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Enough with the protests (1 Viewer)


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Aug 31, 2018
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It's enough already, as far as I am concerned.

I know that there is system police abuse of blacks but this point was long ago made.

What do you think, do you support the on going protests and do you admit there is systemic abuse?
Everyone pay attention... hear this... stop the protesting, no more looting and setting fires, no more talky-talky... noonereal has had enough!

(that ought to do it.)
These people don't have jobs so they have nothing better to do.
It's enough already, as far as I am concerned.

I know that there is system police abuse of blacks but this point was long ago made.

What do you think, do you support the on going protests and do you admit there is systemic abuse?

Protests? There are no protests. They are anarchist riots.

And no...there is no systemic police abuse of blacks.
Protests? There are no protests. They are anarchist riots.

And no...there is no systemic police abuse of blacks.

I can always count on your reply to be foolhardy and Trump rhetoric.
It's enough already, as far as I am concerned.

I know that there is system police abuse of blacks but this point was long ago made.

What do you think, do you support the on going protests and do you admit there is systemic abuse?

I don't have any more ****s to give, tbh.
It's enough already, as far as I am concerned.

I know that there is system police abuse of blacks but this point was long ago made.

What do you think, do you support the on going protests and do you admit there is systemic abuse?

Oh I think they are the path to victory....for the GOP.
It's enough already, as far as I am concerned.

I know that there is system police abuse of blacks but this point was long ago made.

What do you think, do you support the on going protests and do you admit there is systemic abuse?

I would agree but I would augment what you are saying: I could not care less about the protests. In fact, I think they are perfectly merited, especially when the supposedly "right" people are in power (read: Democrats), but their Party's stewardship has failed to do anything to curb police abuses of power. What I care about is the vandalism, looting, and destruction of property both public and private. That needs to end now or be ended now.
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I can always count on your reply to be foolhardy and Trump rhetoric.

The truth isn't foolhardy and it's not Trump rhetoric. It's just truth.

But tell me...if Biden wins, what will you (or him) do about Portland? You don't seriously think Antifa will stop their riots, do you?
The truth isn't foolhardy and it's not Trump rhetoric. It's just truth.

But tell me...if Biden wins, what will you (or him) do about Portland? You don't seriously think Antifa will stop their riots, do you?

he won't do nothing as Trump is
It's enough already, as far as I am concerned.

I know that there is system police abuse of blacks but this point was long ago made.

What do you think, do you support the on going protests and do you admit there is systemic abuse?

The "systematic abuse" always seems to start when a criminal is being taken into custody. Just like in Wisc for instantance.
It's enough already, as far as I am concerned.
I'm sure that millions of Americans will suddenly stop caring about justice to accommodate you.

I mean, seriously, is your life in any way, shape or form directly impacted by the protests?

I know that there is system police abuse of blacks but this point was long ago made.[/quote]
Yes, and all those problems that were causing all those problems a whopping 6 weeks ago are now fixed!

We can tell, because Jacob Blake was an unarmed black man who was trying to break up a fight between two women, and was shot in the back seven times by a white police officer while opening the door of his car. Oh, wait....

What do you think, do you support the on going protests and do you admit there is systemic abuse?
I support peaceful protest. There is definitely systemic police brutality, a result of decades of racism; a lack of police training; police unions doing everything they can to prevent officers from being held accountable; prosecutors who rely on police and are afraid to hold them accountable; police that are terrified of an armed public...

Very little has been done to actually address any of the problems that are the focus of the protests. So why, exactly, do you think the protests ought to stop? Do you think the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s decided to wrap things up after 2 months?
I'm sure that millions of Americans will suddenly stop caring about justice to accommodate you.

I mean, seriously, is your life in any way, shape or form directly impacted by the protests?

I know that there is system police abuse of blacks but this point was long ago made.
Yes, and all those problems that were causing all those problems a whopping 6 weeks ago are now fixed!

We can tell, because Jacob Blake was an unarmed black man who was trying to break up a fight between two women, and was shot in the back seven times by a white police officer while opening the door of his car. Oh, wait....

I support peaceful protest. There is definitely systemic police brutality, a result of decades of racism; a lack of police training; police unions doing everything they can to prevent officers from being held accountable; prosecutors who rely on police and are afraid to hold them accountable; police that are terrified of an armed public...

Very little has been done to actually address any of the problems that are the focus of the protests. So why, exactly, do you think the protests ought to stop? Do you think the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s decided to wrap things up after 2 months?

Youre right. Democrat one-party rule thats been in place for generations in many places has institutionalized racism and should be protested.
I can always count on your reply to be foolhardy and Trump rhetoric.

