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Do you support this law which regulates men's erections? (1 Viewer)

Do you support the bill in the article?

  • I'm a man: I'm fine with this waste of time/money

    Votes: 5 14.3%
  • I'm a man: I find this offensive and a "tit for tat" useless bill

    Votes: 16 45.7%
  • I'm a man: I support this bill

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • I'm a woman: I'm fine with this waste of time/money

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • I'm a woman: I find this offensive and a "tit for tat" useless bill

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a woman: I support this bill

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Other: Explain

    Votes: 9 25.7%

  • Total voters


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Oct 12, 2009
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The Dayton Daily News said:
By Jackie Borchardt, Columbus Bureau Updated 11:53 PM Saturday, March 10, 2012

COLUMBUS – Before getting a prescription for Viagra or other erectile dysfunction drugs, men would have to see a sex therapist, receive a cardiac stress test and get a notarized affidavit signed by a sexual partner affirming impotency, if state Sen. Nina Turner has her way.

The Cleveland Democrat introduced Senate Bill 307 this week.

A critic of efforts to restrict abortion and contraception for women, Turner says she is concerned about men’s reproductive health. Turner’s bill joins a trend of female lawmakers submitting bills regulating men’s health. Turner said if state policymakers want to legislate women’s health choices through measures such as House Bill 125, known as the “Heartbeat bill,” they should also be able to legislate men’s reproductive health. Ohio anti-abortion advocates say the two can’t be compared.
Heartbeat bill sponsor Rep. Lynn Wachtmann, R-Napoleon, said comparing his bill to Turner’s would be like comparing apples to bananas. The Heartbeat bill would prohibit abortion once a heartbeat is detected, as early as six weeks into a pregnancy.
“I understand some women think my bill is a personal affront,” Wachtmann said. “Protecting the unborn — to compare this to Viagra is not even related.”
Under Senate Bill 307, men taking the drugs would continue to be tested for heart problems, receive counseling about possible side effects and receive information about “pursuing celibacy as a viable lifestyle choice.”
Bill introduced to regulate men's reproductive health

Word of note: This law would seriously impinge drugs like viagra which are allowed for use in the penal system by prisoners unless an exception was made.

Take the poll.... for or against or will you cop out and choose "Other"? :wink:
We gone down the goddamned rabbit hole. Who decided that acting ridiculous and idiotic and wasting tax payer money was the best form of equality protest?!
Never been a fan of these meds anyway. If you really NEED it that much, why shouldn't you be going to a medical professional first?
Never been a fan of these meds anyway. If you really NEED it that much, why shouldn't you be going to a medical professional first?

a medical professional is the one who prescribes it.
Bill introduced to regulate men's reproductive health

Word of note: This law would seriously impinge drugs like viagra which are allowed for use in the penal system by prisoners unless an exception was made.

Take the poll.... for or against or will you cop out and choose "Other"? :wink:

I would only support things like this in states which have gone down the road in terms of women's health. If a state requires ultrasounds or other similar procedures for abortion or whatever, then making a similar law for men only makes sense. Once the can of worms is open, then it should be taken to that logical point, if only to remove the incentive of opening the can of worms. It's kinda a neccessary evil. In absolute terms however, the government does not belong making any kinds of laws for men or women.
Why not? Hit the old white boy legislative cabal where it hurts and maybe they'll stop the war on women.

Besides, I ever needed viagra I a couple of hours from Mexico.
a medical professional is the one who prescribes it.

True. The question is then.... How many of these prescriptions are being written without first checking for alternative methods of dealing with the issue? My guess (based on my own medical history, which does not include this particular issue) is that these doctors are in the "Medicate First, Deal with the problem later, if ever." mindset.
I would only support things like this in states which have gone down the road in terms of women's health. If a state requires ultrasounds or other similar procedures for abortion or whatever, then making a similar law for men only makes sense. Once the can of worms is open, then it should be taken to that logical point, if only to remove the incentive of opening the can of worms. It's kinda a neccessary evil. In absolute terms however, the government does not belong making any kinds of laws for men or women.

I tend to go to the opposite extreme. I'd like to see these "voluntary" medications and procedures made much more difficult and time-consuming to get for the most part. Especially if the individual is expecting their insurance company or the general public to pick up the tab for them.
True. The question is then.... How many of these prescriptions are being written without first checking for alternative methods of dealing with the issue? My guess (based on my own medical history, which does not include this particular issue) is that these doctors are in the "Medicate First, Deal with the problem later, if ever." mindset.

i really have no idea. my personal dr is exceptionally careful about what she prescribes. for men of a certain age, it's a natural decline in testosterone. you're probably not there yet. dieseases that can cause erectile dysfuntion are pretty apparent. diabetes, etc, so probably a dr would be aware.
Ovulation and pregnancy are natural processes of a woman's body, no drugs or medical procedures are needed to correct them as deficiencies. Authors of the ultrasound bills are not arbitrarily restricting a woman's access to abortion, it was done from the principaled stance that a woman ought to be fully aware that the fetus she chooses to terminate is a living being.

Erectile dysfunction is a real problem for some men and it makes a mockery of the struggle some men have with this by using it as a political football. Men already have to be evaluated by their doctors to receive the prescription, so there is no medically or socially justifiable reason to play this game.

