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DOJ Drops Criminal Case against ex-Trump adviser Flynn (1 Viewer)

Trump's DOJ drops case against Trump adviser? Shocking, I tell you. From OP link:

The U.S. attorney reviewing the Flynn case, Jeff Jensen, recommended the move to Attorney General William Barr last week and formalized the recommendation in a document this week. “Through the course of my review of General Flynn’s case, I concluded the proper and just course was to dismiss the case,” Jensen said in a statement. “I briefed Attorney General Barr on my findings, advised him on these conclusions, and he agreed.”
The decision comes as Barr has increasingly challenged the Russia investigation, saying in a television interview last month that it was started “without any basis.” In February, he overruled a decision by prosecutors in the Roger Stone case in favor of a more lenient recommended sentence for the longtime Trump friend.
Justice Department officials visited the White House two days later to warn officials that they feared that Flynn was compromised and vulnerable to blackmail by Russia because of his account of what was said on the call. White House officials waited several weeks to oust him from the job, saying they’d concluded that Flynn had lied to them. Flynn pleaded guilty that December, becoming among the first of the president’s aides to admit guilt in Mueller’s investigation. He acknowledged that he lied about his conversations with Kislyak, in which he encourage Russia not to retaliate against the U.S. for sanctions imposed by the Obama administration over election interference.

Yeah, I'm sure that's the right order. I'm sure Trump didn't talk to Barr, who didn't talk to Jensen beforehand. I'm sure Jensen reached this decision after his own personal contientious reflection, and that this wasn't designed to make it look like this wasn't a top-down order. I'm also sure the Trumpists who will cheer this toady behavior on as if it's exoneration would do exactly the same thing, had Obama's AG quashed a case against an Obama adviser.

I'm sure this isn't another distraction from Trump's 70ish days of lying and denying about COVID-19, that got tens of thousands killed who didn't need to. I'm sure it isn't designed just to get Trumpists screaming about deep states and exoneration, even though they too know perfectly well this is no more and no less than a political maneuver: Trump tells Barr to quash the case against Flynn.

That was all sarcastic, btw.

Not that any of Obama's people went around criming. <-- That was not sarcastic.

Oh, and I'm sure that the people supposedly outraged that Flynn was some forced to lie (Obama deep state? Or his mind control worms from space?) were just as outraged at what they call the "perjury trap" that forced Clinton to lie about a private blowjob, leading to impeachment. <--- Sarcastic again. Naughty me.

You wish. Maybe you are one of those people who have a hard time coming to terms with”dirty cops”, and crooked prosecutiors. I’m personally shocked by the whole thing from the get-go.

It's obvious what happened: Trump had Barr quash the case, most likely in coordination with RW media (he talks regularly with Hannity and Limbaugh, etc)

It's also obvious what it was designed to do: get the base fired up and distract from getting tens of thousands killed with COVID dithering/lies.

And it is, in fact, accomplishing what it was designed to do: the Trumpists are saying exactly what I knew they'd say.

Stay useful. :2wave:
Besides the dirty, underhanded, lying, disgusting campaign Trump and the Republicans are going to run for the next 6 months.. Get use to this kind of stuff too, Trump and his mafia crime family will be pardoning and doing everything possible to protect him and the criminals around him asses, just in case.

And if he loses in November I HATE to think what he and his criminals will do between November and January.
Don't you worry, the day will come when I'll put them all right in your face once you come to your senses, if you ever do.

If President Trump remains in office another 4 & 1/2 years are you sure your computer has enough memory?
Bottom line:It’s over, Rover!

Well yes, it is over. That's what happens when a corrupt administration with a bunch of criminals in its midst controls the entire prosecutorial apparatus of the federal government.

This is the best outcome for Trump, and no doubt Barr counseled him on it. If he issued a pardon he'd have to defend personally protecting someone who was on his team who committed a crime.

