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Do You Eat Junk Food? (1 Viewer)

Do You Allow Your Kids To Eat Junk Food?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Sometimes

    Votes: 9 60.0%

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Stigmatized! End R Word!
DP Veteran
Mar 8, 2008
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Very Liberal
Do you eat junk food? Do you let your kids eat junk food?
I'm surprised I'm not obese by the sheer amount I eat and I was raised on chocolates and sweets, don't have any but I would not allow my children to have the same amount I had. I'd still allow them to have it tho.
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Nope, not since I got diabetes. And since I'm eating healthy (yuck), I've shed 40 lbs.

For free.
Yes, gotta have 'em Doritos's at some point in the day e'reday.
Not really. I still drink soda, but it isnt often and I have candy occasionally (Im allergic to lactose so it limits my consumption). I've really lost my taste for fast food since I stopped eating it and I dont really like chips (unless I make them).

The "junk foodiest" I tend to go is Chex Mix and Beef Jerky
I had ben and jerry's ice cream the other day. It was super good. I had new york super fudge chunk. mmm...
I love junk food.
Yes I do on occasion, and I buy my own with my own money when I do. :)

Hell it depends on what you mean, according to some food nazi's EVERYTHING is junk food except brussel sprouts. {bleah}
Yes, more often than I should. I'm trying to lose weight, so I'm trying not to, but damn it's hard.

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