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DOJ Drops Criminal Case against ex-Trump adviser Flynn (1 Viewer)

Flynn lied to the vice president about his contacts with the Russian ambassador -- this is the core of the case against him. It is the reason Trump said Flynn resigned as national security adviser.

The lie to the number 2 in the line of succession compromised Flynn -- the national security adviser -- to the Kremlin and subjected the retired Army intelligence chief Lt.Gen. Flynn to blackmail etc. It compromised Flynn with the US Government officers of the military, national intelligence, federal investigations.

This is the core of the case and it has been dismissed by Putin Trump & their Rowers led in this assassination of justice and national security by AG Barr. It refocuses us on the fact the Republican Party has become the largest pro Russia political party outside of Russia itself. And that Trump Conservatives and Rightist Libertarians have joined with the Republican Party to become what we took up arms to defeat throughout the 20th century. Barr is the kind of foreign minister of justice the US and allies took as POW and put before a tribunal.

Yet it is not a conspiracy due to the fact Putin Trump & Rowers are doing it completely in the open and are in fact dancing in the streets and laughing doing it. Any caution expressed by the Rowers at the moment would be due to the fact Judge Sullivan has the judicial authority to proceed further. Especially given Trump said today he might bring Flynn back into the WH.

There was no basis in law to investigate Mr. Flynn.

The rest of the post is hysteria. Because now the question becomes what is the basis in fact for even thinking Mr. Trump had conspired with Russia.
It proves no such thing, unless you are ok with the inherent circular reasoning. Trump wanted Flynn off the hook. Barr found a cleaver way to save Trump from using his limited political capital on a pardon.

Frankly, its much more proof of just how corrupt the Trump administration really is and how is supporters are other too ignorant to understand the role a substantially independent justice department plays in ensuring the strength of our democracy or simply lack the patriotism to care.

The clever way that was found was the actual law
He lied to the fbi. The judge broke out and said it was treason before walking it back.. but flynn got railroaded...lol.

Just another thing to the list about how "cons" are frauds.
Law and order Party my ****ing ass

No, he didn't. In fact, the last release of documents show two things:

1) THe agents assigned to the Flynn case concluded that he hadn't lied, or broken the law.

2) Peter Strzok pulled strings to keep the case open anyway.

3) Strzok, while being advised by Page, edited the 302 document of the Flynn interview to make it appear that he had lied.

4) They then proceeded to pressure a confession out of Flynn by threatening to arrest Flynn's son if he didn't plead guilty.

The initial documents going into the Flynn interview had the lead agent asking whether they wanted to entrap Flynn, get him fired of get to the truth... tell me, in what sane world would an FBI investigator need that clarified by the DOJ?
The corruption knows no bottom and is on full display. Barr is saying Flynn didn't commit crimes that he litereally pleaded guilty to. IOW, this is essentially a pardon from the mafioso in the WH.

And remember: Only the judge can vacate the plea agreement. Barr can’t do anything to it.

Your support of criminality and corruption duly noted.

We will see what the judge says.
The law that Flynn allegedly violated requires the misrepresenting to of a material fact to what is being investigated.
Since there was no basis for investigating, no law was broken.

Of course, we all know this all has to do with the unsubstantiated and increasingly discredited theory that Trump had conspired with Russia.
There was no basis in law to investigate Mr. Flynn.

The rest of the post is hysteria. Because now the question becomes what is the basis in fact for even thinking Mr. Trump had conspired with Russia.

De Nile isn't only a river in Egypt.

Flynn lied to the vice president about his contacts with the Russian ambassador -- this is the core of the case against him. It is the reason Trump said Flynn resigned as national security adviser.

The lie to the number 2 in the line of succession compromised Flynn to the Kremlin and subjected the retired Army intelligence chief Lt.Gen. Flynn to blackmail etc. It compromised Flynn with the US Government officers of the military, national intelligence, federal investigations.

This is the core of the case and it has been dismissed by Putin Trump & their Rowers led in this assassination of justice and national security by AG Barr.
Dude, you think that is what that showed?:lamo

"The Government is not persuaded that the January 24, 2017 interview was conducted with a legitimate investigative basis and therefore does not believe Mr. Flynn's statements were material even if untrue. Moreover, we not believe that the Government can prove either the relevant false statements or their materiality beyond a reasonable doubt," the filing states.
Well yes, it is over. That's what happens when a corrupt administration with a bunch of criminals in its midst controls the entire prosecutorial apparatus of the federal government.

This is the best outcome for Trump, and no doubt Barr counseled him on it. If he issued a pardon he'd have to defend personally protecting someone who was on his team who committed a crime.