That said, I would wager about 95% of the ED drugs being sold are being used men that want to have more sex rather than to have sex at all. And with ED drugs being so easily available over the internet with no prescription, most men would not be affected by it whatsoever.
i really have no idea. my personal dr is exceptionally careful about what she prescribes. for men of a certain age, it's a natural decline in testosterone. you're probably not there yet. dieseases that can cause erectile dysfuntion are pretty apparent. diabetes, etc, so probably a dr would be aware.

You're very fortunate. I'm actively searching for a new Primary Care Doctor because the guy I've been going to has really shown me that he would rather write a prescription for the symptoms rather than finding and fixing the problem. I know of quite a few people who have that issue with their doctors these days.

These drugs are not a NEED. They are a WANT. In order to get them there should be some hoops to jump through.
You're very fortunate. I'm actively searching for a new Primary Care Doctor because the guy I've been going to has really shown me that he would rather write a prescription for the symptoms rather than finding and fixing the problem. I know of quite a few people who have that issue with their doctors these days.

These drugs are not a NEED. They are a WANT. In order to get them there should be some hoops to jump through.

i don't know, sex is a natural part of our lives. why should we have to jump through hoops to enjoy it? most drs would not prescribe them unless a person was relatively healthy. your dr is doing you a disservice though.
Men should never be imprisioed...why do we insist on creating problems ?
Now, of course, a prisoner should receive NOTHING ....They must grow their own wheat and dig for their water....and this from a "liberal"....
Seriously, if this drug is that dangerous, then these precautions must be undertaken...
No precautions (a medical $$$$$ visit ) ?? , then no "luxury".
I don't care what kind of sexual dysfunction drugs men take. I just don't support the idea that other members of society should be required to pay for them.
Bill introduced to regulate men's reproductive health

Word of note: This law would seriously impinge drugs like viagra which are allowed for use in the penal system by prisoners unless an exception was made.

Take the poll.... for or against or will you cop out and choose "Other"? :wink:
It's a pretty amusing response to abortion regulations, but not that effective or accurate of an analogy. The regulations on abortion are for the protection of the child/fetus/zef/etc, not so much for the mother.

The analogy to contraceptives is a little closer, but I don't know of any regulations on access to birth control that are near as stringent as these.
i don't know, sex is a natural part of our lives. why should we have to jump through hoops to enjoy it?

At a certain point Mother Nature and Father Time take the bullets out of the gun and/or put a kink in the barrel. That's nature's/Fate's way of saying "You had your chance to reproduce, now move on with life."

most drs would not prescribe them unless a person was relatively healthy.

It's not a matter of health. In my mind it's a matter of NEED versus WANT.
At a certain point Mother Nature and Father Time take the bullets out of the gun and/or put a kink in the barrel. That's nature's/Fate's way of saying "You had your chance to reproduce, now move on with life."

It's not a matter of health. In my mind it's a matter of NEED versus WANT.

that's kinda silly.......mother nature gives us cancer too.
that's kinda silly.......mother nature gives us cancer too.
Yes, she and the Fates conspire to do a lot of things to us. The important this is how we respond to those things. For example, I have severe glaucoma as one of the complications of my birthmark. It's been regulated with surgery and medication. Now, if 10 yeras down the road the prescribed treatment for glaucoma becomes medicinal marijuana my glaucoma will eventually leave me blind because I will not use it under any circumstances. My response to any form of terminal cancer would be one lead/copper pill straight to the brain. I saw what my father went through and there's no way in Hell that I'll do that to myself.
Bill introduced to regulate men's reproductive health

Word of note: This law would seriously impinge drugs like viagra which are allowed for use in the penal system by prisoners unless an exception was made.

Take the poll.... for or against or will you cop out and choose "Other"? :wink:

allowed for use in the penal system? as in, guys in jail?

No way should that be allowed.

and why should the state government decide what has to be done before a medication can be prescribed for those of us not doing time? What's next, having to see your state senator instead of a doctor for meds?

Maybe we'd be better off if the legislators would work on balancing the budget instead of passing absurd laws.
From the article: "Heartbeat bill sponsor Rep. Lynn Wachtmann, R-Napoleon, said comparing his bill to Turner’s would be like comparing apples to bananas." Gosh, Lynn even got the fruit wrong. It's Bananas and Peaches, just look at them.
The bill doesn't propose a law which regulates men's erections? They are free to have erections. God didn't intend men to procreate when they get old, i.e. it's as God intended...
The bill doesn't propose a law which regulates men's erections? They are free to have erections. God didn't intend men to procreate when they get old, i.e. it's as God intended...

God has given man a brain to invent and improve their life... viagra is as God intended.
God has given man a brain to invent and improve their life... viagra is as God intended.
Oh, I see. Then so are birth control pills. They sure did improve my life.

BTW, we will be visiting our first grand baby this week!
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Oh, I see. Then so are birth control pills. They sure did improve my life.

BTW, we will be visiting our first grand baby this week!
[/quote] Sure it includes BC pills, and flu shots, and polio vaccines... all as God intended. The question is, why is government involving themselves?

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