How did you connect Trump to any of the riots and looting? Is that an admission by you your target is just Trump and that looting and pillaging and burning is fine?
I'm sure that millions of Americans will suddenly stop caring about justice to accommodate you.

I mean, seriously, is your life in any way, shape or form directly impacted by the protests?

I know that there is system police abuse of blacks but this point was long ago made.
Yes, and all those problems that were causing all those problems a whopping 6 weeks ago are now fixed!

We can tell, because Jacob Blake was an unarmed black man who was trying to break up a fight between two women, and was shot in the back seven times by a white police officer while opening the door of his car. Oh, wait....

I support peaceful protest. There is definitely systemic police brutality, a result of decades of racism; a lack of police training; police unions doing everything they can to prevent officers from being held accountable; prosecutors who rely on police and are afraid to hold them accountable; police that are terrified of an armed public...

Very little has been done to actually address any of the problems that are the focus of the protests. So why, exactly, do you think the protests ought to stop? Do you think the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s decided to wrap things up after 2 months?[/QUOTE]


one thing lost in all this as that police abuse all, not just blacks (I don't want that lost in all this)

I want the protests over because we are in the midst of a pandemic, they snarl traffic and they are used to cloak violence in many areas. They are doing more to enable Trump's reelection than anything Trump is doing with his campaign.
The "systematic abuse" always seems to start when a criminal is being taken into custody. Just like in Wisc for instantance.

So explain this kind of ****....

Also, explain for us what criminal act the man in Wisconsin had committed that deserved his being shot. And remember, the answer I'm sure you are going to give is addressed in the video, so be careful about looking like an idiot....because I'm pretty sure you are going to go right to the idea that he shouldn't have gotten in his car. While I might agree with that sentiment, it fails on the face when the video shows you someone who not only got into his vehicle, but emerged with a firearm and STILL wasn't shot to death.
How did you connect Trump to any of the riots and looting? Is that an admission by you your target is just Trump and that looting and pillaging and burning is fine?

people have been worked up by his 4 years of hate and division, obviously

down is up, up is down, people have had it with his Twilight Zone world.
The "systematic abuse" always seems to start when a criminal is being taken into custody. Just like in Wisc for instantance.

And resisting arrest or running away or not following directions. It's also preceded by dispatch telling the officers how many arrests the perp has on his record.
It's enough already, as far as I am concerned.

I know that there is system police abuse of blacks but this point was long ago made.

What do you think, do you support the on going protests and do you admit there is systemic abuse?

The protests probably would have started to peter out by now, but some police officers said, "Hey, I have an idea, let's remind everybody why people are protesting about police brutality." So they went to a "domestic disturbance" where two women were arguing and a man was breaking it up. The cops pulled their guns on the man, and when he said "Oh to hell with this" and went back to his car, they shot in the back seven times.

And America said, "Oh yeah, that's why there have been Black Lives Matter protests. It's been a couple weeks so I forgot."
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The "systematic abuse" always seems to start when a criminal is being taken into custody. Just like in Wisc for instantance.

Yes, the criminals captured by the cops are not in their first rodeo.

So explain this kind of ****....

Also, explain for us what criminal act the man in Wisconsin had committed that deserved his being shot. And remember, the answer I'm sure you are going to give is addressed in the video, so be careful about looking like an idiot....because I'm pretty sure you are going to go right to the idea that he shouldn't have gotten in his car. While I might agree with that sentiment, it fails on the face when the video shows you someone who not only got into his vehicle, but emerged with a firearm and STILL wasn't shot to death.

Police have a very difficult job. Please don't make it more difficult for them. Whether you're black or white listen to what the officer says and you'll probably get through it. What they show on TV is just for ratings. They would never show the great work police do.
The protests probably would have started to peter out by now, but some police officers said, "Hey, I have an idea, let's remind everybody why people are protesting about police brutality." So they went to a "domestic disturbance" where two women were arguing and a man was breaking it up. The cops pulled their guns on the man, and when he said "Oh to hell with this and went back to his car, they shot in the back seven times.

And America said, "Oh yeah, that's why there have been Black Lives Matter protests. It's been a couple weeks so I forgot."

BLM solved the entire problem just like that in Democrats cities, correct?
people have been worked up by his 4 years of hate and division, obviously

down is up, up is down, people have had it with his Twilight Zone world.

Trump does not hate the people. He hates those who keep attacking him first then claiming it was Trump attacking first. That lie needs debunking so I post to debunk that Trump attacks first.
Police have a very difficult job. Please don't make it more difficult for them. Whether you're black or white listen to what the officer says and you'll probably get through it. What they show on TV is just for ratings. They would never show the great work police do.

Airline spokesperson: "But what about all the pilots we employ who don't crash into mountains?"

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