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Do you understand that inflation is a world event cause by the Covid pandemic? (1 Viewer)

Do you understand that inflation is a world event cause by the Covid pandemic?

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Aug 31, 2018
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Reading posts here, watching Fox, seeing the results of polls, it seems clear many people have no clue that this inflation we find ourselves confronting is a direct result of the COVID pandemic.

Do YOU realize this? Or, do you think it something else? Maybe you think this is just occurring in America and Biden is responsible? I know Fox is selling this. I just find it hard to believe anyone cannot realize the truth. Do you know why we have inflation? That it is not unique to America? That it is not a result of the god-awful liberals?

No option is available for other as this is fact, not conjecture. You either realize this or you don't. If you want to have an "other" option, you are a "no" vote in this poll.
The end of the COVID pandemic spiked aggregate demand, yes. But how governments choose to respond to that affects inflation too.

We had a lot of COVID relief spending last year (understandably). And the Fed has, so far, been slow to act in raising interest rates (understandably). These government actions do contribute to inflation. If people want to make the case that the ARP was too big or the Fed should have acted sooner, that isn't an unreasonable position.

As for it not being unique to America...well, many countries have seen a bump but the US currently has the second-highest inflation rate in the OECD, after Turkey.
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Reading posts here, watching Fox, seeing the results of polls, it seems clear many people have no clue that this inflation we find ourselves confronting is a direct result of the COVID pandemic.

Do YOU realize this? Or, do you think it something else? Maybe you think this is just occurring in America and Biden is responsible? I know Fox is selling this. I just find it hard to believe anyone cannot realize the truth. Do you know why we have inflation? That it is not unique to America? That it is not a result of the god-awful liberals?

No option is available for other as this is fact, not conjecture. You either realize this or you don't. If you want to have an "other" option, you are a "no" vote in this poll.
I know it's a big part of the reason, but it's not the only factor, and inflation isn't equal everywhere on the planet.
Yeah, just like gas prices are the fault of Putin according to Biden. He is seizing the moment to take some heat off of him. Biden is a coward.
I know it's a big part of the reason, but it's not the only factor, and inflation isn't equal everywhere on the planet.

Covid is what precipitated inflation and caused, effectively, all of the upward price pressures.
Yeah, just like gas prices are the fault of Putin according to Biden. He is seizing the moment to take some heat off of him. Biden is a coward.
The west's resistance to purchase energy from Russia is already reflecting in price rises. It is contributor but not YET of great significance.
I'm sure it has nothing to do with reckless spending.

Yeah, Trump and the GOP did spend a lot during their reign of terror, with zilch to show for it.
Yeah, just like gas prices are the fault of Putin according to Biden. He is seizing the moment to take some heat off of him. Biden is a coward.
Though Biden is not responsible for the price of oil on the world market. Most of the pick up in the price is because of what is happening in Eastern Europe.

You do remember that the current price of a barrel of oil is a bit higher than it was in 2014, but not by much. It currently is well under the prices of the summer of 2008, and on a constant dollar basis, it is much lower.

Oil prices are historically quite volatile. This is something that is not under the control of the US President, but is the result of a multitude of factors. Don't overreact to the peaks and valleys. That is the job of the oil producers.

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Reading posts here, watching Fox, seeing the results of polls, it seems clear many people have no clue that this inflation we find ourselves confronting is a direct result of the COVID pandemic.

Do YOU realize this? Or, do you think it something else? Maybe you think this is just occurring in America and Biden is responsible? I know Fox is selling this. I just find it hard to believe anyone cannot realize the truth. Do you know why we have inflation? That it is not unique to America? That it is not a result of the god-awful liberals?

No option is available for other as this is fact, not conjecture. You either realize this or you don't. If you want to have an "other" option, you are a "no" vote in this poll.
It is not a direct result of Covid. It is an indirect result of Covid.
Maybe. Too much cash was pushed out indiscriminately. We needed support but Trump did not plan it well.
It is more complicated than that.

Current inflation pressures across the world have multiple causes, some national and some global supply issues. The US, Canada and the UK at least borrowed heavily to support their economies during Covid 19. That extra spending is inflationary, and counter acted the deflationary aspect of the shutdowns. Now with the countries opening up, with all that extra money in the economy and many people not coming back to work we have a supply shortage with extra demand causing inflation as well. Add in the supply disruptions from other countries and inflation is a given.

Due to debts incurred expect high inflation for quite a few years, or an economic collapse if interest rates are jacked up to combat inflation. See 1982 but much worse as debt levels are much higher
Sounds like propgranda from the DNC or the White House. They push nothing is our fault. Hey voters are not buying what they are selling. It's going to be a historical disaster in the mid terms for the hapless Democrats and Brandon lost most of the time.
So this thread is about inflation and the Dems are ushing for more Covid spending. The Democrats apparently love inflation.
Both sides are always asking for stuff. Biden is a moderate. He makes sure we get what we need. Not what we want.
Both sides are always asking for stuff. Biden is a moderate. He makes sure we get what we need. Not what we want.
Biden pretended to be moderate until he was sworn in. Yeah, only thing we got from Biden was 3 free N95 masks that were no longer needed a week later. He is a real doozy!
Both sides are always asking for stuff. Biden is a moderate. He makes sure we get what we need. Not what we want.
Biden is not a moderate. His policies have been the most radically leftist of all presidents.
Biden pretended to be moderate until he was sworn in. Yeah, only thing we got from Biden was 3 free N95 masks that were no longer needed a week later. He is a real doozy!
He is a moderate, He needed moderate republicans to support him. Where were you?
Reading posts here, watching Fox, seeing the results of polls, it seems clear many people have no clue that this inflation we find ourselves confronting is a direct result of the COVID pandemic.

Do YOU realize this? Or, do you think it something else? Maybe you think this is just occurring in America and Biden is responsible? I know Fox is selling this. I just find it hard to believe anyone cannot realize the truth. Do you know why we have inflation? That it is not unique to America? That it is not a result of the god-awful liberals?

No option is available for other as this is fact, not conjecture. You either realize this or you don't. If you want to have an "other" option, you are a "no" vote in this poll.
Better question is this: Who doesn't understand it?

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