This way, they can pretend with a straight face that this really was the decision of some conscientious US Attorney acting on his own and Barr merely approved of it, when it quite obviously was a top-down order. It will not only will fire up the base (and is doing so), but can be used as a distraction from the COVID failures that got tens of thousands killed. RW media will be blaring on about this for a while.

Meanwhile Trump can go "Exonerated!" Can't very well claim someone is exonerated if you pardoned them.

So, congratulations on backing successful corruption! 'Merka!

Edit: DERP. Almost certainly over.

The judge must still grant the government's motion to dismiss the charges. The judge may not. They usually do, but they don't have to.
AP Exclusive: Justice Dept dropping Flynn'''s criminal case

More proof that the Mueller investigation was a complete waste of time. At least Flynn gets justice.

The investigation into Flynn had nothing to do with Mueller it was his lying to Michael Pence regarding his meeting with Kislyak which would have given the Russians kompromat which was the perfect predication for an investigation into Michael Flynn. The AG's premise is completely bizarre and it represents a total collapse of Justice in America and the rise of banana republicanism of third world countries congratulations to Republican
****ing morons they're destroying America
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Just LOL at a country that the DOJ will drop the case against a guy who plead guilty because he's a crony of the president.
I won't be here. My contingency plan is to move to Colombia, S. America with my son who moved there when Trump was election.

Makes your son a coward and a loser. No offense of course but it is what it is.
AG Barr, who is essentially the consigliere of the Trump crime family, dismissed the case against Flynn, in a splendid display of cronyism. It's as if the lead prosecutor in the country was working for the mafia.
The colossal incompetence of the Trump admin will allow all of the wild animal viruses to kill off humanity by then. Planet Earth is fighting back against the polluters who wish to destroy it. Today’s version of the Industrial Revolution is destroying ALL Animal and Plant life.

Another brave man. Panicking due to a minor epidemic.
Wow. Interesting turn. I'm glad there was a fuller investigation into this matter and things were further resolved.
I won't be here. My contingency plan is to move to Colombia, S. America with my son who moved there when Trump was election.

DOn't let the door hit you on the way out.
DOn't let the door hit you on the way out.

I'll be happy to get out of the hell you're going to be stuck in. Enjoy your self-mad hell.
Makes your son a coward and a loser. No offense of course but it is what it is.

Makes him smarter than any of you. He saw what Trump was going to do to destroy this country, and everything he predicted has come true so far.
"The Government is not persuaded that the January 24, 2017 interview was conducted with a legitimate investigative basis and therefore does not believe Mr. Flynn's statements were material even if untrue. Moreover, we not believe that the Government can prove either the relevant false statements or their materiality beyond a reasonable doubt," the filing states.

No matter how you guys slice it it's still baloney.

Baloney borscht.
Well yes, it is over. That's what happens when a corrupt administration with a bunch of criminals in its midst controls the entire prosecutorial apparatus of the federal government.

This is the best outcome for Trump, and no doubt Barr counseled him on it. If he issued a pardon he'd have to defend personally protecting someone who was on his team who committed a crime.

This way, they can pretend with a straight face that this really was the decision of some conscientious US Attorney acting on his own and Barr merely approved of it, when it quite obviously was a top-down order. It will not only will fire up the base (and is doing so), but can be used as a distraction from the COVID failures that got tens of thousands killed. RW media will be blaring on about this for a while.

Meanwhile Trump can go "Exonerated!" Can't very well claim someone is exonerated if you pardoned them.

So, congratulations on backing successful corruption! 'Merka!

I hope you get nominated for an Oscar. You deserve one!

These rebuttals are like living in a cave full of bats!
It proves no such thing, unless you are ok with the inherent circular reasoning. Trump wanted Flynn off the hook. Barr found a cleaver way to save Trump from using his limited political capital on a pardon.

Frankly, its much more proof of just how corrupt the Trump administration really is and how is supporters are other too ignorant to understand the role a substantially independent justice department plays in ensuring the strength of our democracy or simply lack the patriotism to care.

So you don't think the newly uncovered documents withheld by the FBI and the Mueller team that showed the FBI intentionally set Flynn up had anything to do with it?
Let us hope the federal judge refuses to accept this and sentences Flynn to prison with him hauled off the same day in cuffs. Anything less than that means that there no longer is a rule of law in the USA and Trump is responsible for that.
Let us hope the federal judge refuses to accept this and sentences Flynn to prison with him hauled off the same day in cuffs. Anything less than that means that there no longer is a rule of law in the USA and Trump is responsible for that.

And that would be appealed. And the judge made to look like a fool.

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