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Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for Trump (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jun 23, 2005
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On ABC this morning, Trump responded to Khan’s speech. I don’t know what I expected from Trump. Maybe he would show some gentleness. Maybe he would show some empathy. Maybe he would refuse to comment. Maybe he would attack Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama’s foreign policy leadership. All of those responses would have been fine.Trump’s actual response, though, wasn’t fine.
"If you look at his wife, she was standing there," he said, on national television. "She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me."
This wasn’t a slip of the tongue. In an interview with Maureen Dowd, Trump took the same tack. "I’d like to hear his wife say something," he said.

Let’s be very clear about what Trump is doing here: as ABC wrote, he’s suggesting "Khan’s wife didn’t speak because she was forbidden to as a Muslim." This is bull****. It is flatly, verifiably, false. But that’s almost beside the point.
Trump listened to a speech by the bereaved father of a fallen Muslim soldier and used it to slander the fallen soldier’s family. That was his response. That is his character.
Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for Trump - Vox

You know a normal well adjusted individual that had a conscience, was capable of even a shred of empathy, and wasn't a walking personality disorder, would have simply responded with something like "I would just like to thank them for their son's service and sacrifice for this country" and moved on. Trump of course doesn't seem to have a conscience and is just a bigot and an all around narcissistic asshole, so that was his response. The good thing about having Trump in the race is that in many ways it vindicates Richard Nixon.

You know maybe she didn't speak because its pretty hard to get up there and speak before a crowd of tens of thousands of people with potentially tens of millions of people watching on TV, and it was a very emotional moment for her, thus she just wanted her husband to speak for both them as parents of a son that had given his life for this country. How sad is that that in the greatest country on earth, such a cruel, pathetic little man is running for president of it.
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Re: Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for T

Are you forgetting the comment that the husband made about how Muslims treat their women? Trump and everyone else in the damn world knows he was full of crap on that.
Re: Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for T

Are you forgetting the comment that the husband made about how Muslims treat their women? Trump and everyone else in the damn world knows he was full of crap on that.

I think its rather telling that you are the first to defend him this.

This has nothing to do with how some Muslims treat women. Do you think its acceptable to slander someone who lost their son defending this country? If you are a parent, there is nothing worse than losing a child.

BTW, she gave an interview to MSNBC later and she was upset during the interview as just about anyone would be, thus obviously she is not forbidden to speak.
Re: Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for T

I think its rather telling that you are the first to defend him this.

This has nothing to do with how some Muslims treat women. Do you think its acceptable to slander someone who lost their son defending this country? If you are a parent, there is nothing worse than losing a child.

BTW, she gave an interview to MSNBC later and she was upset during the interview as just about anyone would be, thus obviously she is not forbidden to speak.

I would like to see him called out for that lie. Lets see if he can prove that Muslims treat women well. How many countries do you think he will have to ignore to make his argument?
Re: Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for T

Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for Trump - Vox [/FONT][/COLOR]

You know a normal well adjusted individual that had a conscience, was capable of even a shred of empathy, and wasn't a walking personality disorder, would have simply responded with something like "I would just like to thank them for their son's service and sacrifice for this country" and moved on. Trump of course doesn't seem to have a conscience and is just a bigot and an all around narcissistic asshole, so that was his response. The good thing about having Trump in the race is that in many ways it vindicates Richard Nixon.

You know maybe she didn't speak because its pretty hard to get up there and speak before a crowd of tens of thousands of people with potentially tens of millions of people watching on TV, and it was a very emotional moment for her, thus she just wanted her husband to speak for both them as parents of a son that had given his life for this country. How sad is that that in the greatest country on earth, such a cruel, pathetic little man is running for president of it.

All is fair in love war and politics. The gentleman in question got onto a political stage and took a shot a political figure who is known for not backing down. Sorry but if you don't want to be shot at in politics then the rule of thumb is to keep your mouth shut and your head down. Donald shoots everything that moves with his mouth. I have no sympathy for the man. He knew what he was doing. He's got to deal with Donald now.
Re: Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for T

Are you forgetting the comment that the husband made about how Muslims treat their women? Trump and everyone else in the damn world knows he was full of crap on that.

their son is dead, show some respect for the fact that he died in YOUR military unless of course you don't support your military?

how hard is it to acknowledge the death of someone who did what most would not have?
Re: Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for T

I would like to see him called out for that lie. Lets see if he can prove that Muslims treat women well. How many countries do you think he will have to ignore to make his argument?
Henrin you don't treat women well...you have zero respect for those of us who do not fit your definition

so the irony here is rich
Re: Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for T

their son is dead, show some respect for the fact that he died in YOUR military unless of course you don't support your military?

how hard is it to acknowledge the death of someone who did what most would not have?