This way, they can pretend with a straight face that this really was the decision of some conscientious US Attorney acting on his own and Barr merely approved of it, when it quite obviously was a top-down order. It will not only will fire up the base (and is doing so), but can be used as a distraction from the COVID failures that got tens of thousands killed. RW media will be blaring on about this for a while.

Meanwhile Trump can go "Exonerated!" Can't very well claim someone is exonerated if you pardoned them.

So, congratulations on backing successful corruption! 'Merka!
If President Trump remains in office another 4 & 1/2 years are you sure your computer has enough memory?

I won't be here. My contingency plan is to move to Colombia, S. America with my son who moved there when Trump was election.
More fun facts, the attorney who is pretending to have thought this up (rather than being ordered to by Barr):

U.S. Attorney Jeffrey B. Jensen
Jeff Jensen, U.S. Attorney, Eastern District of Missouri

Jeff Jensen was nominated by President Donald Trump on July 14, 2017, and confirmed by the U.S. Senate on October 4, 2017.

Meet the U.S. Attorney

He was put on the Attorney General's Advisory Committee of United States Attorneys (AGAC)

As of January 2017, AGAC membership consists of:

Richard Moore - Southern District of Alabama, Chair
John W. Huber - District of Utah, Vice Chair
Justin E. Herdman - Northern District of Ohio
Robert Hidgon – Eastern District of North Carolina
Jeff Jensen – Eastern District of Missouri
Jessie K. Liu – District of Columbia
Joshua Minkler – Southern District of Indiana
Brian Schroder - District of Alaska
Robert Trent Shores – Northern District of Oklahoma, ex officio[4]

Advisory Committee of U.S. Attorneys - Wikipedia
Besides the dirty, underhanded, lying, disgusting campaign Trump and the Republicans are going to run for the next 6 months.. Get use to this kind of stuff too, Trump and his mafia crime family will be pardoning and doing everything possible to protect him and the criminals around him asses, just in case.

And if he loses in November I HATE to think what he and his criminals will do between November and January.

Shredders will be running 24/7 and the pardon pen will be smoking!!!
You mean the program that the bush administration started and Obama inherited???
As AG in 1992, Barr completed the cover-up of Iran-Contra for GHWB. In the CIA at the end of Nixon, Barr opposed the 8-0 Supreme Court ruling for Nixon to turn over the Watergate tapes.

Stone and Manafort are next to be let go. Trump has his Roy Cohn. Barr needs Trump to win to save his own ass from scrutiny for four more years. If Trump loses, watch the wild cover-ups and pardons.
Get ready for a flood of trump hater threads.

What pisses them off most is that they lose stuff to attack Trump with. (But they'll keep trying even if they have to make stuff up.)
Most corrupt administration in American history!!!

It's almost an honor to experience history being made.

Now trump and others need to go to prison when we take back our country from criminals...
Trump's DOJ drops case against Trump adviser? Shocking, I tell you. From OP link:

The U.S. attorney reviewing the Flynn case, Jeff Jensen, recommended the move to Attorney General William Barr last week and formalized the recommendation in a document this week. “Through the course of my review of General Flynn’s case, I concluded the proper and just course was to dismiss the case,” Jensen said in a statement. “I briefed Attorney General Barr on my findings, advised him on these conclusions, and he agreed.”
The decision comes as Barr has increasingly challenged the Russia investigation, saying in a television interview last month that it was started “without any basis.” In February, he overruled a decision by prosecutors in the Roger Stone case in favor of a more lenient recommended sentence for the longtime Trump friend.
Justice Department officials visited the White House two days later to warn officials that they feared that Flynn was compromised and vulnerable to blackmail by Russia because of his account of what was said on the call. White House officials waited several weeks to oust him from the job, saying they’d concluded that Flynn had lied to them. Flynn pleaded guilty that December, becoming among the first of the president’s aides to admit guilt in Mueller’s investigation. He acknowledged that he lied about his conversations with Kislyak, in which he encourage Russia not to retaliate against the U.S. for sanctions imposed by the Obama administration over election interference.

