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Do You Think Democrats will try to overthrow the presidential election with voter fraud? (1 Viewer)

Do You Think Democrats will try to overthrow the presidential election with voter fraud?

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DP Veteran
Nov 20, 2013
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Do You Think Democrats will try to overthrow the presidential election with voter fraud?
Yes - with elaboration
No - with elaboration
Yes, but they will be very slick about it. If they succeed, they'll be home free. No one will be held accountable.
Yes, but they will be very slick about it. If they succeed, they'll be home free. No one will be held accountable.

The Democrats have a history of this, example the 2016 election, and also yes, none of them will be held accountable for it.

Though I think that this time they'll be far more obvious about it and not so slick. Seems they are beyond caring about what such division does to the nation.
Do You Think Democrats will try to overthrow the presidential election with voter fraud?
Yes - with elaboration
No - with elaboration

It wouldn’t surprise me. Anything for power.
They spied on the Trump campaign, spend 30 million on a false Russian hoax, tried to remove him from office for abuse of power, like no one else in Congress abuse their power including Obama and Biden.
Buncha Qanon insanity. They dont need proof. Them libs are LIKE that. You know how they are. YUCK.
Trump appointee for Postmaster General Dejoy says mail in voting is perfectly safe and he's been voting by mail for years.
The risk is entirely from the Qanon side. Trump has all but openly declared his intention, and his appointees are already hard at work suppressing the vote.
Do You Think Democrats will try to overthrow the presidential election with voter fraud?
Yes - with elaboration
No - with elaboration

Its all they talk about, not accepting the results, and postponing it too *checks notes* oh, wait -
Trump appointee for Postmaster General Dejoy says mail in voting is perfectly safe and he's been voting by mail for years.

And no one knows postal service like he does.
Do You Think Democrats will try to overthrow the presidential election with voter fraud?
Yes - with elaboration
No - with elaboration

If democrats can cheat with voter fraud so can republicans, this is where things can get messy.

Now the big problem is going to be mail in voting, this can help democrats or horribly hurt them, reason being republicans seem to favor voting in person while democrats favor voting from their house. This raises a question of how dedicated are democrats to biden if they will not vote for him if they are required to leave their house.

But the bigger question is how many votes will be thrown out, so far I read somewhere today around 500k votes were already thrown out for either being late or improper or for other reasons during the primaries alone, and this does not count them combing through to check for other things. Now imagine this on a nationwide scale, if instead of 500k votes, it ends up being 3 or 4 million votes discarded for being late, or improper, or for whatever reason, that would be enough votes to throw an entire election without cheating, simply by following rules.

Hence democrats and republicans should be scared of large scale mail in votes, ballot stuffing is always a concern, but a greater concern is your vote gets rejected or never arrives to get counted, as the mail system was never intended to handle such, and states can not handle so much in terms of late ballots, and the election results can not be pushed back months because states wanted to implement a mail in system that would take years to get right midway through an election cycle without ever stopping to think about it.
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What exactly do you mean by “overthrown the election”?

We're not even close to catching up to the Democratic troll threads.
Do You Think Democrats will try to overthrow the presidential election with voter fraud?
Yes - with elaboration
No - with elaboration

There is no evidence of voter fraud and no historical evidence that people who cheat with voting have been statistically significant on any major election.

This is nothing but a red herring.

Also, all one has to do right now is look at polling which is also historically very accurate, especially the aggregate ones like 538 or RCP
The last thing Democrats would use to overthrow anything Presidential would be voter fraud. The Dems have the numbers. I sense that Democrats merely want a fair and accurate voting tally. Nothing more, nothing less.
If democrats can cheat with voter fraud so can republicans, this is where things can get messy.

Now the big problem is going to be mail in voting, this can help democrats or horribly hurt them, reason being republicans seem to favor voting in person while democrats favor voting from their house. This raises a question of how dedicated are democrats to biden if they will not vote for him if they are required to leave their house.

But the bigger question is how many votes will be thrown out, so far I read somewhere today around 500k votes were already thrown out for either being late or improper or for other reasons during the primaries alone, and this does not count them combing through to check for other things. Now imagine this on a nationwide scale, if instead of 500k votes, it ends up being 3 or 4 million votes discarded for being late, or improper, or for whatever reason, that would be enough votes to throw an entire election without cheating, simply by following rules.

Hence democrats and republicans should be scared of large scale mail in votes, ballot stuffing is always a concern, but a greater concern is your vote gets rejected or never arrives to get counted, as the mail system was never intended to handle such, and states can not handle so much in terms of late ballots, and the election results can not be pushed back months because states wanted to implement a mail in system that would take years to get right midway through an election cycle without ever stopping to think about it.

Absolutely. Converting states to universal voting a few short months before a PResidential election is completely insane and you have to question the motives of any state that does so.
Absolutely. Converting states to universal voting a few short months before a PResidential election is completely insane and you have to question the motives of any state that does so.