He lied when he said the GOP hates Muslims, he lied when he said Trump wants to do anything towards Muslims already in the country, and he lied about how Muslims treat women. He's a liar.
Re: Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for T

All is fair in love war and politics. The gentleman in question got onto a political stage and took a shot a political figure who is known for not backing down. Sorry but if you don't want to be shot at in politics then the rule of thumb is to keep your mouth shut and your head down. Donald shoots everything that moves with his mouth. I have no sympathy for the man. He knew what he was doing. He's got to deal with Donald now.

Unfortunately when he had the opportunity to take shots at those really attacking the country he took student deferrments. Five of them. He isn't fit to lick the boots of brave men like the young Muslim who died defending this country. He's a scumbag of major proportions.
Re: Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for T

All is fair in love war and politics. The gentleman in question got onto a political stage and took a shot a political figure who is known for not backing down. Sorry but if you don't want to be shot at in politics then the rule of thumb is to keep your mouth shut and your head down. Donald shoots everything that moves with his mouth. I have no sympathy for the man. He knew what he was doing. He's got to deal with Donald now.

Do you honestly think that any president we have had would have done what Trump did? Seriously, what do you think Bush would have said in response to that? Setting aside of course that Bush never proposed banning Muslim immigration to this country or putting the entire Muslim community in this country under surveillance. I don't know, maybe I am naive, but I expect common decency out of presidents and major party candidates for president and in my 40 years on this earth I have gotten common decency out of all of them until Trump.
Re: Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for T

All is fair in love war and politics. The gentleman in question got onto a political stage and took a shot a political figure who is known for not backing down. Sorry but if you don't want to be shot at in politics then the rule of thumb is to keep your mouth shut and your head down. Donald shoots everything that moves with his mouth. I have no sympathy for the man. He knew what he was doing. He's got to deal with Donald now.

OOOO! Deal with Donald! Scary! :lamo We watched speaker after speaker, including a 4 star Marine General and a Congressional Medal of Honor winner wipe the floor with the scam artist. Screw Trump.
Re: Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for T

Unfortunately when he had the opportunity to take shots at those really attacking the country he took student deferrments. Five of them. He isn't fit to lick the boots of brave men like the young Muslim who died defending this country. He's a scumbag of major proportions.

That's dumb. Is he supposed to forgo his plans because the government wants him? Anyway, when those deferments ran out he failed the exam and the government didn't want him anymore. It's not as if he ran away or something, but instead he used legal avenues and when those legal avenues were used up he went to get the medical exam that he would end up failing.
Re: Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for T

Unfortunately when he had the opportunity to take shots at those really attacking the country he took student deferrments. Five of them. He isn't fit to lick the boots of brave men like the young Muslim who died defending this country. He's a scumbag of major proportions.

Remember too that he was active in sports while he was getting deferments to avoid serving his country, but don't worry, Trump made sacrifices - why he has built buildings....
Re: Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for T

Do you honestly think that any president we have had would have done what Trump did? Seriously, what do you think Bush would have said in response to that? Setting aside of course that Bush never proposed banning Muslim immigration to this country or putting the entire Muslim community in this country under surveillance. I don't know, maybe I am naive, but I expect common decency out of presidents and major party candidates for president and in my 40 years on this earth I have gotten common decency out of all of them until Trump.

He is the most dangerous and the most evil man ever to be the nominee of a major political party for the office of President.
Re: Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for T

He lied when he said the GOP hates Muslims, he lied when he said Trump wants to do anything towards Muslims already in the country, and he lied about how Muslims treat women. He's a liar.

he didn't LIE Henrin, he responded emotionally


he has an investment (dead son) in the well being of your country

a heavy investment

a very heavy investment perhaps it would be best to give him a pass...due to grief if you don't quite understand his stance
Re: Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for T

Remember too that he was active in sports while he was getting deferments to avoid serving his country, but don't worry, Trump made sacrifices - why he has built buildings....