Yeah, I'm sure that's the right order. I'm sure Trump didn't talk to Barr, who didn't talk to Jensen beforehand. I'm sure Jensen reached this decision after his own personal contientious reflection, and that this wasn't designed to make it look like this wasn't a top-down order. I'm also sure the Trumpists who will cheer this toady behavior on as if it's exoneration would do exactly the same thing, had Obama's AG quashed a case against an Obama adviser.

I'm sure this isn't another distraction from Trump's 70ish days of lying and denying about COVID-19, that got tens of thousands killed who didn't need to. I'm sure it isn't designed just to get Trumpists screaming about deep states and exoneration, even though they too know perfectly well this is no more and no less than a political maneuver: Trump tells Barr to quash the case against Flynn.

That was all sarcastic, btw.

Not that any of Obama's people went around criming. <-- That was not sarcastic.

Oh, and I'm sure that the people supposedly outraged that Flynn was some forced to lie (Obama deep state? Or his mind control worms from space?) were just as outraged at what they call the "perjury trap" that forced Clinton to lie about a private blowjob, leading to impeachment. <--- Sarcastic again. Naughty me.

There we go again, the anti Trump crowd just cannot accept the fact that there was corruption during the Obama term and the public with the exception of California got it, some here never will, such biased, partisan hate filled liberals refuse to accept responsibility for anything

So much corruption ignored by the left during the Obama term yet 24/7 anal exam on Trump rhetoric and supposed lies. Destruction of someone else's life, Flynn' isn't of any concern to the left as their ideology, Liberalism, which by the way is the worst lie ever, employs politics of personal destruction to generate career positions of power by creating massive dependence. Trump is destroying the liberal ideology by showing the American people the benefits of conservative economic policies pre pandemic and the left is fighting for survival of their power base
If President Trump remains in office another 4 & 1/2 years are you sure your computer has enough memory?
The colossal incompetence of the Trump admin will allow all of the wild animal viruses to kill off humanity by then. Planet Earth is fighting back against the polluters who wish to destroy it. Today’s version of the Industrial Revolution is destroying ALL Animal and Plant life.
Most corrupt administration in American history!!!

It's almost an honor to experience history being made.

Now trump and others need to go to prison when we take back our country from criminals...

The most corrupt ideology is liberalism which promotes spending in the name of compassion that creates multi millionaire public servants and millions dependent which isn't compassion at all, it is imprisonment
AP Exclusive: Justice Dept dropping Flynn'''s criminal case

More proof that the Mueller investigation was a complete waste of time. At least Flynn gets justice.

The corruption knows no bottom and is on full display. Barr is saying Flynn didn't commit crimes that he litereally pleaded guilty to. IOW, this is essentially a pardon from the mafioso in the WH.

And remember: Only the judge can vacate the plea agreement. Barr can’t do anything to it.

Your support of criminality and corruption duly noted.
The colossal incompetence of the Trump admin will allow all of the wild animal viruses to kill off humanity by then. Planet Earth is fighting back against the polluters who wish to destroy it. Today’s version of the Industrial Revolution is destroying ALL Animal and Plant life.

Look at the window at one of the most corrupt cities in the nation, Chicago. You have zero credibility in talking about corruption. you cannot even admit that you are part of the most corrupt ideology in the world, liberalism, that creates dependence and multi millionaire public servants
Anyone think they could get away with admitting to lying to the FBI under oath and walk away? A black man cannot even jog down the street in Murica.
The corruption knows no bottom and is on full display. Barr is saying Flynn didn't commit crimes that he litereally pleaded guilty to. IOW, this is essentially a pardon from the mafioso in the WH.

And remember: Only the judge can vacate the plea agreement. Barr can’t do anything to it.

Your support of criminality and corruption duly noted.

I said it once, I will quote it forever.

”Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy.”

Louis D. Brandeis, in “Olmstead v. United States”, 277 U.S. 438 (1928)
AP Exclusive: Justice Dept dropping Flynn'''s criminal case

More proof that the Mueller investigation was a complete waste of time. At least Flynn gets justice.

