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'Enough is enough,' Feinstein says in proposing new gun ban [W:93] (1 Viewer)

There is no well regulated militia to infringe upon. And you have already agreed that Madison does not have Judicial powers under the Constitution.

where does it say the right of the militia shall not be infringed

another moronic bit of stupidity in your posts
Until you get some maturity and are able to discuss things without the 3rd grade school yard games, I'll not respond to anymore of your post.

great news then-but why are you afraid to say who you voted for?
where does it say the right of the militia shall not be infringed

another moronic bit of stupidity in your posts

Try reading the full sentence.
There is no well regulated militia to infringe upon. And you have already agreed that Madison does not have Judicial powers under the Constitution.

Yeah, that was moronic. The first part is just stupid and the second part has no bearing on the importance of his words and why they are important to the topic.
Try reading the full sentence.

I have, and I have lectured law school classes on it. the first part of the amendment is not a requirement for the people to keep and bear arms
I have, and I have lectured law school classes on it. the first part of the amendment is not a requirement for the people to keep and bear arms

Somewhere along the way you missed studying complete sentences.
Somewhere along the way you missed studying complete sentences.

remind me of what university awarded you a law degree and the law review articles you have been cited in
Is Catawba arguing that the 2nd protects an official militia that is well regulated by the government?

Is Catawba arguing that the 2nd protects an official militia that is well regulated by the government?


I don't think catawba has a clue what catawba is arguing.
remind me of what university awarded you a law degree and the law review articles you have been cited in

Anyone can claim they have a law degree. Let's see the law review articles that you have been cited in?

And how do you explain your lack of understanding of complete sentences?
I don't think catawba has a clue what catawba is arguing.
Nor from my observation, from members to staff, does anyone else. Now tell me, this time, did he try to claim "unsubstantiated opinion" as he cha cha cha'd the you are a racist card? Because anytime you/me/anyone calls out errors or outright fabrications in his post, well it is a real regular one trick pony show.:2razz:
Nor from my observation, from members to staff, does anyone else. Now tell me, this time, did he try to claim "unsubstantiated opinion" as he cha cha cha'd the you are a racist card? Because anytime you/me/anyone calls out errors or outright fabrications in his post, well it is a real regular one trick pony show.:2razz:

Not biting -

Well, ain't that just wonderful?!? Don't worry Libs said, they're just EO's Libs said. No ones gun is going to be taken Libs said....Bull! These liberal pieces of trash in DC think they should be able to take your rights at will....Shotguns? I say to them, go to hell.

Amerika, brought to you by the Socialists of Amerika Partei (SAPs) and their Goebbels styled Propaganda Mill.

These folks just cannot be honest about their plans and schemes. They're Socialists after all.

I wonder... when will we hear "enough is enough" in regard to their destructive socialist legislation?

A nose that circles the world! Can the guy and his party act truthfully about anything?
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Amerika, brought to you by the Socialists of Amerika Partei (SAPs) and their Goebbels styled Propaganda Mill.

These folks just cannot be honest about their plans and schemes. They're Socialists after all.

I wonder... when will we hear "enough is enough" in regard to their destructive socialist legislation?

A nose that circles the world! Can the guy and his party act truthfully about anything?

When people elected to represent us, and take an oath to uphold and defend the constitution propose bills like this, they should be impeached. Funny though how Feinstein didn't feel like this for herself....

Well, ain't that just wonderful?!? Don't worry Libs said, they're just EO's Libs said. No ones gun is going to be taken Libs said....Bull! These liberal pieces of trash in DC think they should be able to take your rights at will....Shotguns? I say to them, go to hell.

Feinstein lives in California. Why can't she enact her ban there and leave the rest of us alone? Why do these control freaks want to run the lives of people a continent away? I'll just never understand these people's lust to rule others.
The law stood without legal challenge. That means it was never ruled unconstitutional.

Which does not necessarily one can not believe reasonably that it is unconstitutional. A lack of legal challenge does not inherently declare something constitutional in nature. You are absolutely correct that hte law has not been ruled unconstitutional. That doesn't disallow people from proclaiming a belief that it is. Restricting marriage to Same Sex Couples has not been deemed unconstitutional by the court that has the primary say on such a thing, and that does not keep hordes of people claiming (correctly imho) that the laws are unconstitutional.
Moderator's Warning:
If posters want to have a D measuring contest over their degrees and knowledge, they can do it in an appropriate thread in a different forum. Continue the personal off topic back and forth here and it'll result in action. Similarly, I'd suggest the sublte snarky baits and flames cease as well.
Seems to me that is plenty to fight against.

Agreed, if you oppose that legislation, by all means you should fight against it, that is your right. But that doesn't mean that we all have to sit back and accept the lies of some of the people on this forum that really think the government is going to kick their doors down to steal their guns.
Feinstein lives in California. Why can't she enact her ban there and leave the rest of us alone? Why do these control freaks want to run the lives of people a continent away? I'll just never understand these people's lust to rule others.

Absolutely correct. This is, and should be a states issue. But arrogance, and hubris is in the bones of the long should have been gone elite in DC.
Agreed, if you oppose that legislation, by all means you should fight against it, that is your right. But that doesn't mean that we all have to sit back and accept the lies of some of the people on this forum that really think the government is going to kick their doors down to steal their guns.

Ok. So the Assault weapons bans passes. A week or a month later another mass shooting happens. Then what?
Ok. So the Assault weapons bans passes. A week or a month later another mass shooting happens. Then what?

Look to NYS for your answer.

1) a suicidal nutcase commits capital murder to steal legally registered guns. He then commits 24 more cases of capital murder in a Gun Free zone using feloniously acquired weapons in violation of federal and state laws. He kills himself. Most of the deaths were inflicted with a 30 round magazine rifle

2) a convicted felon premeditates an ambush of firefighters using a magazine that was banned in NY. Being a convicted felon, he was not legally able to own any firearm

what does the anti gun NY governor and his party do along with the help of cowardly Republicans? THEY BAN 10 round magazines and limit honest people to 7 shots in their guns.

I think that answers the question

Crime control has nothing to do with gun banner's real motivation

cuomoron proved that
You say you go by the Constitution, right? Who is authorized under the Constitution with judicial powers. Is it Madison? Is it you?

who authorized judicial power the right to rule over the constitution??????????ill give you a hint,it wasnt the constitution.
When the EO's came out of Obama's ass (Joe Biden), they put them forth, and many liberals claimed that they are just EO's and no one is going to try and take your guns...I give you Frau Feinstien....

That simply isn't enough. Sorry.
That simply isn't enough. Sorry.

It is for those of us who support gun rights: when one party has so many of its heavyweights supporting either confiscation or steps that are clearly designed to facilitate confiscation, that is more than enough warning

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