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DNC Day 2 (1 Viewer)


*probably reading smut*
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Mar 25, 2010
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Libertarian - Right
I saw on the news this morning that they're building a new wall.... or reinforcing the wall ... or adding to the wall around the convention center.
They're requiring photo ID to enter, too.
I saw on the news this morning that they're building a new wall.... or reinforcing the wall ... or adding to the wall around the convention center.

Just like Paul Ryan! A wall for me but not for thee!!
They're requiring photo ID to enter, too.


I'd sue right now. Hell, Jame O'Keefe's people outta do that... sue them on the same ground they oppose suh for voting.
Sally Kohn, apparently having not watched a moment of yesterday's proceedings:

We are not the party that shouts people down. We're the party of respect, the party that listens to people.

#DemsInPhilly #DemConvention
They're requiring photo ID to enter, too.

Wait, what? What about all of those disenfranchised minorities and senior citizens???
I'm ready for Day 2, ya'll! Let's see what awaits us all today!
Don't, unless you want to. :)
I've also heard that I think tomorrow or Thursday, another leak will drop and maybe the last in October.

Nah, I'm not. At the most I'm probably just gonna grab a pillow and squeeze it really hard.

Or maybe I'll just punch it, idk. I'm not the rioting type. I'm too lazy for that. :)
Yea, it's a load of bull****.

From the DNCs point of view, if they vote her in now, and **** hits the fan later they look worse than they would have had they voted at the normal time. And if it doesn't hit the fan later, they still look worse off for rushing the vote out of obvious fear of everything unraveling.

But from Shillary's point of view this is what is best for her. It will be easier for her to get the nomination now, behind closed doors, and defend it later if she ends up chin deep in her own ****. Where as if the **** comes before she is voted in, it becomes less and less likely she will be.

So whether its the DNC pushing this or Shillary herself, it almost certainly being done solely for the benefit of her majesty.

When a DNC chair announces she is stepping down in disgrace the weekend before the convention, why on earth would she be allowed to remain chair throughout the convention and step down afterwards? The bias didn't end when she was proven biased.
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Don't forget. Tonight theme is "A lifetime of fighting for children and families". Yes, tonight is the night that Hillary trots out her props - all the mothers of blacks who died at the hands of white people, like Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown and Eric Garner. They will be joined by her husband (the first black President) and I'm sure we will be treated to their stories of woe, and everyone from Clinton herself to the former First Black President to the drooling audience will agree in unison about how mean white people are to blacks, and how Hillary will stop all of these injustices. I wonder if as a bonus Michael Brown's mother will bring her husband to regale us with his chants of "Burn this mother****er down".

Notably absent will be any white mothers to talk about their struggles to raise their children, put good food on the table, find sustainable and well paying work, and so on. Notably absent will be any mothers who immigrated to this country, worked their assess off to get ahead, managed to get their children to work so hard that they won scholarships to MIT and Cal Tech.
From the DNCs point of view, if they vote her in now, and **** hits the fan later they look worse than they would have had they voted at the normal time. And if it doesn't hit the fan later, they still look worse off for rushing the vote out of obvious fear of everything unraveling.

But from Shillary's point of view this is what is best for her. It will be easier for her to get the nomination now, behind closed doors, and defend it later if she ends up chin deep in her own ****. Where as if the **** comes before she is voted in, it becomes less and less likely she will be.

So whether its the DNC pushing this or Shillary herself, it almost certainly being done solely for the benefit of her majesty.

When a DNC chair announces she is stepping down in disgrace the weekend before the convention, why on earth would she be allowed to remain chair throughout the convention and step down afterwards? Because the bias didn't end when she was proven biased.

Well, I'm hoping the 2nd round of **** hits, right before she's scheduled to speak.
It takes about a day or two to sort through all that information to find really good stuff.

Only thing I'm kinda worried about is maybe the Gov somehow pulls the plug on their server before it goes live.
So much for transparency.

they have to maintain the appearance of flowers and butterflies, you know.

their convention is going to be different from the one that happened in Cleveland last week, after all...

even if they have to crack a few eggs to make it so.
Don't forget. Tonight theme is "A lifetime of fighting for children and families". Yes, tonight is the night that Hillary trots out her props - all the mothers of blacks who died at the hands of white people, like Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown and Eric Garner. They will be joined by her husband (the first black President) and I'm sure we will be treated to their stories of woe, and everyone from Clinton herself to the former First Black President to the drooling audience will agree in unison about how mean white people are to blacks, and how Hillary will stop all of these injustices. I wonder if as a bonus Michael Brown's mother will bring her husband to regale us with his chants of "Burn this mother****er down".

Notably absent will be any white mothers to talk about their struggles to raise their children, put good food on the table, find sustainable and well paying work, and so on. Notably absent will be any mothers who immigrated to this country, worked their assess off to get ahead, managed to get their children to work so hard that they won scholarships to MIT and Cal Tech.

Tres, you have to understand that we white people have all the power and privelege, and the minorities don't.

Well, that would be the case you if ignore the fact that we have a Black President, so many black congressmen/congresswomen, black Supreme Court Justices, major black entertainers, black scientists, sucessful black businessmen, etc. etc.

And also if you ignore all the poor white people living in Appalachia in trailer parks that have no opportunities going for them at all.
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Well Tres, you have to understand that we white people have all the power and privelege, and the minorities don't.

Well, that would be the case you ignore the fact that we have a Black President, so many black congressmen/congresswoman, black Supreme Court Justices, major black entertainers, black scientists, etc. etc.

And also if you ignore all the poor white people living in Appalachia in trailer parks that have no opportunities going for them at all.

I'm prepared to back you for president.

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