It proves no such thing, unless you are ok with the inherent circular reasoning. Trump wanted Flynn off the hook. Barr found a cleaver way to save Trump from using his limited political capital on a pardon.

Frankly, its much more proof of just how corrupt the Trump administration really is and how is supporters are other too ignorant to understand the role a substantially independent justice department plays in ensuring the strength of our democracy or simply lack the patriotism to care.
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It proves no such thing, unless you are ok with the inherent circular reasoning. Trump wanted Flynn off the hook. Barr found a cleaver way to save Trump from using his limited political capital on a pardon.

Frankly, its much more proof of just how corrupt the Trump administration really is and how is supporters are other too ignorant to understand the role a substantially independent justice department plays in ensuring the strength of our democracy or simply lack the patriotism to care.

wow you really have been brainwashed haven't you? No corruption in the Obama Administration?? Wow, stunning ignorance. You are supporting the most corrupt ideology in the world today, Liberalism, it makes people dependent and creates multi millionaire public servants and people like you who get upset at losing elections
Get ready for a flood of trump hater threads.

What pisses them off most is that they lose stuff to attack Trump with. (But they'll keep trying even if they have to make stuff up.)
15 down to zero cases will go over 75,000 deaths today. How many more years of destroying Planet Earth by the Gilded GOP, the party of Greed and Graft? How long before ALL Animals and Plant life are extinct; before the earth, air, and water are fully decimated?
15 down to zero cases will go over 75,000 deaths today. How many more years of destroying Planet Earth by the Gilded GOP, the party of Greed and Graft? How long before ALL Animals and Plant life are extinct; before the earth, air, and water are fully decimated?

Reality sucks doesn't it, tell us which of the following countries doesn't have universal healthcare

May 6, 2020

Cases Deaths Percentage

United States 1259709 74581 5.9%

Spain 221447 26070 11.8%

Italy 214457 29684 13.8%

England 201111 30076 15.0%

France 137150 25809 18.8%

Netherlands 31319 5204 16.6%

Coronavirus (COVID-19) live map tracker from Microsoft Bing
He lied to the fbi. Lied...

Flynn lied to the vice president about his contacts with the Russian ambassador -- this is the core of the case against him. It is the reason Trump said Flynn resigned as national security adviser.

The lie to the number 2 in the line of succession compromised Flynn -- the national security adviser -- to the Kremlin and subjected the retired Army intelligence chief Lt.Gen. Flynn to blackmail etc. It compromised Flynn with the US Government officers of the military, national intelligence, federal investigations.

This is the core of the case and it has been dismissed by Putin Trump & their Rowers led in this assassination of justice and national security by AG Barr. It refocuses us on the fact the Republican Party has become the largest pro Russia political party outside of Russia itself. And that Trump Conservatives and Rightist Libertarians have joined with the Republican Party to become what we took up arms to defeat throughout the 20th century. Barr is the kind of foreign minister of justice the US and allies took as POW and put before a tribunal.

Yet it is not a conspiracy due to the fact Putin Trump & Rowers are doing it completely in the open and are in fact dancing in the streets and laughing doing it. Any caution expressed by the Rowers at the moment would be due to the fact Judge Sullivan has the judicial authority to proceed further. Especially given Trump said today he might bring Flynn back into the WH.
It's absolutely disgusted and a black stain on our entire criminal justice system. Michael Flynn was plotting with Russia and Turkey for cripes sake. He lied to the FBI and that's not even an arguable fact.

It should be clear to anyone with half a brain, which excludes any Trump supporters that are cheering this, that our government has been hijacked.

Vote this bastard out.

There is no basis to claim that Flynn was plotting with Russia.

As the law indicates, in order for a misrepresentation to the FBI to be a crime, that misrepresentation must be with regards to a "material" fact of that investigation.

In order for the FBI to launch an investigation, they must have a good faith reason for doing so.

As the revelations over the past week have shown, there was no good faith reason to investigate Mr. Flynn.

Thus, there was no crime.

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