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Donald Trump blames constitution for chaos of his first 100 days (1 Viewer)

I am glad that most presidents find the system slow and cumbersome.

At least this gives the public a chance to digest things before they are acted upon.
Call me crazy or a "Trump supporter" or any pejorative you want....

But before I rain hellfire and brimstone over this, I'd like to see the ACTUAL full transcript and quote; not just a paraphrase. Similar to how Obama's comments about being "constrained by the constitution" were presented one way and actually meant another in context. Could Trump mean literally what they presented? Quite possible, but I'm not going to judge it based on a snippet presented by a media that feels it's their duty to be "opposition".

See Ocean515 and Captain Adverse's responses. In context Trump was talking about Senate rules:

Trump - "But I think, more than anything else, I'm a person of common sense. I understand what has to be done. I get things done. I've always been a closer. We don't have a lot of closers in politics, and I understand why. It's a very rough system. It's -- it's an archaic system.

You look at the rules of the Senate, even the rules of the House -- but the rules of the Senate and some of the things you have to go through, it's -- it's really a bad thing for the country, in my opinion. They're archaic rules."
It's amazing, isn't it? All you need to do to get page hits as a liberal rag is bank on the audience 1) Not reading the original source, 2) Lacking in a Civics education, 3) distributing the article without comprehending it or vetting it.

Amazing and quite revealing. My guess is the liberal press understands that emotional people have short attention spans. Perhaps its all the social media training.

Post a headline, and the fish just gobble it up, no matter what it is made of.

The plus side is the more they do it, the more the public at large learns about the people who buy into it.

Not necessarily a bad thing.
Amazing and quite revealing. My guess is the liberal press understands that emotional people have short attention spans. Perhaps its all the social media training.

Post a headline, and the fish just gobble it up, no matter what it is made of.

The plus side is the more they do it, the more the public at large learns about the people who buy into it.

Not necessarily a bad thing.

Yeah, even more revealing is to keep an eye out for the Democrats who seize on this lie over the next few months and start repeating it.
So you're just going to take the reporter's word for it and you won't look/Google for yourself and try to find out if what the reporter said is true?

Let me guess, you get all of your news from Fox and Drudge, etc.

You guess wrong.
Yeah, even more revealing is to keep an eye out for the Democrats who seize on this lie over the next few months and start repeating it.

Do you think the media is driven simply by readership and the need to maintain/grow it, or are this kind of fraud done by ideological objective and agenda?
So in summation: When you read a news story reporting an outlandish quote by someone, but the outlandish bit of the quote is conspicuously not actually quoted, find a source with the full quote to see if what was actually said matches what the story is reporting before posting the article.
Do you think the media is driven simply by readership and the need to maintain/grow it, or are this kind of fraud done by ideological objective and agenda?

Some from column A, some from column B.
I'm with you. Personally, I understand and accept column A. I am concerned by the proliferation of those pulling mostly from column B.

True. I also think that Column A will eventually solve Column B over time. This stuff comes in waves and those on the left are seeing the first real challenge to progressive hegemony in their lifetime. They will over dramatize or outright lie if they think it will help slow the decline, but in the end the mood of Americans is changing, and the only new idea to come out of the left in the last decade has been men peeing in women's bathrooms.
I am glad that most presidents find the system slow and cumbersome.

At least this gives the public a chance to digest things before they are acted upon.

I'm not a big fan of any executive that wants to do things too quickly. It's dangerous. Slow and steady wins the race every time.
Pres Trump is finding the checks and balances built into the Constitution a challenge when governing. Pay particular attention to paragraph 4:

He blamed the constitutional checks and balances built in to US governance. “It’s a very rough system,” he said. “It’s an archaic system … It’s really a bad thing for the country.” D. Trump


Its like the guy just got a basic civics lesson, and the checks and balances are something new to him, or is it he finds them rather cumbersome. No one wonder he admires Putin who has no similar restraints on his power.

Trump was referring to the Senate not the Constitution;

He said: ‘You look at the rules of the Senate, even the rules of the House – but the rules of the Senate and some of the things you have to go through, it’s really a bad thing for the country, in my opinion.

‘They’re archaic rules. And maybe at some point we’re going to have to take those rules on, because, for the good of the nation, things are going to have to be different.’

Donald Trump blames 'archaic rules' for frustrations of first 100 days | Metro News

This, my friends, supposed news story is a prime example of "fake news".
Even though the Republicans control Congress Trump's just writing 1 EO after another.

It's like the Legislative Branch doesn't even exist. Must be those pesky Judges he's whining about. He's trying his best to minimize them by attacking them, just like his war on the media. More pesky people that are getting in the 'Dear Leader's' way.