Apparently there is some virus going around. You know, the one Trump. referred to as a hoax.

Do You Think Democrats will try to overthrow the presidential election with voter fraud?
Yes - with elaboration
No - with elaboration

Voted "No with elaboration". I'm more worried that it's going to end up being a Bush vs. Gore situation all over again.
There is no evidence of voter fraud and no historical evidence that people who cheat with voting have been statistically significant on any major election.
California Primary in March - 70,000 mail in ballots were thrown out because signatures didn't match or no signature all. How many criminal investigations were started in regard to those 70,000 ballots?
Apparently there is some virus going around. You know, the one Trump. referred to as a hoax.


Absentee ballot. Every state has had them. For decades. California mailing 5 million live ballots to people they know are ineligible to vote is insane.
Do You Think Democrats will try to overthrow the presidential election with voter fraud?
Yes - with elaboration
No - with elaboration


It's the Republicans as Political System Program who continue to promote voter repressions, promoting the hoodwinking of Gerrymandering by playing and promoting race based animus !!!
These types love nothing more than "Contentions and Attacking Something"... and their ingrained Envy is so deeply embedded, they will attack anyone who will not let them covet anything and everything in their gluttonous aspirations to hoard everything.

When it come to Voting... the wealthy have always controlled and told the poor whites among them how to vote and demanded they do so as told, by every conceived means that can be used to direct them.

We've watched them for the past 11.5 yrs... with an ingrained motivation to "Attack".. with hope and aim to deny something to others, while they spin in worshiping the wealthy white men who dominate over them... and they will accept despair and destitution to try and gain praise from the wealthy white men who control them.

We see it with Trump... the treasonous and subversive mad man, and these types cast a blind eye and try and hide behind denying what is overtly know and visible. He flips his lips spewing vile and belligerence, and the more vile and the more belligerent he becomes, the more they devote themselves unto him. They no longer have any concern for American Governance, they have Worship of Trump... and a desperation to submit themselves to Authoritarian Tyranny from their Worshipped Idol of Greed, Malice, Mayhem, Inhumanity, and Promotions of Divineness and Hate.

The Democrats as a Political Part of Today... have no interest in suppressing the vote, nor repressing the voter. Democrats are pursuing means to make a fair election.

All the while Republicans try and dismantle the Postal System, remove Postal Boxes and Tow Postal Trucks away from their staging yard, and handicap the workforce by every means they can conjure up. The Republican Senate sits back with silence as a endorsement for such vile and madness.

The history of right wing minded confederate groomed white people have a long history of voter repression, from the very beginning of America, in denying the vote to women, and not even considering to allow blacks and other non whites to vote, and repressing poor whites by claiming if they are not landowners, they have no right to vote. Right This Very Day and Time, There is Voter Right Legislation, being held up by Republicans. There should never have been a need to have such legislation if these types of white men had respected ALL American people by the values laid out in the Declaration of Independence...

Voter suppression has haunted America since it was founded

... systemic voter suppression in the United States marked by poll taxes, literacy tests, and violence directed toward Black people who attempted to vote. But this wasn’t the first time in U.S. history that those in power have disenfranchised others who they feared would wrest it away—nor was it the last.

Ever since the Constitution was written, some of the nation's leaders have sought to deny the vote to those who might wrest their power away.

After Democratic President Lyndon Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act,

Southern Democrats defected in great numbers to the Republican Party and the political parties realigned.

In recent decades, Republican-led state legislatures nationwide have introduced a variety of new restrictions, which make it more difficult to cast a vote.
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California Primary in March - 70,000 mail in ballots were thrown out because signatures didn't match or no signature all. How many criminal investigations were started in regard to those 70,000 ballots?

That's not fraud, that is just people not following procedure.
That's not fraud, that is just people not following procedure.

Why would you think that and not think fraud? It's just as, if not more than likely fraud.
Why would you think that and not think fraud? It's just as, if not more than likely fraud.

Because fraud requires intent instead of people just not following instructions properly.

High Number Of Mail-In And Absentee Primary Ballots Rejected : NPR

Election experts said first-time absentee voters are much more likely to make the kinds of mistakes that lead to rejected ballots. Studies also show that voters of color and young voters are more likely than others to have their ballots not count.

Most absentee or mail-in ballots are rejected because required signatures are missing or don't match the one on record, or because the ballot arrives too late.

"If something goes wrong with any of this, that's a problem writ large, but it's also going to be one that hits some populations of the United States a bit harder than others, potentially disenfranchises different groups of folks at higher rates," said Rob Griffin of the Democracy Fund, which is conducting a sweeping survey of the 2020 electorate with researchers at UCLA.

This sort of phenomenon has already been studied and is seen by expert as people not being used to the procedure, especially with a high number of people doing this for the first time.

Basically, its this year's "hanging chad"

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