And he attended boarding school, which in his words was just like being in the military! But his sheep lap this crap up.
Re: Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for T

Do you honestly think that any president we have had would have done what Trump did? Seriously, what do you think Bush would have said in response to that? Setting aside of course that Bush never proposed banning Muslim immigration to this country or putting the entire Muslim community in this country under surveillance. I don't know, maybe I am naive, but I expect common decency out of presidents and major party candidates for president and in my 40 years on this earth I have gotten common decency out of all of them until Trump.

Actually yes. Simply look back in our past history of Presidents and you will see racists, xenophobes, nationalists, etc. who have said a lot of nasty things about foreigners, Native Americans, other groups of despised citizens, and political opponents during election campaigns.

Trump does demonstrate some foot in mouth disease. He hasn't lost my vote yet though, not unless a third party candidate arises who has a REAL chance of defeating Hillary Clinton.
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Re: Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for T

He lied when he said the GOP hates Muslims, he lied when he said Trump wants to do anything towards Muslims already in the country, and he lied about how Muslims treat women. He's a liar.

Now you are lying or simply ignorant of what Trump has proposed. He wants the whole Muslim community under heightened surveillance.

Donald Trump 2016 calls for bringing back surveillance of Muslim communities - POLITICO
Donald Trump doubles down on mosque surveillance - CNNPolitics.com
Trump “hates� the idea of racial profiling but is okay with racially profiling Muslims - Vox
Re: Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for T

Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for Trump - Vox [/FONT][/COLOR]

You know a normal well adjusted individual that had a conscience, was capable of even a shred of empathy, and wasn't a walking personality disorder, would have simply responded with something like "I would just like to thank them for their son's service and sacrifice for this country" and moved on. Trump of course doesn't seem to have a conscience and is just a bigot and an all around narcissistic asshole, so that was his response. The good thing about having Trump in the race is that in many ways it vindicates Richard Nixon.

You know maybe she didn't speak because its pretty hard to get up there and speak before a crowd of tens of thousands of people with potentially tens of millions of people watching on TV, and it was a very emotional moment for her, thus she just wanted her husband to speak for both them as parents of a son that had given his life for this country. How sad is that that in the greatest country on earth, such a cruel, pathetic little man is running for president of it.

Meanwhile at the DNC:

Re: Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for T

Do you honestly think that any president we have had would have done what Trump did? Seriously, what do you think Bush would have said in response to that? Setting aside of course that Bush never proposed banning Muslim immigration to this country or putting the entire Muslim community in this country under surveillance. I don't know, maybe I am naive, but I expect common decency out of presidents and major party candidates for president and in my 40 years on this earth I have gotten common decency out of all of them until Trump.

f*** I hate Bush

who knew I would find his merits

not me

but here I stand
Re: Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for T

he didn't LIE Henrin, he responded emotionally


he has an investment (dead son) in the well being of your country

a heavy investment

a very heavy investment perhaps it would be best to give him a pass...due to grief if you don't quite understand his stance

I'll guarantee you that his investment in this country is a hell of a lot bigger than Henrin's or any of the other Trumpies out there, and sure as hell bigger than Cheeto Face.
Re: Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for T

He lied when he said the GOP hates Muslims, he lied when he said Trump wants to do anything towards Muslims already in the country, and he lied about how Muslims treat women. He's a liar.

Uh.....from what I've seen, yeah the GOP does hate Muslims, or at least a large part of its constituency does; yeah, Trump does want to implement his plan for the Muslims; and yeah, Trump is a liar.
Re: Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for T

Actually yes. Simply look back in our past history of Presidents and you will see racists, xenophobes, nationalists, etc. who have said a lot of nasty things about foreigners, Native Americans, and their political opponents during elections.

I stated in my lifetime. Sure if you want to go back to the days of Andrew Jackson you find plenty of bigots like Trump in politics. How many in the last 40 years though?
Re: Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for T

I'll guarantee you that his investment in this country is a hell of a lot bigger than Henrin's or any of the other Trumpies out there, and sure as hell bigger than Cheeto Face.

I don't support Trump, you know. I just don't like this lying ass that spoke at the DNC.
Re: Donald Trump’s slander of Captain Humayun Khan’s family is horrifying, even for T

Unfortunately when he had the opportunity to take shots at those really attacking the country he took student deferrments. Five of them. He isn't fit to lick the boots of brave men like the young Muslim who died defending this country. He's a scumbag of major proportions.


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