For the party that brags how much they control, they sure cant govern.
Yeah, even more revealing is to keep an eye out for the Democrats who seize on this lie over the next few months and start repeating it.

A new leftist meme.

The lie has been told, the lie must be spread.
From an article discussiong The Patriot Act:

GOP leaders told Bush that his hardcore push to renew the more onerous provisions of the Patriot Act could further alienate conservatives still mad at the President from his botched attempt to nominate White House Counsel Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court.

“I don’t give a goddamn,” Bush retorted. “I’m the President and the Commander-in-Chief. Do it my way.”
“Mr. President,” one aide in the meeting said. “There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution.”
“Stop throwing the Constitution in my face,” Bush screamed back. “It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”

I’ve talked to three people present for the meeting that day and they all confirm that the President of the United States called the Constitution “a goddamned piece of paper.”


as far as Obama is concerned, he was also a POS as POTUS ................... his only saving grace was he had the ability to speak well, he had a real brain, and he at least acted presidential, none of which Don Cheeto could claim ..........

Trumpsters have for the most part always been cafeteria Constitutionalist. They cling to the second for dear life, but diss lawful protest against there Dear Leader. They diss the press en mass, throwing the baby out with the bath water. Sorry Trump, the Courts can and will shut you down if your over the mark, they did to Obama on several occasions, and rightly so, suck it up, and learn to play nicely.
Trumpsters have for the most part always been cafeteria Constitutionalist. They cling to the second for dear life, but diss lawful protest against there Dear Leader. They diss the press en mass, throwing the baby out with the bath water. Sorry Trump, the Courts can and will shut you down if your over the mark, they did to Obama on several occasions, and rightly so, suck it up, and learn to play nicely.

Soooo you are going to continue plowing through this thread without acknowledging that the OP was a lie?
Isn't that just unbelievably sad?

It's even sadder that his supporters don't have a problem with all the EO's. Same ones bitched and moaned about Obama writing them (at a much lower rate and number I might add).
It's even sadder that his supporters don't have a problem with all the EO's. Same ones bitched and moaned about Obama writing them (at a much lower rate and number I might add).

It was Obama issuing them, so they were bad then.
It's even sadder that his supporters don't have a problem with all the EO's. Same ones bitched and moaned about Obama writing them (at a much lower rate and number I might add).

A lot of his EOs are undoing the EOs of Obama so what's not to like?
It's even sadder that his supporters don't have a problem with all the EO's. Same ones bitched and moaned about Obama writing them (at a much lower rate and number I might add).

As has been said many times. The type of the EO's is what matters. Not how many.

Obama's EO to give amnesty to tons of illegals was against already established law. So yeah...bad.

Trump's EO to temp ban travel from countries that are rife with terrorists...apparently also bad if you make it about Muslims instead of actual terrorists which the EO's were about.
Funny...all the stories are based on an article in the Guardian, a U.K. newspaper, but there is no clear citation showing that Trump "Blames the Constitution" for anything.

The only quote is:

This in reference to declaring himself “disappointed” with Congressional Republicans, despite his many “great relationships” with them.

Where is the direct interview clip so we can see what he actually said, if anything, about blaming the Constitution...as opposed to simply having problems with Congress and like past President's blaming that branch for not being able to get his goals accomplished?

Well I found the clip on RealClear Politics :

Trump On Senate: "A Very Rough System," "An Archaic System" That's "A Bad Thing For The Country" | Video | RealClearPolitics

Seems he was talking about politics and the Senate, not "blaming the Constitution." :coffeepap:

So as not to imply its fake news, here is a report from the Independent who cite Fox News, have a great day.

Donald Trump slams 'archaic' US constitution that is 'really bad' for the country | The Independent

Many of the rules for the Congress come from that piece of paper.
I am glad that most presidents find the system slow and cumbersome.

At least this gives the public a chance to digest things before they are acted upon.

It's almost as if the Founders purposefully made it slow and cumbersome...interesting
So as not to imply its fake news, here is a report from the Independent who cite Fox News, have a great day.

Donald Trump slams 'archaic' US constitution that is 'really bad' for the country | The Independent

Many of the rules for the Congress come from that piece of paper.

Funny the Independent didn't link the Fox story, wonder why ?? Here's Trump's full quote, again;

He said: ‘You look at the rules of the Senate, even the rules of the House – but the rules of the Senate and some of the things you have to go through, it’s really a bad thing for the country, in my opinion.

‘They’re archaic rules. And maybe at some point we’re going to have to take those rules on, because, for the good of the nation, things are going to have to be different.’

Where in his quote is he blaming the Constitution ??
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