imposition, that the people still have a good bit of that original
oomph in them to stay free and individual. An Andrew Jackson beating back of the National Bank kinda story.