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Donald Trump Jousts With a Crying Baby at His Rally (1 Viewer)

More proof his tiny hands need to stay as far away from "the button" as possible.
“Don’t worry about that baby. I love babies," Trump said after hearing the baby crying during an aside about the trade imbalance. "Don’t worry about it. I love babies. I hear that baby crying, I like it. What a baby. What a beautiful baby. Don’t worry, don’t worry. The mom’s running around like—don’t worry about it, you know. It’s young and beautiful and healthy and that’s what we want.”
Trump then returned to his non-baby-related remarks, only to hear the baby make more noise.
“They have ripped us to shreds, ripped us absolutely to shreds," Trump said of China, before turning back to the woman with the child.
“Actually, I was only kidding, you can get the baby out of here," the Republican nominee said to laughter and applause. "That’s all right. Don’t worry. I, I think she really believed me that I love having a baby crying while I’m speaking. That’s OK. People don’t understand. That’s OK."

Read more: Trump boots baby from Virginia rally - POLITICO
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LOL, what a clown.:lol:
I look forward to reading how the Trumpettes spin this into something good
It's more likely that the baby was another George Soros paid protester who had dwarfism.
I'm not in a place where I can listen to his remarks out loud to hear his tone. To anyone who can: was he joking or being sarcastic either time? If he wasn't this is really weird.
President Jarrett is probably changing Baracks diaper right about now.

"Must make this about Obama somehow. Deflect! Deflect! It refects poorly upon the Holy One."
I look forward to reading how the Trumpettes spin this into something good

It was a leftist baby. Probably has a picture of Che Guevara in his crib.
I'm not in a place where I can listen to his remarks out loud to hear his tone. To anyone who can: was he joking or being sarcastic either time? If he wasn't this is really weird.

It wasn't too bad. I think he was trying to seem nice initially by saying the baby should stay, but it obviously distracted him enough that he changed his mind.
It wasn't too bad. I think he was trying to seem nice initially by saying the baby should stay, but it obviously distracted him enough that he changed his mind.

That's a weird way to phrase changing his mind then. I could see it if he was being sarcastic at first, because it is rude to have your crying baby and to not do anything in a situation like this. Although it sounded like the mother was leaving or trying to calm the baby. But if he really meant his first statement, then saying that he couldn't believe she really believed that he was OK with a baby crying is a really weird flip flop.
That's a weird way to phrase changing his mind then. I could see it if he was being sarcastic at first, because it is rude to have your crying baby and to not do anything in a situation like this. Although it sounded like the mother was leaving or trying to calm the baby. But if he really meant his first statement, then saying that he couldn't believe she really believed that he was OK with a baby crying is a really weird flip flop.
I bet he was trying to come across as a decent person. He did it a few times during the primaries whenever he had a little too much heat on him. He isn't that great at following through with the act though.
Well, broken clocks are right twice a day.

I don't like crying babies either.

The only real question is why Trump didn't leave with the child.
I'm not in a place where I can listen to his remarks out loud to hear his tone. To anyone who can: was he joking or being sarcastic either time? If he wasn't this is really weird.

Here's a link from theHill.com with a video clip.

You hear the baby cry at the :04 second mark of the clip. Initially, Trump sounds sincere as if the crying baby doesn't bother him. He continues to speak for nearly over a minute and then suddenly breaks from his remarks and says at 1:20 mark, "Actually, I was only kidding. Get the baby outta here."

Thing is, I only hear the baby make a sound one other time during the entire 1:16 second time span from the first cry until Trump ordered his detail to give the infant (and his mother) the boot.

As a member of a speaker's group myself, I can certainly understand not wanting to be interrupted when I'm giving a speech, but good Lord! It's not like the child was screaming uncontrollably.
I look forward to reading how the Trumpettes spin this into something good

The baby was a liberal plant?

Or perhaps the baby was doing its best impression of the Don as he reacted to the latest polls.
I'm not in a place where I can listen to his remarks out loud to hear his tone. To anyone who can: was he joking or being sarcastic either time? If he wasn't this is really weird.

He was joking.
That's a weird way to phrase changing his mind then. I could see it if he was being sarcastic at first, because it is rude to have your crying baby and to not do anything in a situation like this. Although it sounded like the mother was leaving or trying to calm the baby. But if he really meant his first statement, then saying that he couldn't believe she really believed that he was OK with a baby crying is a really weird flip flop.

That's because he lied at first and attempted to live with it, so when he changed his mind he lied again.
I swear I haven't met many people IRL more erratic than Trump, much less to think he might soon be the guy sleeping in the White House! :doh

As long as he and any noisy babies stay asleep, it will be OK.
Well, broken clocks are right twice a day.

I don't like crying babies either.

The only real question is why Trump didn't leave with the child.

Because he already had lunch
"Must make this about Obama somehow. Deflect! Deflect! It refects poorly upon the Holy One."

Obama has shown himself to be quite narcissistic, thin skinned, and arrogant. You want to pin those things on Trump, look at his primary example.
That's because he lied at first and attempted to live with it, so when he changed his mind he lied again.

I wouldn't say Trump lied. I think he was attempting to be humorous, and his idea of humor was lost on everybody else. LOL.

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