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Did you vote in the 2016 primaries? (1 Viewer)


Exposing GOP since 2015
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Jan 21, 2013
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It's an interesting question since there is so much negativity about the race and the state of the government itself. Many people have different reasons for not voting. I feel disenfranchised this election because I don't like anybody running right now, and the horrible choices this time leads me without a voice in the primary season which I usually always do vote in.
Did not vote. Couldn't vote is more like it.
I am not a registered D or R.

I'm a registered Independent. Therefore, no primaries for me.
Yes I did.
Did not vote. Couldn't vote is more like it.
I am not a registered D or R.

I'm a registered Independent. Therefore, no primaries for me.

Same for me. The way it looks, our votes don't matter much anyways. If the primaries were open here, I would have voted for Sanders. It wouldn't have changed the corrupted game one bit.
Threw the ballot into the trash can along with other junk mail.
Yup. Me and the missus both.

Turns out, if we had been Clinton supporters, I could have registered my 3 and 5 year old to vote for her too, but we're Sanders people and were lucky to make it in the building.
I voted in the primary, I voted for Cruz.
Yes, for the first time in a long time, if ever (my memory fails me) I voted in the Democratic primary. I am not a Democrat. I support candidates, not parties. But this time around a candidate I liked happened to be running as a Democrat so I voted in their primary. If in some freak set of circumstances Bernie had run as a Republican, I would have voted in the Republican primary.
My state held their delegate selections at the state GOP convention, so I did not vote. I also did not vote in 2012's Presidential primary, because my state had a GOP caucus, and I would rather do my voting in private.
I voted. Wanted to vote for Bernie over Hillary, but all the local primary races (which are more important to me) were on the republican side. For all practical purposes the republican primary determines who will win the general election in the local races. I love being in an open primary state, that being said if they made me register to vote I'd have to register republican. The only contested democratic races on our primary ballot were for the president and a democratic challenger to an incumbent governor.
Did not vote. Couldn't vote is more like it.
I am not a registered D or R.

I'm a registered Independent. Therefore, no primaries for me.

Same for me. The way it looks, our votes don't matter much anyways. If the primaries were open here, I would have voted for Sanders. It wouldn't have changed the corrupted game one bit.

I'm registered Independent, but can choose a ballot to vote on. I chose Democratic this time. Voted for Bernie.
Yes, for Rubio. (I am not a Republican, but MA has semi-open primaries)
Yes and it was a pain the ass. The caucus location is walking distance from my house, but the line was literally a mile long, so it took hours.
It's an interesting question since there is so much negativity about the race and the state of the government itself. Many people have different reasons for not voting. I feel disenfranchised this election because I don't like anybody running right now, and the horrible choices this time leads me without a voice in the primary season which I usually always do vote in.

Yes I did
If I do vote today in the primaries, it will be a write-in with my own name.

I doubt I'll make the effort to vote, though.
I switched to Democrat from Independent registration so that I could vote in the PA primary for Sanders.

I haven't switched back yet, and I'm curious how many more emails various democrat party groups are going to send me asking me (sometimes it seems like begging) to become a member of their organization and donate money to them.

Edit: I went in the afternoon before work, and there was basically no line at all.
Additionally, my region is heavily conservative/republican, or appears to be based on the voting results I looked up the next day.
It's an interesting question since there is so much negativity about the race and the state of the government itself. Many people have different reasons for not voting. I feel disenfranchised this election because I don't like anybody running right now, and the horrible choices this time leads me without a voice in the primary season which I usually always do vote in.

I voted for John Kasich in the Virginia primary.
Here in Iowa we had our caucuses back in February, but our primary is today. I just got back from voting a few minutes ago.

I'm normally "no party", but as some of you may remember I changed to Dem just so I could experience a caucus. I got lazy and hadn't changed back yet, and actually had an interest in one of the races, so I went ahead and voted.

Now I have to remember to switch back to "no party".
My state held their delegate selections at the state GOP convention, so I did not vote. I also did not vote in 2012's Presidential primary, because my state had a GOP caucus, and I would rather do my voting in private.
Yeah. I experienced a caucus for the first time this year, and while I found it intellectually interesting, I wasn't all that impressed. Of the two methods, I'd prefer a regular primary.
I did not vote in the primaries, and I will not vote on the national level.

I will vote for local officials where I can go face to face with them if they screw up.

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